Blessing in Disguise - Part 2

That sentence struck Jiao like a lightning. "Please, I will do anything!"

Jiao already lost all her hope. How could she not accept that offer?

"Good… I hope you won't regret your choice later on. Come inside." 

The door creaked at the female expert invite and opened just enough for Jiao to enter. Her body was hit with stale air, but compared to the toxic fumes, it was like fresh mountain air. Jiao didn't hesitate and slipped inside just before the toxic liquids touched her feet. 


The golden door shut down immediately after and the whole crypt slowly sank.

"Come over," the female expert commanded, the voice coming directly from the coffin. "I can save both of us." 

"Miss was alive this whole time?" Jiao questioned as she walked closer with no fear. That woman was her only chance of survival as she herself had no way of getting out.