Supreme War God

Xuefeng didn't know what to expect, but it definitely wasn't an instant rejection.

"I can imagine how those two fell for your sweet words, but I'm not as easy as them. Don't think I'll just throw myself at you just because you're handsome and strong. You'll need to put in much more effort to move my heart," Mona said, placing two fingers on his lips to stop his kiss. "I also don't like to display affection until I'm sure of my feelings. Right now, I'm only letting you touch me as payment for the blood, but at any other moment, you should keep your hands to yourself. If you're fine with that, I'll give you a chance."

"Of course, I'll respect your boundaries," Xuefeng nodded. "As I said, your comfort is most important, so if I ever cross the line, just let me know."