Golden Wingwoman

'Huh?' Tianshi sounded out in Xuefeng's mind. 

He felt her squeeze his arm and then she closed her eyes. 

'I was about to tell you that our future with Sect Master Liu looks dim but… It suddenly changed,' Tianshi informed as she looked up, gazing as Golden Queen. 'Is it because of her?' 

The golden beauty brightened as they gazed at her and let go of her husband. She walked up to Xuefeng and sniffed from up close while watching his eyes. 

They could tell even Sect Master Liu was confused. 

"You smell like a Dragon, yet you don't have our bloodline," Golden Queen pointed out curiously. "How is it possible?" 

As she asked, multiple experts began to land on the Main Stage but nothing seemed to divert her attention, her gaze locked with Xuefeng as if she was a young teen curious about the world.