
Everyone was in the same venue and Wu's tone wasn't quiet at all. All top clans turned in the main table direction, interested in the disagreement. 


A thin, soundproof barrier surrounded the main table as Wu and Master Dong had a stare-off, not even blinking as if testing who will crack first. 

"Miss Wu. You are not our boss. All of us are partners," Master Dong called out sternly. "If you kick one of us, you will have to kick us all. No one is going to cooperate with you if you threaten your partners. Once all of us are gone, the Trade Union will fall with us." 

"Oh, really? Are you sure?" Wu questioned while lifting her eyebrow and gazed at the rest of the partners. "Master Dong said you are willing to cancel all your partnership with Trade Union for him. Is that true?" 


No one spoke a thing, creating an awkward silence that ended with Master Dong warning.