
'Here. I was talking about this.'

The Tenth Floor was much more crowded with many disciples sitting cross-legged on the floor but Xuefeng's group headed straight towards the end. Many rooms were already empty while others were eyed by hesitating disciples. Only one room didn't catch anyone's interest. 

'Looks like a metal fragment of some sort,' Xuefeng observed, watching a weirdly shaped object. 'It doesn't seem to be broken through.' 

'It isn't broken. It is actually a fragment of a certain Artefact but no one knows what kind,' Xinyu explained as she grabbed the corner of his shirt. 'Before you say anything, no, it's not good. There is a reason why they are called Cursed Fragments. Many tried to collect them all but failed.' 

'Huh? Why is it still here then?' Xuefeng asked confused.