Chapter 8: The hunt for an old friend

Year 2030, June 25th, 22:44,

It's a cold chilly night, with slight rain drizzling on Ricky's windows. Inside the room, Ricky was sitting in front of his computer with a concerned look on his face.

On Ricky's computer,

Agazed: "Well then, won't you like to know about the whereabouts of your friends?"

Ricky: "Yes...But why are you helping me?"

Agazed: "Because I need you to do something for me but that'll come later our first priority now should be to bring back your friends' memories."

Ricky: "Alright then tell me."

Agazed: "I have gathered intel that Alex is working in the Border patrol as a stealth scout, and Osayed is in his own mansion which he bought for his sister Rami and Shylia works in Fortune bank as a manager."

Ricky: "Ok then we should start by getting Alex."

A distorted voice spoke out from his computer


Ricky startled by the sound sprang off his seat.

"What the fuck?"

"Oh I ap-olo-gise, I should introduce my-self, My na-me is RT-432, I am mast-er Ag-azed's perso-nal AI, I wi-ll accompany you in th-is mi-ssion."

Ricky kind of confused said. "Uhm ok? But how will you accompany me? I don't have an AI core or any robot for you to be in."

RT-432 got a notification, "Message from master: Check outside your door Ricky, and don't worry I'll be keeping an eye on you all the time using RT."

Ricky walked to the door and opened it to see a parcel on the doorstep, with label "Don't worry its nothing suspicious just open it- Agazed"

Ricky checked if anyone was there except him and found no one so he took the box inside his room and locked the door. Ricky opened the box to see a small humanoid robot, a bit bigger than a person's palm. It was washed with white colour and had large round blue eyes.

RT-432 exclaimed, "Gre-at!"

Ricky knew how to set up an AI in a robot even though he never had any personal AI before so he set up RT-432 in the small robot.

"Well then let's switch this thing on.", said Ricky while switching on the robot.

The robot started running all around the room making a mess, it would specifically grab on to a ratchet in Ricky's messy bedroom and start waving it around as if it was a sword.

Ricky trying to catch RT-432. "Hey hold on RT-432 what are you doing?!"

RT-432 stopped and apologized. "I'm sorry master Ricky...It has been ages since RT-432 has been in a movable form."

"You don't need to call me master ya know, after all I'm not even your actual master. Anyways, it's nice to meet you Ratch!"

RT-432 gave Ricky a confused stare before saying "Ratch?"

Ricky would begin to explain himself. "Well, you seem to like ratchets and I've got to call you something a little more simple than RT-432."

Ratch put a finger to his chin. "Ratch huh." Suddenly, his face lit up, brimming with excitement! "Ratch! Yeah, Ratch's a good name! Setting name to 'Ratch'."

Ratch dropped the ratchet and began to run around Ricky's room, jumping up and down, densely packed with excitement!

Ricky's eyelids grew heavy, tired, he said."Now calm down Ratch, I need to do some work."

Ratch stopped jumping and saluted while saying. "Okay master! How can I help you?"

Ricky chuckled at Ratch's eagerness. "At ease little soldier, you don't need to do anything just don't disturb me and stop calling me master please."

Ratch looked down, clearly a little sad. "Sorry master..."

Ricky thought to himself, "I should get these Armarex guns done tonight so that I have an excuse to go visit Border Patrol tomorrow. The blueprints should be on my computer."

Ratch began to walk around Ricky's room, checking it out.

Ricky: "Hey Ratch can ya print the blueprints of the guns for me?"

Next morning, June 26th, 07:10,

Ricky, tired from working all night, fell asleep on his work desk, after barely finishing the prototype guns.

Ratch's emergency sirens went off and he shouted while trying to wake up Ricky. "MASTER RICKY! MASTER RICKY! MASTER RICKY!"

Ricky startled by the sudden noise woke up putting his guard up. "Huh?! What?! Who's there?!"

Ratch said with a calming voice. "Good morning, master Ricky! Startled ya huh? Welp, let's go to find Alex."

Ricky sighed and said. "Oh it's you Ratch, you scared me jeez -yawn- yeah let me just get a cup of coffee. Can you put Sam on the line for me?"

Ratch saluted. "Yes master!"

Ricky sighed again. "Please stop calling me master, it's kinda awkward."

Ratch smirked cheekily whilst saying. "Sure thing master!"

Ratch calls Sam while Ricky makes coffee, the call rang for a few seconds but there was no response.

A concerned look dawns Ricky's face as he worries for Sam, thinking aloud he says. "Hmmm why isn't he picking up? Is he not awake yet? No that can't be the case Sammy wakes up pretty early, then why?"

Curiously, Ratch asked. "What do we do now mas- I mean uhh Ricky."

A smirk found its way to Ricky's face as he heard Ratch refer to him as Ricky. "We go to Atlas tech for now I guess?"

A thought had been in Ricky's mind this entire time. "But Sammy always walks to the office with me and it's already 7:25 a.m., he should've been here already."

Ratch grabbed his treasured ratchet and proceeded to use some form of magnetism to make it stick to his back and began to levitate before saying. "Onward we go!"

Ricky sighed as he exited his apartment and started walking to his office. The streets were wet from melting snow due to the sudden rise of temperature. While going to office he felt as if he saw someone familiar but didn't realize who it was. It was some girl who was running away. He tried calling her out but she was long gone already so Ricky decided to move on.

A voice reached out to Ricky from behind, "Ricky! Wait!"

The man came running towards him panting, it was none other than Sammy.

Ricky: "Sammy! Where were you? I was calling you."

"I should be asking you that.", Sammy said while panting.

Sam: "Why the hell did you leave the hospital late at night? I was trying to call you at night to check up on you but you were not picking up, I thought you were asleep so I thought to visit you this morning but when I reached the hospital they said that you were already gone so I quickly ran off towards your home but again you weren't there."

Ricky: "Oops my bad. Anyways there was a reason why I left the hospital at night. I'll tell you about it later on but first let's go to the office we're already late and we need to go somewhere later on."

Sammy: "Where though-"

Ratch sprang up from behind Ricky, once again levitating, and said, "Hey there! Nice to meet you I'm Ratch!"

Sammy, startled by Ratch, backed off. "What the fuck is that?"

Ricky: "Oh yeah say hi to Ratch."

Sammy: "Ratch? Since when do you have a mini assistant."

Ricky: "Uh since last night."

Sammy: "Ok… Oh yeah I almost forgot, here, your Cell Phone."

Ricky grabbed it from Sammy's hands and thanked him. They rushed towards their office.

In their office, at Atlas tech,

Sammy: "So... Mind explaining things?"

Ricky: "Ok so basically I got my memories back, yeah I know what you're thinking but listen. I was brainwashed-"

Sammy: "Wait what?"

Ratch: "Shhh listen.."

Ricky: "Yes I sound crazy but yes I was brainwashed 10 years ago.. So yeah it all started when...."

After Ricky finished his story,

Sammy: "Which movie plot is this? Sounds pretty interesting."

Ricky: "Sammy! Trust me I'm not joking… I did experience all of that."

Sammy: "So you're telling me that there are mutants who never die? and there was a civil war 10 years ago?"

Ricky: "Yes and not only that I believe that a huge war took place all over the world and people murdered each other for some reason and that's the real reason for such less population in the world and not because of some bullshit virus. Maybe some nuke went off or something."

Sammy: "Then why does no one know about such a war taking place?"

Ricky: "Maybe they all were brainwashed? If I can be brainwashed 10 years ago then anyone can be easily brainwashed at present since we have even more advanced technology."

Sammy: "But who would brainwash them? and why?"

Ricky: "Probably the government is actually part of the winning faction in the war or something? Or maybe there's a war still going on outside, like think about it, why would you even need a border patrol near the biome if there is no life outside the biome."

Sammy: "Hmm makes sense."

Ricky: "Please help me find my friends, I'm sure that'll convince you."

Sammy: "Look Ricky it's not that I don't trust you it's just that even if what you say is the case what are we even going to do after getting your friends back?"

Ricky: "I honestly don't know… Probably gonna help Agazed?"

Sammy whispers to Ricky. "I need to talk to you personally about something Ricky."

Ricky: "What do you mean? It's only us here."

Sammy: "I mean the bot..."

Ricky: "Oh.. Well then Ratch we have something to do just stay here will you. We'll be right back."

Ratch: "Yes mas- I mean Ricky sir!"

Ricky sighed. "You don't need to call me sir either."

Near Atlas Tech Cafeteria,

Sammy: "Ok this place should be fine no one should be here right now."

Ricky went to order a cold coffee from the vending machine,

Sammy: "Hey we came here to talk about important stuff..."

Ricky: "Yeah, yeah I'm coming, which drink do you want Sammy?"

Sammy: "Eh… Just gimme a cold drink or something."

Ricky bought a cold drink for Sammy and gave it to him.

Ricky: "So yeah why did we come here?"

Sammy: "Well first of all don't you think this Agazed guy is kinda suspicious?"

Ricky: "Well yeah… But he did help me regain my memories and helped me didn't he?"

Sammy: "You know right, that you shouldn't trust people who know everything about you, and you don't know anything about them?"

Ricky: "I know why you are worried, and you do have a point, but I don't know why I just have a feeling that I should trust this guy… He kind of gave me a second hope."

Sammy sighed and said. "Well then as you wish we're going to find your friends but I'm still keeping my guard up."

Ricky: "Thank you soooo much Sam I really appreciate it!"

Back at their office,

Sammy: "So what's our plan?"

Ricky: "So I got the guns ready, well not all of it but like almost a full box. The rest of it is being made by the bots since I have set the blueprint in them. So the plan is pretty simple, we go to the border patrol to deliver the guns and when we get there we ask them for Alex."

Sammy: "Hmm and then?"

Ricky: "What do you mean?"

Sammy: "How are you going to make him regain his memories?"

Ricky: "Uhm.... I have no idea but we'll see."

Sammy sighed and thought to himself, "This guy is hopeless, no way he can do anything by himself."

After packing the few boxes of guns in the delivery truck, they headed out on their way to the Border patrol headquarters. The main headquarters is located near the north border and other 3 outlets are located one each in the east, west and south border. They drove their truck over the main skyway which connects each high level area of the biome. Almost every other hover car was using the skyway as their route, The skyscrapers were standing tall and high with hologram animated billboards on some of them, advertising a plethora of different things. Some people were walking to shops and markets on the lowest level, level 1. Office clerks were using the sky bridges of level 2 to go to their respective offices. The high class people were enjoying the view from the top of the world from level 3. Ricky, Sammy and Ratch reached their destination in 20 minutes.

At the headquarters entrance,

The guard bot looked at them suspiciously, it's complicated AI capable of thinking wondered to itself if it'd ever seen these people before, nonetheless it asked what it was programmed to ask. "Please identify yourself by showing your ID."

Sammy silently sighed he hated all these security measures, they were such a pain to get through. "We're here to deliver the emergency supplies for the border patrol from Atlas tech."

Guard bot: "Entry denied, show your ID. Citizens are not allowed beyond this point."

Sammy: "But we said we are here to deliver the emergency supplies."

Ratch: "Stupid bot let us enter we are here to deliver the guns!!"

Ricky: "Ratch calm down it must be a malfunction."

A young border patrol recruit came out, He was pretty thin for working in the border patrol and wore rounded spectacles. The young recruit cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses before asking. "Excuse me sir, Wh-what do you need?"

Sammy: "Your guard over here is not letting us in, we are here to deliver the guns you guys asked for."

Young Recruit: "I'm sorry sir, the bots require ID but if you have the guns then there's no time to waste thinking about that."

Ricky: "So they're programmed to not work then huh?"

Sammy: "We're sorry we tried to bring as many guns as fast as we could, the rest of it will arrive by night."

Young Recruit: "Oh it's fine, there's not much of a hurry."

Suddenly, a man who looked like a higher up appeared, his body was far larger than the recruits, masculine with a dead serious face. "It's fine?! Not much of a hurry?!! What do you mean Tyler, we are already at a bad situation right now! Do you have a death wish?"

Recruit Tyler trembled as he had been startled by the yelling of his higherup. "O-officer Regan so-sorr-"

Ricky noticed that Tyler was receiving further scolding so he decided to jump in. "We're sorry sir, We're trying to manufacture the guns as fast as we can, The rest of the guns will arrive this evening so rest assured. We tried to bring as many guns as we could right now since we thought that you might need it."

Officer Regan: "Hmph alright then, Tyler get the guns and tell these people to leave, we do not want any nuisances around here."

Tyler, still trembling and a little shaky saluted saying, "S-sir y-yes sir!"

Officer Regan walked away, muttering to himself, "Bunch of useless fucks." The statement was loud enough to the point where it could be heard by them all, that was clearly intentional, the man was cruel.

Ratch: "Jeez what the hell was that motherfucker's problem? uSeLeSs FuCkS my ass, I wanna punch him in the face!"

Ricky: "Calm down Ratch, he isn't the focus of our mission right now."

Tyler was a little embarrassed but with obvious gratitude said. "T-thank you sir..."

Ricky was caught off guard, he unfolded his arms and said. "Huh?"

Tyler: "You know uh standing out there for me."

Ricky: "Oh yeah no problem Tyler, by the way can you help me in finding a certain person?"

Tyler: "Uhm sure, well uh if I can."

Ricky: "So do you know anything about the stealth team of the border patrol?"

Tyler: "You mean the stealth recon?"

Ricky: "Yeah, do you know anything about them?"

Tyler: "I mean the stealth recon team rarely returns to headquarters. They are out there for the most of the time."

Ricky: "Out where?"

Tyler: "Outside the biome of course, they go explore areas outside the biome and… Well nothing else, yeah just explore.."

Sammy with a confused look on his face would sidestep over to Ricky and whisper something in his ear. "Hey don't you think he's hiding something from us?"

Ricky: "Yeah..."

Sammy: "Anyways Tyler do you have any information about a stealth scout named Alex?"

Tyler: "Alex, have I heard of anyone named Alex, let me think.. Oh yeah! I've heard of him a few times from my higher ups. They say that Alex shouldn't have been just a stealth scout and that he should've been in the main force."

Ricky: "Well do you know where he might be right now?"

Tyler: "Sorry but I have no idea."

Ricky: "I know this is asking for too much but can you please find out where the stealth recon team is at right now? It's really important to me."

Tyler: "I...I'll try.."

Sammy: "Please Tyler we need to find Alex."

Tyler: "O-ok sir! I'll find the whereabouts of the recon team."

Tyler went to the cypher intel decoders to get some information about the team.

Tyler: "Hey guys! I have a question about something!"

A man dressed in white with curly hair was smoking a cigarette while sitting back against a wall, with a mean face he looked at Tyler and grumpily said,"The fuck you want Lil Tyler."

Another man who was wearing a military uniform and had short spiked hair with a patchy beard was standing against a wall to the other side of the room. "Jeez Collins sir let the man off the hook for sometime, he just joined."

Collins: "Alright alright, Hughes, you deal with the kid and get to work fast right after. I'll go talk to Regan about business."

Collins took the cigarette out of his mouth, threw it in a garbage can and left the room.

Hughes: "So Tyler what do ya want?"

Tyler: "Do you know where the Recon team is right now?"

Hughes: "Why do you ask?"

Tyler: "Uhm Officer Regan was asking about them since they haven't returned in a while."

Hughes: "That's weird, I thought he already knew that the Recon team had already arrived at eastern border."

Tyler: "Uhhh I don't know, but thanks I'll let him know."

Tyler was just leaving when a hint of suspicion entered Hughes' eyes, before Tyler could leave, he'd ask. "Are you hiding anything from me Tyler?"

Tyler was nervous, he stopped dead in his tracks and faced Hughes as a drop of sweat came down his forehead. Nervously he said,"N-no sir...".

Hughes: "Hmm alright then get going, Officer Regan would be pissed off if you're late."

Tyler returned back to Ricky and Sammy.

Ricky skipped saying hi or anything of the sort, he was too eager so he got to the point quickly. "So you got something?"

Tyler: "Yes the recon team has just arrived in the eastern border. If you leave right now you might be able to meet this Alex guy."

Ricky: "Oh thank you so much Tyler I appreciate it a lot! I'm sorry I gave you a lot of trouble."

"Oh uh don't worry about it.", said Tyler with a huge grin, happy he could help out Ricky.

Sammy: "You know Tyler I have a feeling you'll be a good patroller one day."

Ricky and Sammy left to go to the eastern border patrol outlet.

In the car,

Sammy: "Hey isn't it weird for Mr. Collins to be there in border patrol headquarters?"

Ricky: "Mr. Collins?"

Sammy: "Didn't you see him? The man in the white suit and a cigarette in his mouth."

Ricky: "Oh that dude yeah, he looked like his wallet would pack a punch. Who the heck even is that rich motherfucker?"

Sammy: "You really don't know Mr. Collins? He's the current owner of Holonore, one of the first holotech companies."

Ricky: "An owner of a Holotech company at the border patrol headquarters. Yeah that's pretty weird."

Near the Eastern border outlet the hover cars were stuck in traffic, some even crashing and bumping into each other, horns constantly honking and there were sirens ringing all over the place, it was a mess.

Sammy: "Huh? What happened here? There should be no traffic on the skyways. There's even a crowd on level 1."

Sammy lowered his vehicle to level 1 and parked it near the road.

Sammy and Ricky, trying to push further in escaping the crowd, heard a policeman, "Move out! move out! This is not a show, There has been an accident near the Border Patrol. There's nothing to see here, we will handle the situation."

Ricky trying to reach the officer, "Excuse me sir! Here!", but could not be heard through all the chaos.

Sammy managed to reach the officer and asked, "Excuse me sir but what exactly happened at the Border Patrol?"

The officer sighed and said, "There has been an explosion at the eastern border patrol outlet, now scram!"