Part 26


Izuku looked at Todoroki from afar. He had blood trailing down his arm from the cut wound he received before and his shirt was completely ripped off. Now he was regretting convincing Todoroki to use his fire. It made him so many more times powerful.

Izuku's muscles was coated in blood and sweat. So not many women could admire them. But, at least he wasn't the only one injured. Todoroki had a head injury with blood trailing out of it. Half his shirt was ripped off and he had blood on his chest from a punch that Izuku delivered.

Izuku had his one hand clenched and ready to punch, while his bloody one was held loosely at his side. His legs were spread and the air was still. Everyone stared tensely at what might be the outcome of this fight. The people had already divided themselves,

Team 💪🏼Midoriya 🤟🕸️VS Team 🔥Todoroki❄️

They each had money bet on who would win, but the people were on the edge of their seats about who would win.

Izuku took of sprinting at Todoroki. Todoroki looked at him before raising his arm violently. Making a huge glacier of ice erupt in the middle of the battlefield. Izuku just barely managed to dodge it. He now had ice over his left leg and his right foot. He looked at Todoroki and the boy in question shot flames to end off the fight. Izuku dodged though at the last second and the flames hit the glacier.

The glacier began to crumble and it broke. Making the huge piece begin to fall on Midoriya. Todoroki's eyes flew open in surprise, he immediately began running to save Izuku. Paige and the rest of the scientists looked on shocked. Izuku's mother stood in shock. "Cementoss!!" Midnight yelled and Cementoss ran forward. Planting his hands on the ground frantically.

Cement began to move toward the glacier to stop it.

Everyone looked on horrified at what might happen. They didn't know what would happen. They knew one thing though. If the glacier hit Izuku, he'd die.

Izuku looked at the glacier shocked. He then began to try to run away. But it was too late. Suddenly a blur ran past Cementoss. It was All Might and some other heroes. Mt Lady stepped out of the crowd and onto the outside of the arena. Growing huge and about to grab the glacier.



The glacier hit.

Everyone stopped as the glacier hit. They all stared, horrified at the scene in front of them. A boy just got killed. A boy just got killed. A boy just got killed.

Paige cover her mouth and began crying. Izuku's mother cried as well. The heroes didn't know what to do. They all stood in line and saluted a dead hero. That's when it happened.

The ground began to shake. At first, only the people close could feel it. Like Todoroki and the heroes. Then, it got violent. The shaking went through the entire stadium. Making people jump out their seats. Nobody knew what was happening. But they all started panicking. People started screaming. Calling for help.

But, just as the quickly as the shaking begun. It stopped. Then suddenly, a huge blast of air shot in the sky the form of a pillar. Parting the clouds even. The glacier shattered. Making tiny particles of ice fly into the air. Everyone looked on with utter shock as their only emotion. Izuku slowly rose to his feet. Eyes glowing white, hair flowing. Todoroki dried his tears. That's right he was crying. He thought he had killed him after all.

Izuku everyone's shock turned to curiosity as Izuku's eyes shone a brilliant white. Izuku looked down at his leg and foot, frozen in ice. He simply flexed his leg muscles and air pressure flew out. Enough to make the heroes hold up their hands to block the air. The ice shattered like glass. Izuku made a fist. Todoroki quickly stood, realizing that this fight wasn't yet over.

That power again

Bakugou thought as he remembered how Izuku almost defeated him at the training. Remembering how he blew off half a building with just a punch. And how he cleared at least 300 metres in less than a second.

Izuku lifted his fist and punch the ground. The ground folded under his punch. Sending shockwaves throught the stadium and breaking the arena floor everyone except around him. Todoroki flew into the air from the punch and most of the crowd got knocked back or held on tight to something to stay put. Everyone was struggling with the wind pressure, except All Might. He stood proudly. His smile widened a little as he did.

Izuku lifted his arm up and punched at the air. Making more air pressure. The air pressure hit Todoroki and knocked him out the arena. Todoroki flew and hit the wall. And was stuck there for a good minute before falling off.

Hitting the outside of the arena and making Izuku ghe winner. That's when Izuku collapsed.

Falling flat on the floor.

The infirmary bots carried the two away and Cementoss fixed the arena. All the heroes went back to their seats. It took the crowd a few minutes before they slowly started cheering. For one, no one died. And two, that was badass!

Midnight stared confused. Before she shook her head. Releasing herself of her daze. "Well...LETS GET A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THAT MATCH!!!" She yelled andthe crowd cheered louder.

Izuku lay in the infirmary as Recovery Girl wrapped his arm in bandages. "Huh!" Izuku yelled as he sat up. Making Recovery Girl jump in fear. Izuku immediately winced in pain as he felt his arm. "Don't do that" Recorder Girl. A Ghetto version of Recovery Girl said.

( Ignore this😂. It was Recovery girl who said it)

Izuku thought for a second before remembering what happened. He then stood. "Hey! Sit yo ass down boy!" (Ignore that too😂)

"Sit down! You can't be moving with those injuries" She yelled at him. "Well then patch me up enough to leave" Izuku instructed. "I need to get to this fight" he continued.

Recovery Girl sighed and started watching Izuku up. "The youth these days..." She said as she wrapped bandages around his arm. Once Izuku was all good to leave, he stood and left. "Though, not all the youth. Have that spark in their eyes that he had"

Izuku walked down the tunnel with a serious gaze. He was gonna face Bakugou. He needed to be ready. After all, this wasn't gonna be a normal match. They had history to settle.

Bakugou stared around with a glare as he waited for Izuku to arrive. "And here he comes!! The amazing boy that avoided death is back folks. IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!" Midnight said. Bakugou turned to look at Izuku with a glare. Izuku returned the glare with his own glare. They both stood directly in front of each other. Their bodies less than 2 inches away. Both their chests were puffed out. They both gazed into each other's eyes seriously. "Match...BEGIN!!!" Midnight yelled. But, the two still didn't move.

They just stood. Everyone stared on with a tense glare. The air became thick with emotion from the two.

Izuku remembered all the times Bakugou laughed at him, laughed with, cried with him, made him cry, made him upset, bullied him! Bakugou remembered those same moments.

Suddenly Bakugou punched at Izuku's head. Izuku simply tilted his head. Letting the punch got right by his head. He kept his stare on Bakugou the whole time. Bakugou jumped backwards and he stayed in the same place. Bakugou took a stance and he did too. Squatting down a little and keeping his hands at his side. Bakugou fired and explosion and Izuku jumped backwards. But, when his spidey sense went off. He webbed the floor and pulled to fly forward. Bakugou appeared behind Izuku and shot an explosion. But, he wasn't expecting Izuku to move forward with his webs to dodge.

So once he threw the punch, he had to fix himself by using and explosion to prop himself up. Izuku twisted and webbed Bakugou in the eyes. Bakugou immediately reached and grabbed the webbing to peel it off. Izuku then pulled. Making Bakugou fly forward, hitting his head on the ground. Izuku then webbed the back of Bakugou's head and pulled. Making the blondes head fly up. Giving him enough time to quickly kick him in the face. Bakugou's head flew back and so did the rest of his body. Izuku came back as he ran and jumped double kicking Bakugou in the chest, flipping off, webbing his face once more and pulling while jumping forward. Bakugou flew right into Izuku's knee and got the wind knocked out of him. The blonde flew back and was about to land on his back. When he suddenly used his quirk to flip and land on his feet.

He skidded back and bit and ripped the webbing off angrily. Bakugou then flew toward Izuku and gave an explosive punch to his chest. Izuku felt his wind get knocked out of him. But, didn't have time to recover as Bakugou have another explosive punch. This time to his head. Bakugou shot an explosion at Izuku that hit head on. Izuku flew back and landed with a thud. Bakugou flew forward and landed on the green haired. Having both his legs om Izuku's sides in mounted position. He began to give Izuku repeated explosive punches like this. Izuku kept receiving the punches. But suddenly, Bakugou flew off of Izuku. Bakugou looked back to see Izuku's foot hooked to his clothing and he was lifting his foot. To make Bakugou come off. Izuku stood and let Bakugou drop to the ground. He ran at him and jumped. Coming down with a kick aimed at Bakugou's chest. Bakugou rolled out of the way and Izuku's foot hit the ground hard. Making it crack a little.

Izuku and Bakugou continued on with their attacks for a good 20 minutes. Before...

Bakugou flew into the air and began spinning while creating a explosion. Izuku stared at him, confused at what might happen. He'd never seen this move from Bakugou before. Then, the blonde stopped spinning and simply launched an explosion in front of him. He hit the ground hard. Creating a big explosion with a lot of smoke afterwards.

It was meant to create a smoke cloud!?

Izuku thought as he felt his spidey sense go off and he felt and explosion hit his back. He flew forward ,when his spidey sense hit him again. He got smack to the right, then to the left. Then up. Izuku felt his spidey sense buzzing above him.

I need to stop this

He thought as he twisted in the air and punched upwards. He felt his and Bakugou's fist connect as he did that. Izuku then took this as his chance. Grabbing Bakugou's wrist and spinning in the air. Whirling Bakugou around. He then threw Bakugou away once he hit the ground.

Bakugou landed hard on the ground before standing quickly.

He's pretty smart...

Momo thought. She sat with the rest of 1-A. Even though she was injured, she decided to support.

Momo looked at Izuku as the smoke parted. Letting her and everyone else see what's going on. But, most of all. Izuku could now see himself.

Izuku and Bakugou charged at each other. Bakugou performed an explosive punch and Izuku flipped over his fist. Bakugou twisted, just to receive a kick from Izuku. Bakugou used the momentum of the kick and twisted in the air. Landing on all fours and using an explosion to flip over Izuku. Izuku webbed Bakugou and jumped. Spinning Bakugou around before smacking him onto the floor. Izuku then came down on him with a punch. Bakugou managed to dodge and they got into yet another barrage of attacks from both sides.

Then Bakugou did something that Izuku wasn't expecting. Bakugou stopped his punch mid punch. Izuku reacted by punching Bakugou in the face. Bakugou didn't go flying away though, like other time. Izuku felt himself get tugged forward a bit. He looked down to see that Bakugou was holding onto his shirt. Bakugou spread his palm and Izuku immediately knew what was happening. But, it was too late. Bakugou launched an explosion that knocked Izuku back to the edge of the arena. He only managed to stop himself by webbing the floor. Izuku stood up after the attack though. But, he looked like how he looked at the end of his and Todoroki's fight. Bloody and bruised.

Bakugou came forward once more and tried a punch. Izuku managed to side step it though. Giving Bakugou a punch as he did.

Izuku then jumped over Bakugou's head. Webbing his back and pulling as he did a flip. Smacking the blonde into the ground.

As soon as Izuku landed. He felt his chest in pain. Having a spider based quirk made his skin harder. Which was an added bonus to his quirk. So he didn't get all too hurt by the attack. But, that wasn't to say that it didn't hurt like a bitch. Bakugou began to unleashed a barrage of attacks and Izuku began to lose. He slowly got more and more bruises.

Izuku then stopped moving as he hopped backwards. He webbed the walls of the arena to each other repeatedly. Creating a few web lines going across the arena horizontally. He then made webs going Vertically. Connecting to the arena floor and the webs above. Creating a labrinthe of webs all around. Bakugou looked around in shock. Izuku immediately began moving and grabbed a horizontal web. Swinging around and kicking Bakugou. As soon as he got knocked back. He grabbed a Vertical web and and flipped behind him. Whisking around, swing from web to web. Repeatedly hitting Bakugou. Giving the blonde a few bruises all around. Bakugou then got irritated and blew the whole thing off. Izuku then appeared behind him and kicked the back of his head. Before webbing his back and pulling. Bakugou flew back and Izuku kneed him in the back.

Bakugou then got angry and twisted. Smacking Izuku away with an explosive kick. The green haired boy flew back and landed with a thud. Bakugou then held both arms up. Izuku looked at him with a serious expression. Then, Bakugou's veins on his arms started bulging. Izuku could see his arms getting swole. And knew, Bakugou was preparing for a final attack.

Sparks flew from his hands and he began to break tremendous sweat.

"This just keeps getting interesting"

A voice said I'm Izuku's head as a door got opened 30%. Izuku's body immediately got surrounded by electricity and he power got much bigger.

Where does this power come from?

Bakugou questioned as he looked angry. He growled before firing. Unleashing an explosion so big, that Cementoss had to come in and create a cement dome over him to stop the attack. But, what he wasn't expecting. Was for Izuku to punch himself. Creating wind pressure which pushed against the explosion. The domes of cement broke apart as the two attacks clashed. Making everything go flying. Smoke cover the arena floor and everyone leaned forward to catch a glimpse of what was happening. The smoke cleared. Showing a downed Bakugou and a still standing Izuku. Though he soon fell over as well.

"This year's Sports Festival ends in a draw!!" Midnight yelled.


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