Arc 4- Chapter 8

*Starfire's Pov*

I removed the ice pack from my hand, stretching my hands and cracking my knuckles as I got ready to kick Malcolm out.

"That's enough chips you're stealing," I leaned on the cupboard door, stopping him from taking more.

Malcolm looked at me innocently, his hands completely full with different snacks- including my lollipops.

'This dude had the audacity to take more than chips???' I was flabbergasted.

"Oh, aren't you meant to still be resting-" I cut him off, dragging him by the collar to the door. He was so surprised he didn't even resist.

I opened the door and pushed him out. "You go to the store and buy me twice the amount of snacks you took, including an apology card, ok?" I slammed the door in his face before he could even answer.

I rested on the door, happy to finally be rid of him, 'That annoying leecher-'

[Um... Star.. aren't you worried he would notice that you care about snacks more than the original Amelia?]

'Shush. He hasn't seen her for a while. She could always have developed this obss- love for her snacks during that period so it should be alright.'

[So you admit it's an obsession?]

'When did I say that?'


{#My host is too good at feigning ignorance#}

I locked the door before going to the gaming room. 'I wonder if that female lead has logged in yet. That would be too quick though...' I mused, logging into the game.

My character appeared in the middle of my castle and saw my butler... being a butler.

"What are you doing?" I typed in curiously.

He was standing in a proper pose, a napkin on his arm as he held a platter that was covered up in a fancy way. The castle also looked like it had just been cleaned.

"You didn't spend the day leveling up?"

'That's quick... The last time I saw him, he was still in level 7, no?'

I checked his level in my pet profile and saw he was already in level 20. He was on par with me already.

"How did you level up so quick?"

'That's not what I asked. Little que, tell me, what did he do.'

[It seems he was leveling up constantly since you left and... found a rare power-up?] He paused, seeming like he was confirming something before he spoke again. [That's odd, the power-up isn't meant to be available until the male and female lead get together and use it to get stronger]

'A butterfly effect or a glitch?'

[I'm not quite sure Star. Let me put it in a form to the higher-ups]

"I see, that's a good butler," I patted his head and he smiled.

Weirdly enough, his affection didn't increase.

'Aww, how cute~'

"Should we go play together, my pet?~"

He nodded then paused, having recalled something.

He opened the cover on the platter revealing some round colourful... biscuits? I rose a brow but took one. Of course I didn't know how it would actually taste like in real life so the event was quite anti-climatic.

[What is the use of making a snack you can't taste?]

'Oh hush, Little que. It's the thought that counts.'

[... Sure Star]

'Plus, who knows how the in-game pets actually taste the snacks. It could actually taste like something to them,' I shrugged as I ate one more before stopping.

"Thanks Alfred but I have to go check if a little mouse has sneaked in yet~" I typed in, getting ready to leave.

He bowed, giving me a charming smile before putting the biscuits into a makeshift snack bag.

'Oh? He knows I like snacking while spyi- watching shows?'

[Well, you were spyin-watching while he kidnapped the female lead anyway]

'True,' I hummed as Alfred handed me the snack bag, 'and he is developing a "polite yet cheeky" attitude now that he's at this level of awareness. How interesting."

I walked through the forest, using the 'find any player you want' item to trace Lisa.

[This game really has everything you need]

'It does~'

I heard some digging noises and stopped, jumping onto a treetop. I looked down and smiled.

'Found you, Lisa~'

There were several open holes around Lisa's character as she kept digging.

'What's she looking for?'

[It seems to be a powerup]

'Really? She's just casually looking for a powerup after her failed attempt at befriending the male lead?'

[It seems so?]

I chuckled, 'I didn't expect the hardworking Lisa to be searching desperately for an item to quickly level up. So much for not liking people who have shortcuts to power~'

[It does seem reasonable to look for powerups given how hard it is to catch up as a human... but given her prejudice, you're also right]

'Right? I wonder why she needs to level up so quickly after that embarrassing situation'

[I am also not quite sure. Perharps to make herself feel better?]

I hummed, watching her for a moment before smiling. 'I got an idea~'

I wore my abductor cloak disguise and jumped down from the tree, walking up to her.

"Hello." I poked her shoulder playfully and she jumped in shock.

"Do I? Mhm, maybe you met someone that has a similar appearance to me?" I asked casually, not seeming the least bit bothered by her words.

She paused before typing in again

"You ask a lot of questions." I smiled and looked her over before walking around the holes she made, "You are looking for the new powerup released?"

"Nothing," I shrugged, "Just wondering why someone so honourable like you usually rumoured to spend hours fighting and leveling up will be taking such a shortcut."

At my words, she fired up. Literally. It was like her character suddenly had flames around it as her eyes lit up.

"What makes you think I'm powerful?"

She looked at me calmly

I simply smiled, not confirming or denying anything.

"You are quite astute," I replied before smiling, "So were you looking for the new powerup?"

"Oh? I pray, do tell. Why are you searching for it?"

[Why are you acting sophisticated?]

'Am I not sophisticated?'


{Just my normal narcisstic host. Thinking of it though, Host is really good at distracting people. She didn't even answer any of Lisa's important questions directly}

"Oh? What if I want to help your cause, would you tell me?"

"I have 2 high-tier powerup I can give you but I have to be completely sure of what you are doing. Just to confirm if it's truly for our cause," I showed her the powerups and I could almost see the greed reflecting through the screen.

She stayed silent for a while before telling me her plan. I smiled internally, having used the record orb I brought in-game to record the whole conversation. Funny enough, my identity was well protected thanks to my disguise.

After giving her the powerups, we parted ways and I laid in a makeshift treehouse i made.

[I wonder how the female lead didn't even figure out that something was off]

'Haven't you noticed she has a one track mind?'


'She doesn't notice anything else when she is pursuing something. Her mind is only focused at one thing at a time,' I smiled, twirling the orb above my head, watching the light reflect off it.


'I should call Alfred to give this to Malcolm. This should seal off the main mission at the least.'

*Meanwhile, in the castle*

System 002 appeared before the butler and bowed.


Alfred(?) sat on the chair regally. His whole countenance had changed completely compared to how he was with Star. He simply glanced at the system before picking up one of the 'special snack' he had made for Star.

System 002 stood up and looked at the butler worried.

[Master, why are you acting so friendly to Starfire?]

He smiled, "I'm just doing what Head wants from me. Wasn't I made a mere pet and servant to Star as a punishment?" His smile turned into laughter. He kept laughing and System 002 just stared at him, her body tense as she wondered if he would snap.

He suddenly stopped laughing and said calmly, "If Head wants me to be a servant, I will be a servant... for now." He smirked, twirling the colourful biscuit in his hand. "I hope Star finds my snack most delightful."

[Mas-] She paused as Alfred got up.

"My 'Mistress' just called. Let's talk another time," he patted her head as he left the castle and she disappeared.

*Back at the treehouse*

Alfred appeared before Starfire and bowed, taking her hand in his as he gave it a little kiss.

He smiled.

"Yes, m'lady?"