Come Clean

"It took you a while to return." 

When Xuefeng came back to Katherine's bedroom, she was already waiting for him with a trap. Her shoes and dress were gone, replaced with his own white shirt she must have stolen from him. It was of course too big on her, but combined with her bare legs that rubbed together, she looked extremely sexy. 

"What stopped you for so long? Wu didn't want you to come?" Katherine questioned as she supported herself on her elbows. Her look reminded him of the sex-depraved Nuwa who couldn't wait for her sexy time anymore. 

"No, she was actually pretty chill," Xuefeng shook his head, walking up while slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Wu was busy chatting with Bella and they even asked him to give them some time to finish their gossiping. 

"It was Pearl that stopped me," he added with a smile, causing Katherine to lift herself abruptly. 

"Huh? What did you two talk about?" She asked suspiciously.