Demon Released!

When the king died, everyone lost their fighting spirit. Ayaan didn't even look at those people. Anyone who was in the conspiracy of Doham was already dead. And Ayaan didn't have any interest in massacring everyone in the city.

Ayaan looked at the corpse of the king and his attention stopped on the hand of the man, more specifically on the ring in his finger.

The skeleton sensed Ayaan's intent and tried to take out the ring from the finger but it was stuck. Therefore, the skeleton tore the finger for retrieving the ring.

All this time, no one said a thing, they were so horrified that they couldn't produce a single word at the moment. The fear of death was a frightening thing; anyone would lose his mind, facing death.

The undead army had already stopped its massacre. 

When the skeleton retrieved the ring, it went towards the place where Ayaan was hiding.

Immediately, every undead also went in that direction, as if attracted by a magnet.