Part 23


Izuku smiled. How could he not. This is what Momo asked for. She asked to become stronger, and she did. The old Momo would never have been able to lift that much.

He nodded as the recovery bots carried Momo out the arena. Beast Man was still completely fine, his sight might be gone for a few more minutes though. The flash grenade went off so close to his eyes. And on top of that, he was already wearing glasses.

Izuku looked at the next match up and saw 'Kaminari VS Ibara' he nodded.

He looked down as the two entered the arena.

Denki is no fool

Kaminari looked at Ibara with a nervous expression. Feeling sick at his stomach as he did. Not that she was ugly. Ibara was relatively good looking. With her vines for hair and, and the few flowers in her hair. She had a good body- not that he was paying attention to that.

He just felt sick from nervousness. He felt the pressure on his shoulders.


"Son, I want to talk to you..." His father said as he pulled him aside. Kaminari stared at his father confused, but still followed. He followed his father to the backyard where they simply sat on the grass and looked at the sky. "So dad, what did you wanna talk about?" He questioned and his father looked at him.

"Son, as you know, me and your grandfather aren't on the best terms..." His father began. Denki nodded, acknowledging his father's words. "For the longest time, we've had bad ground with each other. And, I think you know why" his father said. Denki looked down and nodded sadly.

It was his fault. Well, he couldn't exactly say that it was his fault.

"Yeah, I know why. I've heard you and Grandpa yelling a few times before" he said and wiped a stray tear.

"No, don't cry" his father said and reached to wipe his sons tears. "How can I not, it's the reason why you and Mom got a divorce" he said back at his father. His father looked at his plaid pants. Then back at his son.

"Listen, your perfect the way you are" his father said and wiped Denki's tears.

"I invited your grandfather to the Sports Festival to watch you fight" his father suddenly said. Kaminari looked up immediately at his father. "You did what?" He questioned.

"I invited him" his father said and nodded. "Why? Why would you do that?" He questioned with a scared face. "Because, he needs to see that his Grandson isn't a loser and that his son isn't one either. So, I want you to fight your hardest out there okay. How you fight, determines our family status" his father said and nodded. "Promise me, that you'll try hard" he said and Denki simply nodded.

"I love you son" his father said after a few minutes.

End of Flashback

This was the only reason he approached the strongest guy in class. Izuku Midoriya. The strongest strength wise at least.

Denki looked at his hands and felt himself tremble. He looked up into the crowd and saw his grandpa staring with a glare. He flinched and looked back at his hands. "Can I do this?" He questioned himself.

Why did you dump this weight on me dad? I don't want to disappoint you. Our family is fucked up and it's all my fault.

He thought as he held back tears. He shook his head and looked at Ibara. She had an indifferent expression.

"Now, match, BEGIN!!!" Present Mic yelled.

Ibara wasted no time as her vines came for him. He ducked under a few and side stepped some more.

He felt his electricity crackling around his body. He pointed a finger at her.

If I release from the start, this could greatly increase my chances of winning.

He thought as he sent out half the electricity he had in him. Ibara immediately covered herself in a huge ball of vines and made some stick into the ground. The electricity hit the vines, but because of the how thick they were and how many their were. They didn't harm her.

Denki looked at her as she began to come out of the shell she created. She sent vines out and hit him. He flew back and skidded across the ground when she did. He stood and felt his stomach in pain. He lifted his shirt and saw blood.

Ibara's vines were very dangerous. They had such power when they whipped and hit you to send you flying. But, the spikes also played a huge part in harming him.

He put his shirt down and stared in pain. He began to run to her as he yelled. But got smacked by a vine. He flew back again and landed facing the crowd. He looked into the crowd and saw his grandpa shaking his head with an angry expression. He felt a few stray tears and quickly wiped them. Everyone from 1-A looked at Denki with sadness.

Kaminari stood and looked at Ibara. She made her way over to him using her vines. "Hahahaha, this is the power of class 1-B!! Take that 1-A!!" Monoma yelled from the stands. But, was quickly silenced by Itsuka. "Can't you take a hint, the guys obviously hurting!" She yelled at him. Kaminari lifted his hand and pointed once more.

He was about to release the rest of the electricity he had but-

Wait, that won't work

He reminded himself.

He put his hand down.

Then what can I do?

He got slapped in the face by a vine and flew across the arena. He rolled 3 times before stopping. He stood slowly.

Am I really this useless?

He felt a vine swipe across his face. It scratched his face and left three huge cuts across his face. "Aahhhh!!" He screamed and the crowd cringed. Some look away as the beating continued. He felt himself get thrown on to the ground. He was busted up. A black eye, more scratches littered his body. A few bruises on his body. He looked up into the crowd once more.


Where'd he go‼️

Kaminari's grandpa wasn't in his seat. And so was his father. He looked up onto the stairs and saw his father trying to stop his grandpa from leaving.

He saw his father get shoved onto the stairs and his grandpa yell. Couldn't make out the words, but it was clearly yelling. "Seems a little fight is happening in the stands!" Present Mic said.

No please, don't show them. Don't let everyone know my family matters.

He pleaded. But, his hopes were crushed when the Big screen showed his father and Grandpa yelled. "That boy is useless. Might as well be retarded!" His grandpa yelled.

He slowly stood. He held his arm as he looked at the screen. Everyone looked at him. "Please dad! Stay! He's not useless or a retard. He's your grandson!" His father yelled.

"That's no grandson of mine" his grandpa said simply.

The camera switched to Kaminari's crying face. Everyone felt sad as they looked at him. Even Bakugou couldn't help but look down.

"Hey! Who do you think you are old man!" A man yelled and everyone agreed. And soon everyone was against Kaminari's grandpa.

I failed

Were the only words in Kaminari's mind.

Kaminari sat down. He pulled his knees up. And cried into them. Everyone watched as he sat in a ball on the floor. Ibara didn't dare move. She looked at her teacher and mouthed "What should I do?" The man simply shrugged.

She turned and looked back at Kaminari's shrunken form.

They stared for a few minutes. None of teachers knew what to do. They all looked at each other and shrugged. Bakugou and Midoriya scowled as they both looked at their feet. "Folks, I guess...this match is over and Ibara is the winn-" "GET UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Bakugou yelled.

"DON'T TAKE THAT SHIT!!!" Izuku yelled after. Kaminari was unmoving. "YOUR JUST GONNA QUIT!!!" Bakugou "WHAT ABOUT ALL THE TRAINING WE DID TOGETHER. YOUR GONNA THROW IT AWAY LIKE THAT!!!" Izuku "DON'T TAKE THAT SHIT!!!" Bakugou "FUCKING PROVE HIM WRONG!!!" the words were slowly starting to get to him.

He poked his eyes out to look around. "GET OFF YOUR ASS!!!" Bakugou yelled. "Bakugou!!" Kirishima yelled to silence him.

Bakugou folded his arms and looked down inraged. Izuku looked on solemnly. They locked eyes. "Get up. Please" he said lightly. But Kaminari made out what he said.

What am I doing? Why am I just sitting here. That shitty old man never did anything for me. So why do I feel so affected by words! If he doesn't want me as his grandson! Then that's fine by me. Cause I got a loving father who'll always be there for me!

He slowly rose as he wiped of his tears. "Thank you Bakugou and Midoriya. You helped me see the light" he said and stared at Ibara. "Hey old man!! Your not leaving till this fights over!! So get your boney butt back to your seat!! Cause your about to witness this so call retard win!!" He yelled. 

Electricity streamed around him. It was bright and shone like a star. It ripped his shirt to shreds with the sheer power. Everyone saw his four pack and his defined muscles. Granted they weren't all too big. But, they were well defined.

Kaminari raised his arms and got into a ready position. Ibara shot a vine at him. He quickly side stepped and grabbed it. Sending electricity down it. Shocking her. The crowd began to cheer loudly. He wrapped his arms around it and pulled. Ibara slid across the arena toward him.

He then kicked her in the face. She landed next to him. He kept his hands close to his face. Remembering his training. Ibara stood and swiped a vine at him. He dodged. But, still got a scratch across the arm.

A straight

He punched forward. Ibara's head flew back from the force of it.


He hit her in the stomach with his elbow.

Taekwondo kick

He kicked while on his toes.


He ran and jumped. He grabbed her head and pulling it into his knee.

Her head flew back as blood spewed out her nose. Vines whipped out at Denki he kept his hands close to his face. Like a real boxer. Giving her and electrically charged punch. He eyes rolled to the back of her head in pain. Her entire body got covered in electricity.

She flew back and landed with a roll. She looked at Kaminari angry. He simply looked calm. She wrapped her body in vines. Making herself 2 metres tall in a suit of vines. It looked like the suit a knight would wear. Even creating a sword out of vines.

She swung the sword and he dodged.

Gotta release, but I don't have enough power.

He said as he jumped away. He raised his hand and pointed to the sky. He shot a streak of electricity.

Oh no, I can actually feel myself getting a little dumber.

He thought as he swayed, as if he was drunk.

But, it'll come in handy soon.

He covered his body with electricity as he moved his arms out. Ibara's sword swung and hit him. He screamed in agony as he flew across the arena. He stood once more and spread his arms out. "HAAAHH!!!" He yelled as the people in the first 5 rows phones began to glitch out as a stream of yellow electricity flew out. They all dropped their phones in shock. No pun intended.

The power all went into him as his hair flowed. His eyes became completely yellow and electricity streamed out.

Not enough

He pointed at the big screens. Their we're four. Positioned all around for better viewing. Yellow electricity streamed out of them. They became to go haywire. Glitching out and making sparks fly out of them.

He slowly rose off the ground as his electricity got brighter. He looked at the sky as he drowed power from more phones. The cars outside the stadium started going haywire as a storm cloud set in.

Lightning flashing around.

That's why he shot that electricity before! To change the weather.

Izuku thought as he smirked. He didn't like the fact that his phone was dead. But, he was happy for his friend.

Kaminari's skin began to burn and peel though. The power was already too much. And he was about to add more. He raised both hands and "HAAAA!!!" The lightning came down and hit him. It made his electricity brighter. His skin started cooking and turning red from the heat.

He looked at Ibara with glowing yellow eyes.

"If he hits her with that, she may die" Midnight said to herself. "Aizawa!!" She yelled and Aizawa looked at Kaminari. He still had bandages wrapped around  his head from the USJ battle. It still hurt tremendously to his quirk, but the moment called for it. He tried to activate his quirk, but it hurt too much. Midnight ripped off both sleeves as she released sleeping gas.

Its not enough.

She thought as a streak of electricity came flying past her.

Kaminari's father stared on. That's all he could do. Kaminari's grandpa looked on shocked as well.

All Might stood as Kaminari glared daggers at Ibara. She wrapped herself in thick vines. But soon reached her limit when she felt her vines couldn't grow anymore. Blood ran down her face as she forced them out. Kaminari floated over her like a God as he put his finger up. He pointed at her.

Ibara cloaked the entire arena floor with vines. Kaminari roared as he shot all the power accumulated at Ibara. She braced for the shock.

The electricity quickly ate through the vines and she stared on scared.

Suddenly a huge burst of wind went off. Knocking the electricity back into the sky. Smoke cover the whole arena. All Might swiped his hand across the arena and all the smoke disappeared. He was then seen holding Ibara. Her vines. Burned to shreds.

Kaminari lay on the floor staring at the sky with his eyes rolled back. His skin red from being burned. Steam rose off of him as the recovery bots carried him away. All Might placed Ibara down and she stood. Panting like crazy.

"Ibara wins, since Kaminari is unable to continue" Midnight announced. She sighed, happy that someone stepped in.

Kaminari's father cried tears of joy. "Fine, he's not your grandson..." He began and Kaminari's grandpa became shocked. "But, it's your loss" he said and walked toward the recovery bots carrying his son away. He held his sons hand through it.

Denki is no fool finished
