Part 14



"I don't know his surname but, I know that his name is Michiyo, Michiyo something" Paige said as she scruntched up her face in thought. "Oh well, that's fine. Hopefully I'll get to meet him some day. Maybe we could talk science" Izuku said as he adjusted Paige on his lap. "Maybe, but he's super rich. He owns this huge mansion that would make my pent house look like dog shit" Paige said as she gestured by spreading her arms. "Oh come on, can't be that big" he said

Thinking she was over exaggerating. "No, it is that big" she said as she put her arms back onto Izuku's toned chest.

After that, Paige and Izuku stopped talking and watched their movie.

"Mr Stark, I don't feel so good"

"Wow, is he just gonna die like that?" Izuku questioned. Suddenly, his phone rang. He webbed onto it and pulled. It flew through the air and landed in his hand. He flipped it over and looked to see a crime alert at the USJ. And there was map on his screen showing where to go.

"Shit" he said as he looked at Paige is sleeping form. Her body was on the couch, but her head was still on Izuku's lap. He hated to do it, but duty called. He placed a pillow under Paige's head and stood up. Walking around the pent house to find his backpack. "Oh yeah, now I remember" he said as he flipped out the window. He webbed onto the edge of the window to swing and plant his feet on to the side of the building. He began crawling up the wall till he reached the roof. Once their, he saw his backpack webbed onto a vent. He walked over and pulled the webbing free before grabbing his suit. He sniffed it and noticed how it smelt of sweat.

"Note to self, wash suit later" he said as he ,reluctantly, put the suit on. After the suit was on, he checked his GPS for the crime. "That way" he said and jumped off the top of the building. Free falling to the ground before webbing onto the corners of two different buildings and slingshotting forward.

He swung around the city, trying to reach the USJ as quick as possible.

He saw Iida resting on the ground at the police station. Panting and wheezing.

So you told the police about the incident. You truly are a hero Iida.

Izuku thought as he swung toward the USJ. He saw the USJ in his sight as he got closer. He webbed onto the sides of the doors and pulled. Kicking the doors down and landing on top of them crouching. "Never fear! For I am here!" He yelled in his best All Might impression.

And it seemingly worked as everyone turned to face him. Some with faces of happiness, some with fear of having to face the number one hero. But, their faces soon became surprised when they saw him. With pro hero 13 even saying "All Migh- wait your not All Might" she said as she held her arms up protectively to stop the children from going near him. Not knowing whether Izuku was a hero or a villain. "Who are you?" She asked and Izuku smiled under his mask. "Spider-Man at your service" he said and stood from crouching. 13 flinched, getting ready to suck him into her black hole if needed. "No funny business Mr Spider-Man" she said and he raised his hands in defense.

"I'm here to help" he said but she still didn't lower her guard. Izuku slowly moved toward the stairs and jumped off. He flew down the stairs like a rocket. He webbed onto the ground in between a group of villains. He pulled to excellerate his decent. He landed hard on his feet. Creating a shockwave. Knocking a few brutes back before webbing their arms to their torso's.

Izuku then attacked all of them and knocked them all out. He turned to see a rock like man with green ozz dripping from his body. Izuku ran up to him and did a flip off of his body. Kicking him in the face and making him fly into the air at the same time. Izuku landed on his feet and webbed onto the brutes face before pulling and making him face plant into the ground and get knocked out. He whipped around as his spidey sense went off to see a green guy with holes in his arms. He shot acid like bullets at Izuku. But the webswinger was too good. Izuku flipped into the air and twisted to dodge all the bullets. He webbed both the man's arms and tied them to the floor. Then punched the man to knock him out.

Izuku twisted to see a guy wearing a full suit of armor. He webbed onto the man multiple times before swinging him around like a wrecking ball into other villains. He released the man and he flew into two other villains. Suddenly a hand grabbed Izuku's ankle. Then a full man came out the ground. The man began to grow bigger. Mixing himself with the cement in the ground to become. Ten feet tall. Izuku hung upside down from the man's grip. The man began smashing Izuku into the ground. Midoriya managed to break free though, after the man's grip faltered.

Izuku jumped up to the man's head and grabbed him by the chin he flipped over the man. He then pulled the man off his feet and slammed him into the ground. Causing it to crack and make a window of opportunity that knocked back a few people. Izuku landed on the unconscious man's back. He flipped off and landed onto a villains shoulders and wrapping his legs around the villains neck before falling backwards in a flip and taking the villain with him. He slammed the villains head into the ground. He stood over the villains unconconcious body and webbed another brute in the face before pulling him toward him.

The women stumbled forward and Izuku kicked her in the face once she was in front of him. He saw a villain across the plaza from him and created a ball of webs in his hand before throwing it with such force at the women's face, that she did a backflip when it hit her. He webbed onto the back of the ball of webbed and pulled toward him. Like a yoyo.

Instead of catching it, he let it fly past him into the stomach of the man that was trying to attack him from behind.

He then swung the ball around and smacked countless people with it. Before releasing it. He continued on with his barrage of attacks until all the villains in the plaza were taken care of. "You spider quirk users are all a nuisance" Tomura said as he lunged for Izuku's face. Izuku webbed onto Tomura's face and pulled it to the ground. Making him face plant. "Is baby Tomura mad. Take a nap, it'll do you good" Izuku said as Tomura's face hit the floor. Making him get knocked out. He turned to the bird creature thing and saw it release Aizawa. Dropping the poor man in a pool of his own blood. Izuku became infuriated. His blood was boiling from rage. These people terrorized his classmates, beat his teacher half to death and made him have to leave Paige. He felt the adrenaline rushing through his body.

It felt amazing.

He webbed onto the floor by the bird creatures leg. He pulled and slid across the ground and stopped once he got there. From there, he jumped and uppercut the bird creature. The bird creature flew up and once it's foot was in front of Izuku's face, he grabbed it and slammed the thing into the ground. He continued his barrage of attacks but nothing seemed to work.

"Nomu, crush him" Tomura said as he woke up. The Nomu raised it's arms and swung down. Izuku raised his arms to block. He felt a light crack from his arms and the ground below him cracked from the force of the Nomu.

Izuku jumped backwards. He felt his arms. It hurt to move them. They weren't completely broken, but they were still somewhat broken.

This is bad, I can't use OFA in case my friends find out it's me.

He thought. And that's when it happened.

He felt as if he got pulled from his body and flew through all space and time to get to...a door? He stood in a black room that had a purple mist flowing around by his feet and white dots all around that seemed like stars. The only light source being a door that was partially open. "Why do you say you can't use One For All?" A voice asked. It sounded like a women's voice.

The door opened and a women with purple hair and black eyes walked out. She had on a hero costume with yellow gloves. She walked over to Izuku with a smile.

"Because, if I do, my friends will know it's me. That I'm the Spider-Man" he said back as he looked at his feet.

"What's more important, your friends lives or your identity?" She asked as she circled around him. "My friends lives" Izuku said.

"Then give me your hand" she said as she stopped circling around him and stuck out her hand to him. He took the helping hand without asking.

He felt himself back inside his body on the battle field. Nothing has changed since he left. And the Nomu was about to swing again. Izuku's eyes became purple. But, no one could tell from under the mask. He caught the punch as if it were nothing. He pulled the Nomu toward him and punched so hard that he flew across the USJ into the fire rescue section. Izuku jumped over to the fire rescue section and stood in an inferno with the Nomu. Izuku punched the Nomu across the face once more. It flew through the ground onto the first floor of the burning building they were in from the 6th floor. Izuku hopped through the hole in the ground and grabbed the Nomu. He punched it multiple times in the gut. Each punch sending an earthquake through the USJ. He then threw the Nomu out the building and chased it.

Izuku smiled in the dark room next to the women. She was having so much fun. They were both looking at the battle through Izuku's eyes. Like having two giant flat screen TV's next to each other. They saw how they punched the Nomu into the water and jumped for joy. "Yay!" The women yelled and looked at Izuku. "Did you see that?!" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah I saw! We were like pow!!" Izuku yelled back. They were both like two little children playing a video game. Just getting happy at the slightest thing.

Spider-Man punched the Nomu 128 times in less than a minute in that moment with 100% smash each time. Before delivering a devastating uppercut. It sent the Nomu into the air. Izuku jumped after it and grabbed the Nomu's leg before throwing him to the ground. The ground broke on contact and the force sent everyone on their asses.

"Ooh that was a good one" the women said next to Izuku. "Sure was, hey let me try something" Izuku said.

One of Spider-Man's eyes became green once more as he jumped up. He punched the roof of the USJ. Blowing  a hole through the roof of the USJ. He kept flying higher and Higher. Till they were over 20kms up. He shot webs next to the Nomu that was 2 inches thick. He pulled and shot down so fast that a fire started appearing by his feet. He hit the Nomu dead in the chest with a double kick so strong, it created shockwaves throughout the USJ that stretched out for another 8kms after the USJ.

The Nomu now lay there. Seemingly defeated.

"Yay, but their are still other villains to take care of" the women said. "Don't hog all the fun" a man wearing a green hero suit with shoulder length hair said. He placed his hand on Izuku's head. And his one eye got mixed in between and shad of purple and light green.

Then Spider-Man dashed and defeated 20 villains in less that a minute. "Didn't know were playing games" a women with blue hair and a blue hero suit said. Walking g out of the door. She placed a hand onto Izuku's shoulder and Spider-Man took out 34 villains.

"Stop playing games" a guy with red hair and hero suit said as he walked out the door. "Let me show you how a pro does it" he said and placed a hand on Izuku's other should. Making Izuku's eyes be mixed with the colors blue, red, light green, dark green and purple now. Izuku took out 43 villains after that.

"Show off" the purple haired women said. "You guys are seriously doing this?" A women with orange hair and hero suit asked. She placed a hand on Izuku's knee as she sat down. Spider-Man then defeated 47 villains. A man with light purple hair and hero suit cane out. Not saying a word. Instead, placing his hand on Izuku's other knee. Spider-Man then defeated 59 villains. The man smiled before another man's voice was heard. "You kids still doing this?" The voice of a man with white hair said. He wasn't wearing a hero suit though. He wore a normal old suit and tie that didn't seem to fit him. Everyone was silent as he walked over and sqauted in front of Izuku. He placed a hand on Izuku's chest and Izuku felt so much power flow through him just from this man's touch. Now Spider-Mans eyes were glowing every colour of the rainbow.

Red, blue, dark purple, light purple, light green, orange but most importantly, white.

Spider-Man then defeated 108 villains. Those were the last couple of villains left. "You kids are amateurs" the man with the white hair said as he stood properly. "And you" he said pointing to Izuku. "We won't always come to your rescue. You seem to use OFA as a scapegoat when in tough situations. That's not right. So, we won't always come to your rescue and I'm warning you of that now. One For All isn't meant to get out of tough situations like that. It's meant to instill hope in the hopeless. Put a smile on the faces of the sad. Your using this wonderful gift wrongly. If you have no intention of using it properly, then give it to someone who will" the man said and shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked toward the door. "Come on all of you" he said as all previous OFA users left. " Just because I said all this, doesn't mean that we don't care. As the original user of the quirk, I feel like that father of One For All. I'm watching out for you. Learn to use the power, or don't. But I tell you, you'll find it easier to fight with OFA" he said and began to close the door. But left the door 10% open. "But, I'll leave this door open, just in case you decided to use it. I know you've got a chaotic life right now. Balancing secret hero life with normal and scientist life and love life. But, just try" he said. "How did you-" "We've been watching you. Keeping doing the right thing. Just as I said, I feel like I'm the father of OFA, so, I feel like I'm kinda your father too. Use this 10% of OFA we've left you wisely and I'll open the door a little bit more if I see that your worthy" he said and walked off.

Izuku contemplated what the father of OFA had said.

"I'll try" was all he said before a bright light shone.
