Mermaid Queen (*)

"I was about to ask the same. I hope it was worth my time to meet with you," Xuefeng replied confidently. "Are you going to talk behind that curtain or come out to see me?" 

The Mermaid Queen responded with silence while her body didn't move an inch. Only after a moment did the curtain move as a graceful leg broke through. Xuefeng could barely get a glimpse of her soft thigh before the curtain closed and the Mermaid Queen returned to her pose.

The negotiations didn't even start yet this temptress was already trying to seduce him. 

"Your eyes couldn't help but follow my legs. Are you the same as every man and think with your lower body instead of your brain?" the Mermaid Queen teased before leaning back on the bed. "It's a shame. I thought you wouldn't be tempted by me this easily."