Arc 4- Chapter 2

*Starfire's Pov*

I smiled and moved my character around the forest as I collected some logs.

"Star, did you decide not to capture the female lead again?" Little que asked innocently.

"Nope, I just have to prepare the place for her capture," I replied as I smiled sweetly.

I continued going around with my work when I vaguely heard Little que muttering about how I was never normal.

I smiled and finally finished collecting the logs and other materials I needed to make a good sketchy-looking cottage. I then built the cottage and bought the abductors' package that consisted of a black mask, knives, a big sack, an axe and a cloak that masked a player's identity.

'Little que, isn't it weird that this game has an abductors' package already ready. It is like they actually want people to abduct each other,' I said telepathically to Little que as I wore the cloak in the game and armed my character.

'Well... I guess that was made for the male lead?' He said with an unsure tone almost questioning his own words, shrugging as he re-entered my mind.

[It seems this world was just tailored for the main leads. It didn't care about any plot holes and just did what it could to bring the main leads together.]

I nodded and moved my character, now fully equipped for an abduction, away from the forest.

'So where is Lisa, the female lead?' I asked and Little que showed a map of the game in my head with Lisa's location blinking on a spot near my location.

I moved my character directly to the spot showed on Little que's map and got to the location to see Lisa in a battle.

'Oh~ A battle seems fun, I should join~' I giggled and Little que groaned in frustration but didn't say anything.

{I give up on this host. She can just do whatever she wants}

I joined the fight as Lisa slashed one demon that was at level 4.

'Oh, she should be at level 40 at least. I wonder what level exactly she is at this point,' I assessed before smiling. 'I have changed my mind, I will just watch the fight and access her level,' I casually jumped on a tree and watched the fight from above.

Lisa fought 5 level 4 demons using combo moves to take them all out when a level 5 demon appeared.

A text appeared above the level 5 demon as it moved in to fight Lisa.

'Ooh, this got interesting. I need some popcorn,' I ordered some in-game popcorn for and ate as I kept watching.

[Ho- Star... What is the use of that popcorn? It isn't even real.]

'Poor innocent Little que, it seems I need to educate you. Popcorn isn't just merely meant for eating. It is the international symbol for watching an interesting drama! Popcorn heightens the fun and makes the drama worthwhile!' I explained to him seriously as I waved the popcorn around, showcasing its amazing self.

[Oh... I see... That makes so much sense and makes buying fake popcorn useful.] He said sacarstically as he rolled his eyes.

'Come on, don't be so unenthusiastic~ Hopefully I will see a good fight even if they are both weak,' I ate more popcorn and watched as Lisa slashed at the demon and he dodged it. They kept fighting, attacking and dodging blows.

'Hmm, if Lisa wins this fight, she would probably level up and then I would be able to see what level she is on, right Little que?~'

[...] Little que stayed silent as he looked at me with a blank expression and I rose a brow at him.

[Star... You could just ask me what level she is and you wouldn't need to go through this stress -_-]

'I know that but that would be less dramatic and fun,' I winked at him as he facepalmed.

[I should have known. Just keep doing whatever you want to do, Star.] He said with a defeated tone as he waved me off.

I smiled as I left him alone. I really do love annoying him~

I looked back down at the fight to see Lisa doing a combo move that finally killed the demon.

The text appeared as Lisa's character's level increased to level 55.


Little que stayed silent.


I stayed silent.


Even in my mind.

I got off the tree and walked to Lisa.


I couldn't take it. I had to ask.

"Why, just why did you give your character that name?!"

[It is almost as if she knew the story's name. This is so awkward. I mean, who gives their character names like that?] Little que finally regained his ability to speak and started ranting.

'Little que, aren't you meant to have known about her name though if you checked this world well enough?' I asked, rolling my eyes.


{I didn't... I was too lazy... Yes, I admit it, I have gotten lazy. I should probably say something to divert her attention.}

[Umm, Star, Lisa has already replied! Quickly answer her before she thinks you are weird.]

{Though it isn't like you aren't weird but at least this is a reasonable excuse.}

I rolled my eyes again at Little que before looking at the text Lisa sent.


'I see why some elfs and demons thought she was arrogant...'

"Well, I will just do what I came here for then," I said casually as I brought out my sack.

I grinned evily as I pulled the sack over her head and captured her before she could run away.

'Hehehe, too easy. Now to take her to the cottage~' I hummed as I pulled the sack over my shoulder and skipped back to the forest.

[Excellent work, Star!]

'I know~' I simply answered as I giggled.

{I feel like I should think my host is scary for doing this but that female lead... her name deserves this!}