You Won't Even...

The massive wall of the Dwarf Kingdom was fully in ruins with all the buildings and its surroundings destroyed. Colorful flames burned everywhere, turning the place into living hell. In the midst of the fire hovered one figure, constantly swinging its wings as she scratched the gigantic entrance to the mountain. 

"It's Bella!" Wu exclaimed with concern, rushing towards the exit immediately. "Let's go!" 

"Miss Wu! Wait! It's dangerous!" her guards called out after her but Wu didn't give a damn. "What danger? It's my sister!" 

She swiftly flew out from the Flying Ship, heading straight towards the flaming Phoenix!

"Bella!!" Wu cried out from behind, causing Bella to freeze and turn around her massive head. She thought that Bella would be in a crazed mode, not even recognizing her but she was surprisingly level-headed.