Eat Me

'Is there really no other way?' Xuefeng wondered. 'It seems like those Cursed Fragments also react the same way.'

'Yeah, they don't want to accept someone this perverted,' Ming agreed, causing Xuefeng to roll his eyes.

'Since when am I perverted? I'm perfectly normal. It's you all who want to eat me whenever I'm close,' Xuefeng countered innocently. 

'So if I walk in front of you fully naked, you won't grab me and think of eating me?' Nuwa teased, causing Xuefeng's mind to wander. 

How could he not? Any of his wives were tempting enough full clothed. How could he resist if they seduced him with their sexy curves?

'I'm sure he is already ravaging Nuwa against the wall in his mind. Naughty,' Wen commented, catching him red-handed. 


They knew him too well!