At the Verge of Success

The whole operation was a gamble but Xuefeng was a specialist in this field. He didn't need to use bluff when he had better cards in his hands. 

"I don't know what tricks you are using but my Master will never meet with you just because you want it. If she wanted to meet you, she would do it on her own," Thunder Goddess explained as she squinted her eyes at him. "You must have used a powerful Artefact to defend earlier. I can't believe you can repeat this feat one more time." 

She didn't give him time to reply and extended her arm, sending a beam of Golden Lightning at his chest. Xuefeng didn't move at all just as he proposed and held his arms behind his back. 

The outcome was similar with Xuefeng defending himself with a smile but this time Thunder Goddess didn't ignore him. She paid close attention to his actions and finally discovered his scheme.