Year 2030, June 27th, 20:25,
The city of Genotopia was lit in neon lights, completely overcoming the darkness of a new moon night. A man in a military uniform was walking around with another man dressed in white on the rooftops of the border patrol HQ, smoking cigarettes.
The man dressed in white exclaimed in frustration, "Dammit where is the goddamn replibot at?!" to which the military man calmly replied, "Wonder if your replibot was a failure this time, what do you think Collins?"
Collins frustrated, yelled at the military man, "Are you questioning my bots Regan?! Huh?"
Regan let out a sigh and said, "Well what else can your useless replibot be doing right now? Jerking off at a stripclub?"
A skinny military informer entered the rooftop,
Regan raised an eyebrow, a little confused as to why this informer was here, he yelled at him, "You are not allowed here, get the fuck outta here now!"
The man wasn't shaken off so easily however, with confidence he responded, "No sir it's important."
Regan: "State your business quickly and get lost."
The man showed a holoscreen recording of the cctvs around the border patrol, "We have spotted 3 suspicious figures at the Eastern border patrol today." It showed the 2 men who entered the building with Sergeant Danny fleeing the building with a hooded figure. The man also said, "We could not find Sergeant Danny anywhere either."
Regan: "Looks like your bot was useless after all Collins." An amused smirk was plastered on Regan's face.
Collins, frustrated and ashamed, turned his head away and smoked his cigar.
With a stern tone, Regan ordered the informer, "Go and find out their identities right now! I want them in the wanted list for burning down the eastern border patrol, immediately!"
The next morning,
June 28th, 2030, 7:06
Ricky: "So Sammy and I are gonna go to Osa's mansion and Alex, you go talk to Shy."
Alex: "Are you really sure you wanna get my sister into this?"
Ricky: "She deserves to know her actual past."
Sammy: "Well just make sure to talk in private so that no one else hears you."
Alex: "Yeah yeah, I've been in the military for the past few years, I'm a pro."
Ricky, excited and determined, exclaimed "Let's go get them!"
Ratch exclaimed, "LET'S GET EMMM!" Waving his ratchet.
Ricky, Ratch and Sammy sat in the hovercar and set off to find Osayed, meanwhile Alex walked his way to his old home.
In the hovercar,
Sammy: "So you got this Osayed guy's location right?"
Ricky: "Yeah Agazed sent the location to Ratch's database, his mansion is supposed to be at the northwest side of the city. From what I heard, people rarely live there, as all of the land there has been bought by rich businessmen and heads of companies. The place is called Bohaty."
Sammy: "Hmm Bohaty, I've been there once, not really a very interesting place."
Ricky: "Woah for real? You went there? And what do you mean by not interesting?"
Sammy: "Well first of all there aren't many buildings or shops, and the only buildings which are there look really old fashioned ya know? Most of it is just open land bought by rich businessmen who never started working on it."
Ricky: "Hmm makes sense."
Out of curiosity, Sammy asks, "So this friend of yours, Osa, I heard he was the first one to develop these replibots and such things, is that true?"
Ricky: "News to me, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was the case. I knew he had something in him, he used to tinker a lot with technical stuff like programming and making robot models and stuff and that's how I also got into all this tech stuff."
Sammy: "Oh cool, but I bet you were no match for him huh?"
Ricky: "Hey! I had a fair share of inventions too!"
Sammy chuckled and said, "Sure."
Ricky: "Now you're just mocking me."
Sammy: "Haha yeah alright genius, looks like we're getting closer to Bohaty."
At Shylia's Home, 7:39
Alex headed directly to his old home, almost sneaking his way in to make sure nobody even noticed him. Avoiding any interaction with anybody, he arrived. Now genuinely sneaking his way in, Alex entered the house cautiously. The house itself wasn't that big, it was just a normal 2 storey house. Eventually he entered Shylia's room, upon arriving shock hit him and a look of concern dawned his face.
"This is weird. She's not here but the doors are unlocked, looks like someone might have got into the house." Alex was concerned, but he kept his cool, and this was reflected through his calm and collected speech.
There was not a single sound, complete silence. He carefully took out his Kyro 502 pistol and searched every corner of the house, but he found nothing. Alex knew that his family was in danger and quickly rushed to Fortune Banks, the largest money reserve in the city, where his sister worked.
At the central headquarters of the border patrol at the same time,
An informer rushed into Officer Regan's office and said, "Sir we found the identities of the arsonists, the black haired man's name is Ricky and the blonde is Sammy, both work at the Atlas Tech Enterprise."
A smirk found its way to Officer Regan's face, amused he said "So it was them after all, send the information to the police and make it the top priority right now!"
At Bohaty,
Sammy: "Looks like we're in Bohaty now."
The place looked nothing like the rest of the city, long, spiky, grass covered the fields and the streets were devoid of life. The place almost looked abandoned, it was a lonely place.
Ricky: "Hmm you were right, the place doesn't look at all like the rest of the city, there are open lands and old fashioned mansions."
Ratch curiously looks out of the window.
Ricky: "You like the place lil guy?"
Ratch: "I...don't know, but Ratch has never seen something like this."
Sammy: "Good thing you're having fun but we're at the mansion."
They parked the hovercar near the mansion and got out.
The mansion stood tall and all the windows were shut, letting no light inside. It was huge and had several balconies, a garden with withered flowers, a garage, a backyard pool and a large gate in front of the mansion. Robots covered in moss, stood lifeless throughout the mansion, in the gardens, in front of the gate, at the balconies,etc.
An eerie feeling chilled down Sammy's spine. He questioned, "Is he even home? I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this."
Ricky took notice of Sam's bad feeling and decided to encourage Sammy. He said, "Hey it's just a bunch of lifeless robots, maybe there's a light out or something? There's just one way to know so let's go!"
Ratch: "What? Have you never seen dead robots before?"
They walked through the front gate to his door and Ricky pressed the bell, "Hey uhh Osa are you there? You probably don't know me but it's important so please open the door."
Silence response, the door still remained locked.
Sammy: "I guess he really isn't at home."
Inside the mansion, a young man with spectacles sat on the floor resting his back on his bed with a beer glass in his hand, his eyes filled with despair, it looked as if he had lost everything important to him. He observed the visitors from inside using his APW (All Purpose Wrist) which is connected to all of the tech around his house. Ricky kept ringing the bell.
"Goddammit why is he so stubborn." The man activated his security bots, "Get rid of them! I don't want to see anyone right now."
(APW is basically an invisible wrist watch with high tech functions like security, live feed and communications. When using, it projects a hologram screen on which the user can navigate through.)
Despite Ricky's efforts, Sammy's feelings of concern and worry never truly left, "Hey uhh 2 bots are slowly coming towards us Ricky..."
Ricky not paying attention to Sammy's comment said, "What, it's just 2 bots.. What can they even do?"
"Target located. Preparing to exterminate.", said the 2 security bots.
These Security bots were not huge and bulky like other security bots, these looked much thinner and streamlined and much more flexible.
One of the bots caught Ricky off guard, throwing a punch his way, Ricky managed to just barely dodge. The punch pierced through the door in front of Ricky.
"Holy shit what the hell is this?! Such a thin framework and a streamlined body and yet it's that powerful?! Wow Osa you really are amazing!", said Ricky in an odd feeling of both shock and excitement
Sammy who in contrast to Ricky, was insanely worried, told Ricky "Hey uh that's cool, BUT THIS FUCKING ROBOT IS TRYING TO ATTACK US!"
Ricky: "Oh yeah right, lets get rid of these."
Sammy: "Yeah that's the thing, I have no idea how we could combat this thing, you got any ideas?"
Ricky: "I honestly have no idea...."
Ratch went into battle mode and quickly flew over to the other security bot to try and attack him with his ratchet. Sadly Ratch's efforts were in vain.
Pulling his arm out of the door, greatly damaging it, the other security bot set its eyes on Ricky, dashing towards him.
The other swatted Ratch away like a mosquito and started rushing towards Sammy, In response Sammy started backing off slowly.
In the heat of the moment, Ricky analyzed the situation as best as he could, realizing something of use, "Hey Sammy the door is pretty much damaged now we should be able to get in, so let's take this chance to get in!"
Hearing this plan, Sammy's feeling of worry and concern was cleared, and they both quickly rushed into the mansion. Looming over the dark and scary mansion was an ominous feeling.
"We must find Osa first, he should be in one of the rooms." Ricky ordered.
"But...there are a lot of them a lot." Sammy said in response, doubting the efficiency in Ricky's plan.
Ricky took note of this inefficiency and reworked his plan, "Ok then you search the first floor, I'll search the 2nd one, be quick they're already here!"
The two bots rushed into the mansion for the two intruders, Ricky ran upstairs and Sammy quickly ran towards a room and locked it. The bots started searching for their targets.
Locking the door, Sammy turned around, the broken and half made robots sent an unsettling feeling down his spine.
"Looks like this is the tinkering room." said Sammy, talking to himself to put himself at ease. There were a lot of random robot parts and tools layed on the working desk. While he was looking around he heard large footsteps from outside slowly approaching the room, Sammy concluded that it must be a bot and quickly grabbed the laser saw cutter, which was lying on the tool desk.
Upstairs Ricky was running away from the other security bot but the bot didn't seem to slow down even after throwing a bunch of random things at it. The bot plunged at Ricky almost grabbing his leg, scratching him. Ricky howled in pain but kept running, the bot was still behind him at full speed. He took a sharp turn throwing the bot off balance for a while. Eventually after running for a while, Ricky entered a hallway, littered with doors at its sides, all of which led to rooms. Entering a room he saw a housekeeper bot standing there, lifeless with its arm extending to clean the walls. Ricky quickly took out his tools from his backpack and started loosening the bot's arm, suddenly the bot started ramming the door.
"Shit he's already back!" Ricky whispered to himself, while desperately trying to take out the arm of the bot. "If only I continued to learn how to hack." Ricky continued to whisper till his frustration took hold of him and he screamed, "Goddammit!" Thankfully, the arm was almost off.
Downstairs, Sammy stood at the door with the laser saw cutter, while the door was being rammed by the bot. Just when the door broke, Sammy switched on his laser saw cutter slashing through the bot, exposing its interior from which cut wires hung out. The core of the bot was damaged and it malfunctioned due to wires getting cut off. But the bot kept advancing towards its target. Sammy quickly escaped upstairs.
Meanwhile Ricky successfully took the housekeeper bot's arm off. Slamming the door open, the security bot backflipped away and tried regaining its balance when Ricky dashed towards it and smashed the bot in the head with the bot arm.
Out of anger, Ricky screamed, "Take that you piece of metal shit!" However the bot did not flinch and grabbed Ricky by the neck, throwing him backwards inside the room. Ricky screamed in pain, with his vision blurred he saw a spark of light behind the bot. Sammy came to the rescue and slashed off the bot's head using the laser saw and quickly rushed towards Ricky.
"Hey you ok dude?", asked Sammy in concern.
Ricky replied, "Yeah all fine except maybe a few broken bones."
Sammy said, "Damn we must get you to a hospital right now."
But Ricky denied saying, "Nah I'll be fine our main priority is finding Osa now."
To which Sammy replied, "Sure tough guy." Sammy took Ricky's arm on his shoulder to support him as they walked out of the room into the hallway in search of Osa. They started searching every room but found nothing.
Osa in his room at the other side of the mansion stood up in shock seeing all of his bots turning on and rushing upstairs. He did not turn on the bots nor order them. He quickly tried to see what caused this and saw that the malfunctioned bot connected with all the other bots via the emergency security program he built.
"But it couldn't be turned on automatically, there must have been some malfunction.", thought Osa. He tried turning off the connections manually but he was unable to. "Why did I make it this hard to hack." Osa let out a sigh but kept trying to stop the connections.
A young woman outside the mansion glared at the broken door, she had vibrant purple hair and was dressed in a black skirt and crop top, her legs were enveloped in thigh high socks and she had a lip ring stuck to her lip. A distressed look dawned her face, she quickly ran into the mansion without any other thoughts and was greeted by a bunch of bots rushing upstairs.
Ricky and Sammy were surrounded by bots in the hallways, all sorts of bots were there, housekeeper bots, security bots and even gardener bots, they were here to eliminate their targets, slowly they started closing in. Sammy stood there desperately trying to switch on the laser saw but it stopped working.
The young woman quickly ran upstairs pushing off the bots and finally met the boys and asked, "What is going on here? Who are you guys?".
Ricky replied, "We uh came here for Osa-". Sammy cut them off and said, "There's no time for introductions right now, we have a problem here!" The bots kept advancing towards them with malicious intent.
Osa saw the young woman through his APW cameras and rushed out and screamed, "Farrah! Get out of there! Something went wrong. I'm trying to fix it." He was pale and sleepless.
Ricky: "Osa! I knew you were here somewhere, now quick stop your bots."
Sammy: "Sure isn't a good way to treat visitors and old friends don't you think?"
Farrah: "Osa what happened to you?! Why do you look like this?"
Osa: "Look I don't know who you two are but I didn't want to kill you off I just wasn't in the mood of seeing visitors...J-just wait a second I- almost got this. "
Osa was feeling dizzy and was tripping.
Ricky: "Hey uh you ok there dude?"
The bots almost closed in on the 3 visitors and started viciously attacking them, the visitors defended themselves with whatever they had. Farrah tried pushing off the bots but the bots were in greater numbers, Sammy tried smashing the bots with his ineffective saw but was of no use, Ricky took out a small hammer from his backpack and tried defending himself with it but again was of no use. One bot punched Ricky in the gut with his metallic arm, he fell on the ground crouching and crying in pain. A bot grabbed Sammy by the throat and choked him. Farrah tried helping both of them but couldn't do anything and screamed, "Osa! Do something!" Osa, still dizzy, desperately trying to figure it out said, "I'm trying! Just hold on for a second..."
A small robot came flying towards the collapsed security bot and smashed his small ratchet in its core and said, "Time for payback bitch!" All of the bots shut down since the main connection was lost due to the core being shattered. Ratch had saved all of them.
Ricky was shocked to see the bots shut down but soon started cheering, "You did it Osa!"
Osa, confused, replied, "I....didn't do anything."
The three visitors were confused but then Ratch burst in and said, "I did it! Guys I did it!"
Sammy: "Wait you did it?"
Ricky: "Woah great job Ratch! I knew you were not just a side character, you are the main character Ratch!"
Ratch started swinging his ratchet in joy but it broke due to the damage it had taken.
Farrah quickly rushed over to Osa and hugged him, "Do you have any idea how worried I was, bitch? What happened? why are you like this? Where's your sister?"
Ricky: "Yeah where's Rami shouldn't she be here with you?"
Osa: "I'm sorry Farrah...I didn't know what to do."
Farrah: "What's wrong?"
Osa: "Rami ran away..."
Sammy: "Ran away? What do you mean?"
Farrah: "Wait first of all who are you two and how do you know them?"
Ricky: "We are uh-"
Osa cut Ricky off by saying, "The one in the black hoodie and blackish brown hair is my old friend but I don't know the other."
Ricky was surprised, "Wait you knew?!"
At Fortune banks,
Alex sneaked into the building with his stealth skills and tried to find where his sister worked when he saw 3 suspicious men enter the bank. All wearing black hoodies, with silver stripes on their shoulders, with a neon purple dragon symbol drawn at their backs.
Alex knew who they were and quickly ran up to the reception desk and said, "Hey listen this is really important-" he got cut off by the receptionist who said, "Sorry dude my shift is over Leah will take over from here."
Alex tried persuading him, "This is important you dumb fuck! There are some suspicious people here and they might be here for some robbery so listen up well and contact the police right now. Also tell me where Shylia works at quick."
A look of awe dawned on the receptionist, a little offended, he responded, "She's uh on the 2nd floor i think."
"Ok thanks, keep a lookout, I'll be back." said Alex as he ran upstairs to the 2nd floor.
While he was running upstairs he heard an announcement and froze in his place, "We do not mean any harm to anyone here, we just came here for a girl named Shylia."