Part 29


Everyone was asleep in the lab. Fuyuko sat on her chair with her head on the table, passed out. Ben was passed out leaning against the wall. Izuku was passed out on his desk chair, with Paige passed out on his lap. Holding his neck as she slept.





"Hmm..." Izuku hummed as he woke up. He pulled out his phone and noticed the crime alert. "Oh shit" he said lightly as he tried to get up. But, remembered Paige on his lap. He started lightly lifting her up. "Hmm, just go" she said as he lifted her and put her down gently. He walked out the room, closing the door softly. He walked outside the building. Carefully looking around for any cops, before webbing the top of one building and pulling. Landing on top of the building. "Good thing I wore my Spider-Man suit under my normal clothes" he said as he pulled off his clothes.

He nodded as her checked the crib alert. "Bank robbery in progress" his suit said. "Then let's go" he said back and hopped off the roof. Swinging across the city. Moving left and right as he swung. He then shot a web after doing a flip and swung. Swinging past a building cover in glass panes. He looked at his reflection. "What?" He asked as he let go of the web and flipped. Then twisted before sticking his hand out and stopping himself eith his super sticky fingers. He looked at his reflection. His suit, was now black and grey. He held himself close to the window and on all fours. Before taking his hands off the window and leaving his feet on. He folded his one arm and stroked his chin with his other. "This, is not bad. Not bad at all actually. It looks pretty good" he said and smirked.

He heard the beeping and remembered. "Oh yeah, crime alert" he said and flipped backwards, off the glass pane. And twisted to face the ground before webbing a building and swinging. He swung till he reached the bank that was being robbed. "Why are their no other heroes here?" He questioned.

Can't make myself known by the police or they'll arrest me on sight.

He thought as he stood in sqauted position and made his way around the building. Making sure to dodge cops. He made his way into the building through the vents. Once inside, he kicked the vent open and jumped down into the lobby area of the bank. He found the bank completely empty. "Wait what?" He questioned. He walked further in. Going all the way to the back, where the vault is. He then found the vault open. "Bingo" he walked closer to the vault. Before hsi spidey sense went crazy.

From behind

He thought as he flipped backwards. Dodging a hand trying to push him into the bank vault. Suddenly the bank vault closed. "The plan didn't work" a voice said. Izuku turned to see Death Arms standing there. "Okay, Spider-Man your underarrest for using your quirk in public" Kamui Woods said as he came in.

Izuku looked at him with surprised face. "I see, you guys tricked me to lure me out, right?" Izuku said as he looked around and saw more heroes coming out of the shadows. Mt Lady and Snipe came out of the shadows and stood firmly. Creating a square around Izuku.

"Take him out!" Death Arms yelled. Suddenly, a few branches went out and tried to smash Izuku into the ground. Spider-Man flipped backwards, feeling his spidey sense go off. He flipped once more. Dodging Death Arms is grab. Flipping once more onto Death Arms arm, doing a hand stand on it for a second before pushing off.

I'm not able to battle 4 pro heroes

He thought as he twisted and webbed the roof of thw bank. Pulling to fly out the glass at the top. Before a giant fist came and smacked him back. He raised his arms, forming an X as he flew back and hit the vault door with a bang. Mt Lady went back to normal size as Snipe pulled out his guns and shot at Izuku. Izuku jumped backwards on to the wall. Landing in a crouched position sideways, before jumping off. Landing behind Death Arms. Vines and Branch's came and almost grabbed him as he landed. But, he was quick. Webbing the roof and pulling. Determined to leave. Then the giant fist came again.

Not this time.

He thought as he let go of the webs and cocked his fist back. Punching Mt Lady's fist away. Mt Lady's fist flew back. She looked at Spider-Man in surprise.

Woah, where did this extra power come from?

Izuku questioned. Feeling two times stronger than before. He then webbed the doors of the bank and pull- before he could pull. A bullet shot right through his webs. He turned his head to look at Snipe who shot more bullets at him. Izuku's eyes widened in shock. But, he was really shocked when his suit began to split and grow tiny tentacles. Catching the bullets before they hit. "Huh?" He questioned.

"What! Did he have a quirk we didn't know about?" Kamui Woods asked.

Izuku quickly landed on the ground with a roll and ran toward the doors. Then a giant hand came chopping down, covering the exit doors. Then more bullets came toward his back, and this time a wall od black slime formed.

"I could get used to this" Izuku said to himself. All if a sudden, tentacles formed from the suit and flew toward the roof. Hooking on and pulling him up and out. Through the glass at the top. He flew out in shock and landed on the street. Looking around, noticing the police officers around. "Stop!" The one yelled and they opened fire on Izuku.

Then, the wall of slime formed again and the bullets got stopped. The wall went back into Izuku and the police stare confused. Spider-Man took the chance to jump and web a building. Pulling to fly up. Then he got grabbed. A giant hand curled it's fingers around him. He turned his head to see My Lady.

He started moving his arms out to get free of her grip. "Good job Mt Lady!" Snipe yelled. Mt Lady smiled, but soon frowned when she saw him escaping his grip. She brought her other hand up and held him with both. Spider-Man struggled in her grip. "Quick! Throw him inside the container" Death Arms held a quirk canceling portable cell in his hands. This is what heroes used to trap big time villains with super strong quirks. Once inside, your quirk is useless.

Izuku looked at the black cylinder that was opened to reveal the blue inside. Spider-Man began to struggle harder. Now realizing the intensity of the situation. His suit then began to push with him. Forming pillars of slime and began pushing with him. Mt Lady felt her hands opening and she pushed back. Growing bigger to increase her power. His suit created more pillars and started pushing harder. Mt Lady tried to grow bigger, but found that the street they were on wouldn't let her grow any bigger. Feeling the buildings against her body. Izuku made one final push and Mt Lady's arms flew open. Allowing him to drop to the ground.

"Your being a nuisance" he said in demonic voice as long fang like teeth formed from his mask. He jumped up and punched Mt Lady across the face. She flew back and landed with a thud. She lay on the street, feeling her cheek. That's when Izuku noticed the news helicopter in the air. He jumped and moved his arm as a tentacles came out and gripped the helicopter. Swing before landing on a building and running across it. Hopping to other buildings. Only using his tentacles to pull him forward.

He then used his tentacles to swing around a building, landing in an alley. His suit then came off. "That's a better way to take of my suit. Gotta be careful though, the people of this area have already been evacuated. So it'd be suspicious if there's still a guy wondering around. I should hang out in this building" he said as he looked at the abandoned building next to him. He looked at the wooden boards blocking the window. He punched through the boards and jumped in.

Then started playing Subway Surfer for a good hour, then watching some YouTube video downloads. Till the people that lived in this area came back. He then shoved his phone back into his jacket, an instead of going to the lab. He went home to sleep. Yesterday was the last day for him to be away from school.

Yes yesterday, the evacuation and the crib alert happened at night. Now it was morning. Specifically 02:34. Izuku hopped out the window he came in and began to walk down the road. Making sure to not to be seen by cops. Because if you think about it, how would he explain why the person suspected of being Spider-Man. Was in the area where Spider-Man was almost caught. Even though he doesn't live in that area, and it 2 in the morning. So, he couldn't say that he was just going out.


He made it home at 3 in the morning. Closing the door carefully, so as not to wake his mother. He walked inside quietly and walked toward his room. Once again, closing the door lightly so as not to wake his mother. He then got undressed to his boxers only and went to sleep.

Sleeping for a good 3 hours till 6 in the morning. He got up and got dressed in his school uniform after taking a bath. He left his room and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. Finding his mother there. She turned and screamed as she saw him. "Izuku..." She said as she felt her heart beat. "I didn't know you had come home yet" she said with a nervous face. Izuku squinted at her and tilted her head to the side. He turned his head and looked back at his mother's room. He pointed at the door before speed walking over to it. "No! Izuku don't go in there!" She said, but he ignored. Opening the door and seeing Sai, the doorman from downstairs in his mother's bed. Only in boxers. "Izuku! When di-" "How long has this shit been happening!?" He yelled as he turned to his mother. His mother covered under his yelling. "I didn't wanna tell you...because I knew you'd be like this" Inko said. Izuku walked around her and walked toward thw kitchen. "Izuku!" She called to him. "There's more..." She said as she called Sai to her side.

"What!?!" He yelled and turned to see his mother wearing a ring. His eyes widened and he looked at Sai. Sai had on, his father's ring. "Take that off you piece of shit" Izuku said in that same demonic voice. Sticking out his hand for the ring. Sai immediately took the ring off and put it in his hand. "This, doesn't belong to you" he said and turned. Walking back toward the kitchen and getting the two slices of toast that were obviously meant for Sai.

Walking toward thw window. "Just so you know, you don't have my consent" he said and jumped out the window with the toast in his mouth. Sai immediately ran to window, worried about Izuku. "It's fine, he does that sometimes" inko before crying on the floor.

Izuku swung through the city angrily. Now wearing his new black Spider-Man suit. "How could she try to replace dad with that guy" he said to himself. He then swung by a giant screen attached to a building with the news playing on it. He turned to see himself on TV.

He stopped. Landing on a buildings roof and looking across at it.

"And I lastest news, it seems that our debate on Spider-Man has come to a conclusion. With more people voting him as a vigilante more than a hero. After he punched My Lady yesterday. Sending her to hospital" the footage then showed My Lady going to hospital.

"We'll bring you more on this at 12 now onto other topics..." Izuku snarled at the screen. The voice from below called. "Hey!! There's that so called hero!! Spider-Man!!" It yelled and everyone looked up to see Izuku. Some with cameras. Lifting their camera's to take pictures. Izuku jumped down in anger. Landing in between the crowd. They all took a few steps back in fear. "You people are all ungrateful. I save your lives everyday. And this is the thanks I get" he said as he saw a man slowly raise a camera. He webbed the camera, pulling it into his hand before crushing it. He then jumped and webbed away.

He swung to school, landing in a trash bin and taking off his suit. Coming out with a dirty hotdog stuck to his blazer. He pulled it off and threw it. Then walked thw rest of the way to school. But, unknown to him. There were black veins forming on his neck. He immediately reached for his neck and rubbed the pain away.

He walked into school and walked past people. Simply bumping into them. Some turned to yell at him. But, he simply looked at them with an angry look and they shrunk away.

He made his way into the male bathroom and took a quick leak. Walking over to the taps and washed his hands. He looked up at himself in the mirror and scowled. He used the water on his hand to slick his hair to ths side. He smirked at himself and walked out. Going to class and dumping his bags on his desk. "Izuku!" Momo said excitedly. Knowing that Izuku worked for her father gave her a sense that they were closer than they both knew.

"Yeah, what is it?" He said as if not interested. "Oh umm...well, I was wondering whether you'd like to hang out this weekend or...?" She said as she looked down. "Listen up, I'd rather jump into a pit of fire than hang out with you this weekend okay. Now take your stupid ass self and scram" he said and she stared shocked for a good 2 seconds. Before bursting out in tears. Running off to her friends. They all started to asking what's wrong.

"Izuku! How could you say that!?" Ashida asked. Feeling angry at the green haired boy. "look here pinky, I don't give to shits abkut what I said" he said with a death stare. Ashido began to back away in fear. "Izuku, this isn't like you!" Uraraka said. Stepping forward. "Like you even know anything about me" he sais back. "How could you say that? We're friends!?" "Who said that we were friends!?" He yelled back in that same demonic voice.

"Izuku! Come with me now!" Aizawa said angrily. Looking at the green haired boy. Izuku stood and moved past Uraraka by bumping into her. Making her knock intk a table. Iida looked at Izuku's face as he noticed his death stare. He flinched once he saw it.

Bakugou looked at Izuku with a confused look.

What happened to him?

Was all everyone thought. be continued
