Part 12


Izuku woke up at midnight and looked to see Ben sound asleep. He nodded and stood up slowly. He crept out the room and went to the bathroom. There were still scientists at work in the building at this time. "Talk about dedication" Izuku murmured as he entered the bathroom and saw his bag webbed to the roof. Luckily, the roof of the men's bathroom was high, and there was no reason for anyone to look up.

Izuku jumped and put his hand onto the roof and hung there. He used his free hand, to first scratch his head, then to unzip the bag and pull out the Spider-Man suit. Once he had the suit in hand, he was about to drop down-

"So I told her, no, I don't want to have children and she got mad at me" a scientist said as he and his buddy entered the room. Izuku was hanging from two sticky fingers on the roof.

Please use the cubical

He thought as sweat ran down his face. He might be Spider-Man, but damn this was difficult. Especially with the added weight of his suit. And the worst part was that he was relying on the tips of two fingers not to get caught.

"Yeah, but, that is kinda mean" the scientists friend said. "No, it's not. If I'm not ready for kids yet, than she needs to deal with it" the guy said as they walked over to the urinal.


"You don't say that to your wife" the guy said and Izuku would have normally agreed with him. But, he was in a real pickle now. The sweat from holding onto the roof with two fingers was all over his fingers and he wasn't sure how long he had.

The two men started pissing while having their conversation. Leaving one urinal space apart and not looking up at all. Cuz dems the rules of urinals. Izuku made sure not to look as he closed his eyes when they approached said urinals.

After they were done pissing, the urinal automatically flushed itself and they went to wash their hands. "How is it wrong though!?" The man asked as he leaned against the wall. "It just is" the other guy said. Izuku looked up and noticed how his grip was slipping. He was losing grip and fast. He wanted nothing more that to shout at them to get out the bathroom.

But, he couldn't. His one finger slipped. And now he only had the grip of one. His face twisted into a pain filled one as he tried his hardest to stay up. "Bro, I thought you'd back me up on this" the guy said as he stood properly. "And why would I do that?" The man questioned. "Because, we're buddies" he said back as they both started walking out.

Izuku dropped down with a red face as he wiped the sweat off his brow. He quickly suited up and left the building. Running to the top of it and perching on the edge of it to get a good view of the city. It was beautiful this time of night. Lots of lights, coming together to form a second night sky in front of him. It was kinda peaceful.

"We have a report of a car full of drugs headed past Ichigaya Komeoka Hachimangu" a female police officers voice said. Izuku had connected his suit to the police scanner to hear all crimes happening in his city. He thought that this situation didn't need a hero, but something could go wrong. He hopped off the roof and began to dive down toward the ground. He webbed to a building and began his way to the runaway drug car. As he got closer, he watched the car as it swerved and made turns while skidding across the roads.

"I don't think this crime needs me" he said as a man stuck his head out the window. And started shooting at the police. One of the bullets hit the police car and it started swerving dangerously. Until it hit another police car and the car flipped. As soon as Izuku saw the police car swerve, he had guessed what was gonna happen.

He ran and jumped to the next building before dropping down and landing where the car was gonna land on it's roof. He landed and caught the car while bending backward "You guys okay?" He asked and the officers gave a thumbs up upside down.

Izuku gently placed the car down and and jumped up the building and ran up it. Doing a flip once he reached the end on the outer wall and landing on a vent. Perched and looking at the car as more men stuck their guns out the window. He immediately rushed in and kicked a cop car so that the driver wouldn't be hit by the bullet

He flipped off the car, effectively dodging the bullet himself. He webbed and swung toward the car and landed onto the roof of it. He moved to the side and stood on the side of the car, crouched. One of the guys stuck half his body out the window and his hands became metal. He tried to punch Izuku, but Izuku dodged and pulled him out the car and webbed him in a cocoon hanging from a power line.

He flipped to the other side of the car and did the same. Till there was only two guys left. He jumped away from cars passenger window, before webbing onto the sides of said passenger window and pulling. He swiftly smashed through the window of the car on the driver's side and kicked him out the car through the window at the passenger seat. Then he webbed and swung in front of the car and pulled. Landing in front of the vehicle.

This might hurt

He thought as the car rammed into him. Still moving at top speeds. He kept both his feet firm on the ground as the car slowed down. He lifted the car a little bit as he stopped it and put it down panting after it had stopped. He panted and placed both hands on his knees and walked over to the door where the last member was left. He was about to open the door, when the car door flew off it's hinges and smacked him into the car parked behind him. The person in the car got out with yellow electricity streaming around him. He was bald, with a snarl capable of scaring babies.

He had on a green jacket and pants, the jacket he wore looked high tech and he started to float. "So your the so called Spider-Man I've heard about" he said as the electricity streamed around him. "And you must be One Punch Man" Izuku said as he shook his head from the pain. He then flipped onto the roof of the car behind him. "One Punch- No!, The names Electro. And you do well to remember that" the guy said and flew closer to Izuku. "So, what I'm getting from this is that your not One Punch Man?" Izuku questioned and tilted his head to the side.

Electro growled as he shot a stream of electricity at him. Izuku flipped off the car as the car got knocked into the building behind it .

"So Electro, you like jokes?" Izuku asked as he webbed onto the wall behind him and pulled. He flew and landed crouching on the wall. Electro shot more electricity, but Izuku once again dodged and webbed onto the next building. "I got a good joke for ya, it's got a good PUNCH LINE!!!" He said as he jumped and punched Electro across the face. Electro twisted in the air for a bit as Izuku fell past him, giving Izuku enough time to web onto the building behind Electro and pull, to give a devastating double kick to Electro into said building.

He flew and smacked into the building. Izuku came back and punched Electro once more. "HAAAA!!!" He yelled as he exploded with electricity. Knocking Izuku back into a nearby car. Izuku looked up, dazed, seeing stars in hus vision. Electro took the chance to shoot electricity at him with a snarl. The electricity hit and shocked Izuku, makibg him fidget around, but at the same time it lifted him above the ground. Izuku floated toward Electro slowly. "Die!!" Electro said as he smacked Izuku into a building. "I-If I-I-I had a-a Ye-Yen for everytime s-s-someone told m-me to di-die, I-I'd be ri-rich" Izuku said as he got shocked. The Spark plug grabbed Izuku by his neck and rammed Spider-Man against the building and pushed him up the building wall. Breaking the brick as he did. Until there was no more wall and Electro threw Izuku onto the roof of the building.

He landed with a thud on the roof and got ready as Electro made his way toward him by flying. As soon as Electro appeared, Izuku ran and punched him. The man was about to fly away, before Izuku grabbed his leg and pulling him down toward off the side of the building. He dived down and slammed the villain into a car. Webbing onto a building once he noticed how close to the ground he was getting. He pulled. Sliding at a dangerous 2 inches above the ground. Then he pulled upwards. During the process, Elctro got up and floated in front of Izuku. Still dazed from being smashed into a car, he didn't notice Izuku coming in to deliver a double kick. Sending The Overgrown Battery into the building wall behind him. Then webbing onto the top two edges of the building and pulled. He planted both feet onto Electros chest as he forced the man into the brick as the flew up the building. Breaking the brick as he flew upwards. Once near the top, he had both feet on Electro's chest. He pushed off and knocked the man through on of the wall of the building.

Izuku followed after, hopping into the hole he had created and landing on Electro's chest. Inside the room they were in, there was a family of black people cowering by the door. Izuku turned his head to see them and realized.

Can't let the public get hurt.

He grabbed Electro by his jacket and jumped toward the hole he created. Jumping through it and dragging Electro with him. They were now back on the street that they were on before.

Izuku landed on the roof of a car and broke it. He rolled off the roof in pain as Electro floated above him. "That's it!!" He yelled as he made Izuku float with electricity. "I'm gonna fry ya!!" He yelled. Izuku squirmed as he felt the pain moving throughout his whole body.

Think Izuku, think

He thought then got an idea. He changed the web mode on his suit and shot the tazer webs onto the floor. The electricity that Electro was shocking him with, went through the webs and onto the floor. Like a conductor. The pain from being shocked disappeared. The Retarded Lightningbolt looked confused. Giving Izuku enough to web onto him and pull. Flying over to him as he punched Electro across the face. Electro flew back and Izuku continued, launching a barrage of attacks. Till the man was knocked out when he swung a trash can and hit him over the head with it.

The police arrived after and put quirk cancelling cuffs on the man.

Izuku sighed as he flipped onto the roof of a building.

"This cities becoming overrun with weird villains" he said before swinging off.


Izuku arrived at Nara Labs after school and found Paige. "Hey!" He said and hugged her from behind. Wrapping his arms around her waist as she held her tablet and tried to work. "Not in public Izuku" she said as she blushed. Izuku chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. "Ready for dinner tonight?" He asked as he let go of her waist and walked walked around her. "Where's it gonna be?" She asked as she placed her tablet down.

"At your Pent House" he said with a grin. "Oohh, really now" she said and leaned in closer to him. "Yeah, really" he said and smiled seductively. She returned the smile with her own seductive smile.

"See you there then" she said and picked up her tablet before walking off. "I'll see you there" he said with a smirk as she walked off. Izuku turned to see her beautiful hourglass figure walking away.


Izuku had it all set up, the food the table, the lighting, the flowers he was gonna give her. It seemed perfect. Then he heard the door unlocking. "Time to get into position" he said and walked over toward the door. Paige opened the door then locked it behind her. Finally turning to see the display and Izuku behind her. "Hello milady, right this way" he said and stuck out his hand. "Ooohhh, nice. Thank you gentleman" she said and took his hand. They walked together, toward the candle lit dinner on her balcony. "I thought that a star like you deserves to be with other stars. Kinda cheesy I know" he said and smiled. Paige giggled a little and blushed. "I think it's sweet" she said and Izuku pulled her chair out for her. She sat down with a smile and Izuku brought out their food. "First off we have the katsudon, then a platter of sushi, then for desert, Chocolate moose" he said and brought the katsudon.

They both sat down and Izuku started eating, but Paige didn't eat at all. She just kept looking around with a deep seeded blush on her face. Izuku noticed and decided to ask. "What's wrong? You don't like it?" He asked concerned. "No, it's not that it's just..." She said and trailed off with her blush intensifying.

"Just what?" He asked and leaned back a bit. "Just that, I was hoping that we could, skip to desert" she said still with her blush. "Desert, or...desert desert?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Desert desert" she said with rosy cheeks as she pulled a tiny piece of plastic out her pocket. Once Izuku saw the plastic thing, he knew what it was. "Okay then" he said. "Okay then" she said back and Izuku stood. He walked around the table and pulled Paige's chair out and turned it to face him. He started kissing her passionately. He slipped his tongue into her mouth as they kissed and she did the same. They were now having a battle with their tongues and they were both enjoying every second of it. Izuku lifted Paige up under her thighs and walked inside. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked to her bedroom and placed her down on the bed. He moved back and took off his shirt, revealing his toned body. She pulled him in for another kiss as he climbed on top of her they continued kissing till they separated for air.

"Are we gonna do this?" Paige asked, gasping for air. "Only if you want to" he said and she nodded. "I want to" she said with a red face.

"I want to too" he said with his own tint of red. They continued on kissing and the kissing led onto more things.

And I won't describe what happened, but yes. They had sex.
