It's June 25th,Year 2030. The technology has advanced but humankind suffered. The world is in a really bad condition. War has waged upon the world,almost half the population has been killed. The cities are now lifeless and deserted. The world has been divided into two Factions: The Bloodborne and The Sylvesters. Both the Factions have frequent wars. The government still exists but it's of no relevance, it did help the normal people to have a home but it's really harsh out here.Now how did this all start?
It started 10 years ago
Year 2020 January 16, A start of a normal day.
My alarm clock rang, I slowly opened my eyes as I heard the calls of my mother.
Mom: "Ricky breakfast is ready!"
My mouth stretched up, I yawned as I heard my mother's calls, in a monotone voice I replied.
Ricky: "Alright, alright, I'm coming."
I'd rub my eyes as I changed out of my pajamas, I looked out of the window to see Shylia waiting for me, embarrassed for keeping them waiting, I closed my blinds and changed into my school uniform, heading downstairs.
Mom: "Eat breakfast before you go."
Ricky: "Got it!"
I didn't want to keep them waiting so I picked up my bag, quickly ate my toast and got on my bicycle, I then asked Shylia.
Ricky: "Hey where's Alex at?"
Shylia: "He got bored of waiting and went on to school."
I sighed, as we continued riding our cycles to school, I didn't really know what to say or how to start a conversation so I just stayed silent until we got to school. Getting off of my cycle I saw Alex hanging around the back of the school with a couple other people. I ran up to where he was and ended up seeing him vaping, this wasn't unusual, he tended to do stuff like this to separate himself from his father who was a noble police officer. The bell rang and Alex opened his bag to put his stuff back in, as he opened it I noticed an object, shaped like a gun, either he stole that from his father or no, of course not, it's just one of those phone cases.
First period was math, I headed to math class and sat down at my seat as Ms. Michelle started attendance. We were having a joint class with 8th graders since their teacher was absent and they were studying similar chapters.
Ms. Michelle: "Rami?"
There was no response. Rami was one of my friends, and her cousin Hyun had passed away, after this she shut herself in, and even though it's getting better, I can imagine it probably still hurts to think about it.
Ms. Michelle: "Ken?"
Ken: "Here."
Ms Michelle: "Ricky?"
Ricky: "Here."
The teacher continued to call names as I looked out the window, I realized that there were a lot of roadblocks near the road I usually take to go to school. I looked closer and saw that passed the roadblocks was a rural area and if gone deeper a forest, the forest seemed dense and massive, I looked further and I saw a place in which all the trees circled around a sandpit? Why? Out in the middle of a forest of all places, that had to be man made. So I raised my hand and asked a question.
Ricky: "Hey what's passed all those roadblocks?"
Ms. Michelle: "Ricky, are you even paying attention?"
A sigh left from Ms. Michelle's lips.
I'd lost track of time, attendance was long over and the lesson had started, I stayed silent, not aware of how I should respond to that.
Ms. Michelle: "Well if you want to know so badly then all I'll say is it's a place you shouldn't go, there's roadblocks for a reason."
As she finished saying this, Rami came into the class with a bright smile. I guess joining my group of friends really has let her cope.
Rami: "Sorry I'm late, I didn't kn-"
Just as Rami was gonna tell Ms. Michelle her reason for being late she got cut off by her.
Ms. Michelle: "Head to the principal's office, I don't tolerate easy going students!"
Rami's bright smile lit down as it turned into a frown, this made me slightly angry, she's just late, it's not that big of a deal. I hate teachers like this, maybe I just hate teachers in general.
During recess,
Rami: "Hey guys what's up."
I was relieved that she wasn't sad or angry about being yelled at by the teacher.
Ricky: "Well nothing much just eating our food."
Shylia: "Why don't you join us Rami."
Osa: "She'll be a bother."
Ricky: "Nah it'll be fine,You join us too."
Rami was Osa's little sister who was in 8th grade and Osa was our senior who was in 10th grade.And we were in 9th grade.
After some time, I decided to bring up what had been on my mind during math class.
Ricky: "Hey isn't it weird that there are a lot of roadblocks near the roads connecting the road by which we come to school?"
Rami: "Oh yeah it seems out of place."
Osa: "They're probably working on the roads."
Alex: "But all those roads at once?"
Shylia: "You guys are stressing on it too much."
Osa: "She's right."
Ricky: "I asked my teacher about it but she said it was dangerous."
Alex: "Then let's go!"
Ricky: "Hell yeah I'm up for it."
Shylia: "I'll pass."
Rami: "Ooh ooh count me in."
Osa: "I'm not into this useless shit."
Ricky: "Alright guys we do this today after school."
Alex: "Alright!"
Shylia: "Just so you guys know I'm not help responsible if you get in trouble."
Alex: "Yeah Yeah."
After classes we took our bicycles and started to explore the blocked roads.I rode on my bike with Rami and Alex was on his own.We moved the blockade and started exploring.
Ricky: "Hmm so far nothing..."
Rami: "What is this smell?"
After we advanced a bit far the place reeked of a very horrible smell.It smelled like dead burnt rats.
Alex: "I thought we might find some hot ladies over here but all we got is this horrible smell."
Ricky: "Really bruh?"
Ricky: "Rami are ya ok?Should we retreat?"
Alex: "Yes we should, this is a waste of our time."
Rami: "Nah, this is interesting, I want to see what's here."
Ricky: "We should at least advance a little further, I'm curious about this smell."
Alex: "Sigh,ok but if we don't find anything interesting you'll pay Ricky."
Ricky: "Fine Fine."
We advanced further,but saw something which was never expected.
Alex: "Woah,What the fuck is this?!"
Ricky: "That...looks like a hand."
Rami: "What the fuck?"
Ricky: "A chopped off burnt hand..."
Alex turned his head, seeing a dead burnt rat. He pointed at it and we looked in horror. However Rami's attention was on something different, something else, we all looked over to see what she was looking at.
Houses burnt and destroyed,Burnt corpses lying here and there.Some missing limbs.It was a horrifying sight.
Rami: "Please tell me this is just a horror movie set.."
Ricky: "I'm sorry but it doesn't seem like it."
Alex: "Uhm dude? Who are those guys?"
There were guys in radioactive suits who were putting the corpses in body bags.And there was an old man who was in a suit and had a clipboard and was smoking a cigar.It looked like he was ordering the men.
Ricky: "I..I don't know.."
Alex: "Wait is that Ms. Miche-"
Rami: "GET DOWN!"
Rami ducked down and we all followed her, looking over a railing to see what was going on, we crawled around, trying to get a better view, this was the sandpit I'd seen from way up there. I then thought to myself. Wait, why did Ms. Michelle know this place was dangerous? It must've just been instinct. Then Alex pointed out.
Alex: "I was going to say this earlier but Rami cut me off."
Rami: "Sorry, I panicked, I don't want them to see us."
Alex: "Its cool but why is Ms. Michelle there?"
This disturbed my thought, Ms. Michelle knew this place was dangerous, and she's here? Does she have something to do with these guys?
Ricky: "Not sure, but I remember her saying this place was dangerous, so maybe she has something to do with these guys."
Rami: "Not to go off topic, but who's that?"
Alex: "Where?"
Ricky: "Over there!"
I pointed towards a boy, he looked younger than us, he seemed to be watching these guys.
Alex: "Should we go over to him?"
Rami: "I don't think that's a good idea, what if he's related to these guys in some way."
Ricky: "Rami's right, thats a stupid idea Alex."
Alex: "Yeesh, no need to be so mean, if I didn't say it you would've eventually."
It appears we were talking too loud, because then the man in suit noticed us and gave us a deadly gaze. His eyes were bright red gazing at us piercing through our soul as if he's ready to kill us in an instant. That gaze made us all just freeze in horror. Then I quickly shook it off and tried to help Alex come back in consciousness, shook him vigorously. He came back conscious.The man in suit ordered his men to come after us.
We rode our bikes as fast as we can as if death was behind us.Well it was behind us quite literally ready to lunge in for its prey.
To be continued.....