Part 21


Izuku P.O.V

I walked over to the waiting room as I needed a rest. They were setting up the arena for the next challenge, the cavilary battle. I needed to choose my teammates wisely for this. Maybe, me and Iida could team up. It would be impossible for anyone to get us. Tokoyami should be added too. And Todoroki might not be bad, but I doubt he'll join.

So maybe Uraraka, she could make us light and Tokoyami could propel us up into the air with dark shadow. That could wor-

Suddenly, I got pulled into a janitors closet by a random hand. Once inside, I felt a pair of lips crash against mine. I opened my eyes in shock to see Paige. "I saw your race, it was amazing" she said with a bright smile that made me blush. "Thanks" I said and rubbed the back of my head. "Oh, your so cute when your embarrassed" she said with another radiant smile.

I felt my cheeks get even rosier at this. "Well, your not so bad yourself" I said and I saw her smirk. Oh no, what have I done.

"Oh really" she said as she wrapped her one leg around mine and put her arms around my neck. She leaned in closer with a smirk on her face. No backing down now. "Yeah, really" I said and her smirk only intensified. "You see this lipstick" she said. And I made the mistake of looking down at her lips. Her beautiful lips. It made me feel like just kissing her right then and their. They were this cherry red colour that emphasized her features and absolutely made her look stunning. It's the minor details that can turn average into outstanding.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked. Still staring at her lips. "It's supposed to be strawberry flavoured. Only thing is, I don't think their strawberry flavoured" she said. "Let me guess, you want me to find out right?" I asked. A smirk now growing on my own face. She then nodded and that was my que. I rammed my lips onto hers and kissed her with passion.

I felt her tongue slip into my mouth, so I did the same for her. I felt her arms roaming up and down my back. Almost as if searching for something. I did the same as I started moving down. Kissing her neck in the process and gaining small moans from her. She then leaned forward toward my ear and whispered. "Your mine, and no one else's" I then felt her wrap both legs around me. I held her under her thighs as we kissed. Deepening it when she pulled my head forward.

Tasting the strawberry of her lips and feeling her body on mine. Felt amazing.

We both broke free for air and I looked into her eyes. "You know, I never really tasted much strawberry" I said with a smirk. "Oh you didn't now did you" she said back and I nodded. "Well... how's about a second tasting" she whispered the last part abd I nodded. Feeling my hands move to her shirt and lift it off. Then she kissed my lips with such passion. Reaching down towards my pants. I felt it myself. I had an erection. And she could feel it too.

"Will all contestants please come back to the arena!" Present Mic said aloud into his mic. "Saved by the bell" she said and I sulked. I wanted to continue, but I had to leave. "Hey, dinner tonight?" I asked and she giggled a little. "Alright" she said with a smile. "I'll treat you like a queen" I said with my own smile. "Oh Izuku, you already make me feel like a queen just by being with me" I felt my heart melt just from those words. Those words made my day. Those words went straight to my heart and stayed there. Like they had nested there and had a family. And grew old together. Cause that's what I hoped to do with Paige.

I waved my fingers and winked as I slowly stepped out of the closet. "I'll be rooting for you" she said as she put her shirt back on.

"I have the best girlfriend" I said aloud as I left. I walked out the tunnel that I came in and saw everyone that made it standing in the arena. "Now everyone we will be going over the points..." Midnight said, announcing from number 50 the amount of points we'd get. I zoned out in that moment. Just waiting till she'd mention 2nd place. "...4th place, receives 1000 points. 3rd place receives 3000 points. 2nd place receives 6000 and first place receives 1,000,000 points" she said and everyone looked at Iida. Iida felt himself cower a little at the hard stares he was receiving.

"Glad I'm not him right now..." I murmured as I sweatdropped at the tension in the air. "Now, everyone, please form your team's!" Midnight said and everyone immediately began running around to find strong people to team up with. I myself tried to find strong people to team up with. I ran toward the first team member I considered, Iida. "Hey! Hey Iida!" I yelled and got his attention. "Let's form a team and-" "Let me stop you there Midoriya, as much as I'd like to. I can't, me and you are currently enemies. I'm not only trying to win against everyone else, but you as well. So me and you forming a team wouldn't work" he said and gave me a sweet grin. Not trying to be mean at all, but showing that he really wanted to test himself.

I nodded, respecting his decision. I then walked off and found Tokoyami. "Hey Tokoyami, let's form a team" I said and he nodded. "Alright then" I said and we walked off. I looked across to see Todoroki had already formed his own team and so had Bakugou. Those two are off the list. "Midoriya!" A voice yelled out and I turned to see Uraraka running toward me. "I want to be apart of your team" she said with a smile. I nodded, relieved that I could have her on my team. "Sure Uraraka, now we need one more person" I said and saw someone who seemed as useful as everyone else I had. Mineta.

I ran over to the grape haired boy and asked "Mineta, join my team" he looked at me a bit confused before agreeing. "Just no perverted stuff" I said and he kinda sulked. Now I'm beginning to regret bringing him aboard.

We now had our chariot and I had my teams points around my neck. I flipped them over so that no one could tell which had the highest points. Uraraka and Tokoyami held me up while dark shadow held Mineta up on his own sorta throne. "Looks like everyone has their teams! Now! Let's... BEGIN!!!" Midnight sensei yelled and we all started moving. That's when our plan got put into motion. Uraraka made all of us as light as a feather and Mineta started ripping off pop-off balls and threw them at the feet of certain teams. I webbed onto their points and pulled. The points landed in my hand and they stayed stuck. Then we started moving. The only points we're interested in, were Iida's 1million points.

We gracefully glided through the air, thanks to Uraraka. We made our way toward Iida. He had Sero, Shoji and...Beast Man.

You see beast man is a guy who's quirk is to become a beast. He gets huge and his strength and speed increased tremendously. So much so, that if he hits too hard. He could kill his opponent. How he didn't make it into 1-A, I have no idea.

I watched as Sero tied people to the ground and Beast Man and Shoji grabbed their points.

Beast Man will pose a problem, he's not as strong or as fast as me. But, he could really hurt my teammates. I gotta find a way to stop his huge hands. That's when it clicked. The pieces of the puzzle came together to form a clear plan in my mind. "Guys! We're heading for Bakugou's team now!" I yelled as they all nodded. I scanned the area for Bakugou's team and found them fighting a team composed of 1-B students. Perfect, a distraction. "Tokoyami! When I say! Throw me in between Bakugou and the 1-B guy that can copy quirks. After you've thrown me! All of you move to the wall behind them!" I yelled and they nodded.

I watched Bakugou shoot an explosion at the guy and he shot one back. Copying Bakugou's quirk with a smirk. Unintentional rhyme there but, hey, what can ya do.

We got closer and closer, until we were a good distance away. I looked an saw Todoroki's team headed for Bakugou's as well. This just made it even more perfect. I witness as they perfectly aligned themselves. That's my que. "Now!" I yelled and Dark Shadow dropped Mineta and threw me.

Bakugou shot an explosion at Todoroki and Kaminari shot electricity at Mudman. Another person from class 1-B who has the ability to turn anything he touches soft and mushy. Like mud.

Momo, who was on Bakugou's team. Created a type of blanket to protect from Kaminari's electricity. The 1-B guy, shot fire at Todoroki and smirked.

Todoroki's whole team shifted back, then he shot ice at both other teams.

They seemed at a stalemate. No one was gaining ground and no one was losing it- "Friendly neighborhood SpiderIzu coming through!" I yelled as I flew in between all of them. Grabbing their points on their necks and yanking as I stared through them all. I grabbed all the points ftom the 1-B guy, and two points from Bakugou. But, I missed Todoroki.

Todoroki was smart, I knew he wouldn't go down without a fight. He froze my hand when it got too close to his points.

I clutched my frozen hand in pain. The cold bit right into my hand. But, I knew, I can't touch the floor, or me and my team are disqualified. I webbed onto the wall and pulled. I flew over to my teammates at the same speed I flew over to Bakugou at. Dark Shadow caught me and we scrambled away. I turned a little to see Bakugou fuming and the 1-B guy too shocked to understand what was happening. Todoroki, like always, was quick to react. He chased after me and my team with a determined look.

I told my team to move toward Iida's team, but to slow down a bit. I instructed Mineta to throw pop-off balls at Todoroki's team, and that just made them increase their speed. "Uraraka, maximize your quirk! We need to be as light as possible to do this!" I told her and saw Todoroki catching up, more and more. I hope this will work. It has to.

"Iida!!" I yelled to get his attention. He turned to face me with a surprised expression. "Now guys! Jump!!" I yelled and we all jumped. Flying upwards into the sky. Todoroki's team crashed into Iida's. Causing a slight scramble between the two. I looked down on the two and webbed onto Iida's 1million points. I pulled on the web and the points flew toward me.

Then- BOOM‼️

Bakugou and his explosions flew across the arena. Snatching the 1million points from the end of my web. He looked at me with a smirk as he did. I smirked back at him. I'll get him back.

He then flew off and I turned to see Iida flying into the sky using his jets. Reaching for my points. I quickly webbed his eyes. Making him fly more to the right. Missing me completely. I looked down and saw an ice pillar making it's way to me and my team. With Todoroki at the front. Not good. He has the advantage now. And- I looked downward and saw how high we were. A fall from this height could hurt my teammates. Gotta think, and fast.

I looked left, then right, then up, the- oh shit. I looked back up to see Iida coming back down to earth. The web now ripped off his eyes. Coming from both sides now, what do we do, what do I do. I'm in charge, gotta think and fast.


I quickly smiled at Todoroki and barked an order. "Uraraka! Release your gravity when I say, Tokoyami! Order Dark Shadow to make an arch under us!" I yelled and saw Todoroki getting closer, Iida too. "Now Uraraka!" I yelled and she released gravity. I webbed onto the wall in front of us and pulled. Dark Shadow formed an arch under us. Making a sled. That was the easy part. Here's one of the hard ones. "Mineta, put a pop-off on the back of my neck" he looked at me confused, but still did it. "Now throw a bunch at the bottom of the pillar" I said and he began to throw pop-offs frantically. They landed at the bottom of the ice pillar and I stuck out my arm. I clotheslined Todoroki as we slid down the pillar. Iida came down from above and grabbed our points.

But he couldn't pull them off, cause they were stuck to my neck. Via pop-off ball. He flew past me and flipped over in the air and began to tumble. If he touched the ground now, he would lose. Beast Man jumped forward, catching Iida by his one leg and pulling him down. Damn, looks like he's still in.

As we slid down the ice, Todoroki shot more ice at us. But, they were quickly stopped by me web tossing them somewhere else. I quickly webbed two spots on the  floor in front of us. We were close to the bottom now. Hopefully my deduction is right and...we had a soft landing on the pop-off balls Mineta threw. I quickly twisted and grabbed Uraraka, Mineta and Tokoyami. Slinging Uraraka and Tokoyami over my shoulders and putting Mineta onto my shoulders.

I jumped, then they started yelling. "Wait! Deku! If you touch the floor, we'll lose!" Uraraka yelled. "Stop!" Mineta yelled.

I landed with both feet onto the floor and stood. "Midoriya Izuku is hereby disqualified!!" Midnight yelled into the mic. "Wait, Midnight! Look!" Present Mic yelled. Everyone looked to where he was pointing. Pointing at my feet, I was standing on the two webs I shot before. I smiled up into the crowd and Midnights facial expression was so shocked. "I guess...I guess he's still in, he hasn't technically touched the ground" she said as she scratched her head. "Tokoyami, make dark shadow disappear" I ordered and Dark Shadow evaporated. He now wasn't stuck to the pop-off balls. I jumped into the air, knowing Tokoyami's instincts would kick in and he'd use Dark Shadow to catch me. And Dark Shadow did catch me.

I got lowered slowly as my team went back into carriage positions.

For the rest of the round, we ran around, trying not to be caught.

The round ended and Bakugou's team won. But I also won in a way.

I looked up into the crowd and saw Paige, my mother and some of the scientists from Nara labs cheering my name. I even saw Ben in there. He had an approving smile on his face.

I smiled up at them, I have the best people in my corner.
