Red Pill Effects (**)

"You know what, never mind. I want to stay on top," Mona commented without waiting for Xuefeng's reply and pushed him down as she ogled his body. "I want to watch and feel you all over when I'm riding you." 

"Hold on…" Xuefeng stopped her advance by grasping her thighs. "Don't you think we need to get to know each other better first? I should be a complete stranger to you, right?" 

Even though the mood and their position were pointing to an unavoidable pleasure, he still felt weird to rush so fast. She didn't even know his name and she already wanted to ride him. 

"Can't we talk while we are doing it?" Mona proposed as she squeezed him between her legs before rubbing up and down. "I think my sister ate something, causing my body to feel hot. If I don't calm down immediately, I think I will go crazy." 

She played with her tongue using two fingers and then covered his erect head with saliva.