
After moving to their new house, nothing much changed. Ayaan still trained like crazy in the foreign planes and watching him working hard Rebecca was also influenced by him.

Besides eating, washing and sleeping, the duo spent most of the time inside the other planes while training.

Ayaan already had enough credits to train both of them for a few months in those foreign planes. Moreover, he could always sacrifice some of his treasures to gain more credits. Therefore, he didn't think too much and trained together with his woman.

As for the shop, Ayaan decided to open it after the auction. And used this time in training himself. He had already wasted fifteen days of protection, and he was still on the lower level plane and wasn't able to open the other higher planes.

He thought the higher planes would open when he would break-through to the great-mage. However, he was already great-mage but the higher planes were still locked.

Moreover, he didn't receive any quest from the system, after it evolved into its second level. If there wasn't the second option to earn the credits, Ayaan would really die from anxiety. But he could already gain lots of credits from the treasure he found in the foreign lands. Therefore, he didn't care much about the quest.

He had the feeling that it would be long before he received any other quest from the system. His thoughts were that the system was still evolving and wasn't fully assimilated with the second component yet.

Nevertheless, he trained with Rebecca until the day of the auction, which had benefited both of them greatly. Moreover, Rebecca had decided to train the fire element and the space element.

Ayaan respected her choice and supported her. Anyways, more elements don't mean that mage would be more powerful. Rebecca was the phoenix, so she was naturally close to the fire element.

If she was to give up on the fire element, just because of the life element, that would be the most idiotic thing to do and the most disappointed person would definitely be Ayaan.

Moreover, the supreme elements were supreme just in name. The most important thing was compatibility with the element. If an element doesn't suit you, any basic element user could easily defeat a mage who is the user of the supreme element.

Ayaan already had lots of knowledge about the magic system of this world. Therefore, he was happy about Rebecca's decision.

After four days later, Ayaan ended his maniac training. It was because today was the day of the auction. And Ayaan could sense many powerful auras lurking in the city.

After devouring the souls of thousands of beasts in the foreign planes. Ayaan's soul power had already reached a horrifying level and his perception was already powerful enough to sense a few miles around him.

However, Ayaan didn't care much about these lurking auras in the surrounding, because he was confident to deal with them. Although he wasn't sure if someone more powerful than him would appear in the capital.

He was already thinking about going to the palace to search for Noor because he was more than confident in his strength now. But he wasn't sure about the realm of the king Alexander Noblesoar.

As a consequence, he decided to wait and try to win over the king. It's better to solve this matter peacefully, because he didn't want to make Noor sad, by beating her father white and blue.

'However, if push comes to shove, I won't see who is standing in front of me.' Ayaan thought and an evil smirk appeared at the corner of his lips.

Rebecca looked at his evil smile and knew that this was definitely planning something evil, However, she didn't ask because she was fully confident in him.

In the undead plane and other planes, she had seen how powerful he had become in this short amount of time and felt everything was just a dream and feared that everything would disappear when she opened her eyes.

Nonetheless, the duo didn't dwell by standing there and went to wash.

Tonight definitely won't be peaceful like usual. Anyways, he didn't care about anything, he would just get his money and stay out of everything. However, if there was any chance to befriend the member of the royal family, he definitely won't let go of such a chance...

The Royal Palace...

A lady was standing in front of the window of the luxurious room. Time to time her expression would change, at one second, it would be a sweet smile. Then, another second, it would turn into a deep frown.

The lady had long red hair, slim waist, well-developed chest and crimson red eyes — Yes, she was none-other than Noor.

While she was deep in thought, someone entered the room. Noor heard the sounds of footsteps and turned around to find a familiar face. A pleasant smile appeared on her face when she saw the newcomer.

"Isobel!" Noor called out excitedly and walked towards the lady who had just entered.

The lady smiled towards Noor when she heard her name, and walked towards the Noor with a slow pace.

Surprisingly, the newcomer wasn't anyone but Isobel. The manager of the Stolux chamber of commerce. If Ayaan knew about this he would be really shocked at this moment.

He had speculated, the lady was from the royal family, but he would never have thought that she was very close to Noor.

Noor smiled at the lady and asked, "Big sis, why did you come here today?"

"Can't I visit my sister?" Isobel said with a slight smile.

"Of course, you can, but aren't you going to hold an auction today? What are you doing here?" Noor replied hurriedly.

"Ah, yes, I came here for you. Are you interested in going to the auction? You don't go much outside, so I thought about bringing you along with me at the auction. You will feel refreshed after going out." Isobel said while visible worry could be seen on her face.

"Thanks for the invitation, but I will pass." Noor didn't think much before replying.

Isobel sighed after hearing her reply but didn't say anything. She was already aware of her sister's personality. Therefore, she also didn't push Noor to come with her.

Afterwards, Isobel looked at Noor with a serious expression and said, "That Daniel guy won't give up this easily. Even father thinks highly of him, but that fellow is really disgusting. He already has more than twenty wives but he still wants to marry my sister!"

Noor stayed silent all this time; however, she was determined to not marry that bastard. And that was the reason for her not going out from the royal palace.

Previously, wherever she went, that Daniel guy would appear and try to impress her with different methods. Finally, she started to stop going out, even if someone invited her, she would reject their offers politely.

Daniel's family was one of the most influential families in the kingdom. Moreover, there was a great mage senior in his family. Although he had broken-through not long before, no one could deny the credibility of the matter.

A great mage was completely on a different level than a high mage. Even a group of high-mages can't do anything to the great mage.

Due to that reason, King Alexander Noblesoar was determined to build a good relationship between the royal family and Daniel's family.

Sometimes, Noor even suspected that her father never sent anyone to search for Ayaan, but later denied her own prediction.

'Even her father wasn't a good father he would never lie to her in this matter when he knows how much I love Ayaan.' Noor thought.

Nonetheless, Isobel didn't stay much longer and said farewell to Noor. She still needed for the auction and only came here for Noor — a good sister indeed.

After Isobel left, Noor sighed deeply and continued to stand in front of the window. The room again fell into deep silence.

However, the capital wasn't silent anymore. The news about the adamantine had long spread around the city.

Even people from the neighbouring countries had started to arrive and many unknown people could be seen walking on the street.

Moreover, some of them were releasing a fierce aura from their bodies. When people notice such individuals they would immediately maintain their distance from these types of people.

Amidst this hustle-bustle, many rumours also started to spread around the capital.

On one street a group of people was gathered and excitedly talking about the auction.

"Do you know I heard that adamantine metal belongs to the Archmage senior." Suddenly a person in the group said in a hushed voice.

"I highly doubt the credibility of this information." Another man at the side sneered when he heard the man.

"Hmph! What do you know? Then, tell me who has the qualification to auction such a piece of treasure?" The first man replied in a similar manner, gaining the approval of other peoples present.

"Hmph! Do you think it's so easy to become an Archmage and he would even bother to come to this medium level kingdom? Idiots" After replying the man didn't stay with the group and disappeared amidst the crowd, leaving people stunned in the group.

After a few seconds later, an enraged expression appeared on their faces when they realised that he had just insulted every single one of them. However, there was no trace of the man to be found. Therefore, they had no choice but to swallow their humiliation.

Nonetheless, it was just an insignificant event in one of the streets. There were many these types of incidents happening in the capital.

Nevertheless, at this time, Ayaan exited his house while holding the hand of Rebecca. Unaware of the chaos, he had caused in the city with just a single piece of metal.