Part 37


Izuku stared at the ceiling of the guest bedroom at All Mights mansion. His eyes had bags under them from lack of sleep. How could he, after what he did to Ben. I mean, technically it wasn't his fault Michiyo thought he would be a better candidate for the job. But, he could see how Ben took it the wrong way. As Ben explained before, Izuku had everything.

A loving mother, a girlfriend, tons of friends, he's going to a good highschool. He's on his way to becoming a hero and a great scientist. He was smart, funny, nice to be around. He gave you this feeling of security, he was good looking even though he was "plain" as most would say. He had an amazing quirk, a good physique, and now, he just got a job that could really benefit him and his mother financially.

What more could he ask for. His life was going in the right direction with people behind him to support him.

He was All Mights new student, and he gained his quirk for crying out loud.

Izuku finally understood what Ben meant when he said he had everything. Before, he didn't understand. Izuku didn't realize all the blessings in his life, because just like the rest of the world, he acknowledged the bad instead of the good. But, when he actually started thinking about it. He realized that the good outweighed the bad. Something he didn't realize until he stopped to think for a second.

Then there was Ben.

Who didn't have most of the things Izuku had.

And now he had just taken one of the things that Ben did have over him.

Izuku closed his eyes and sighed.

"Once a Midoriya, always a Midoriya"

Those words echoed. Was his bloodline really that bad, that his grandpa and father screwed over that many people. He didn't want to continue the cycle, but he just did. Because another Midoriya screwed over another Tako. Made him wonder if his son or daughter would just- magically find another Tako to screw over.


He thought and opened his eyes. He thought of having kids with Paige for a second. That made him happy, till he remembered that Ben didn't have a wife or a girlfriend to have kids with.

A knock came from the guest bedroom door. The door opened to reveal a deflated All Might. He had on his hero suit, which seemed way too big for him. "Izuku, it's time to go on patrol" The blonde said. Izuku simply sighed before standing. "Okay, I'll meet you outside" he said and All Might nodded. The skinny man walked out the room with a frown. He knew what had happened because Izuku came in feeling all moppy yesterday night. All Might knew the boy had no father to tell his troubles too. So All Might decided to play the role of father yesterday. Listening to Izuku's troubles, surprisingly, the boy had a lot. They talked from 20:03 to 21:57 at night. But, All Might was willing to listen. And, it felt good. All Might never had a son to pass knowledge onto, and Izuku never had a father to receive knowledge from. So, to say All Might had a lot of wisdom bottled up inside him would be an understatement. After the talk was over, the two men walked away feeling a little happier then they did when they started.

But, that doesn't mean Izuku got over how he screwed Ben over. It still left a weird feeling in his heart. Like there was a 50kg weight on his heart. And, it didn't feel like leaving. Though it was better now, yesterday it felt like 70kg.

Izuku placed his face mask on. Activating the little machine. It made his eyes gold and hair black and gold. It even seemed to conceal the bags under his eyes.

Izuku walked out the room, closing the door behind him. He walked downstairs and out the front door. He closed the door behind him and locked it. He walked forward, down the driveway. It took him about 2 minutes of walking before he saw the gate, off in the distance.

Took him another 2 minutes to get to the gate. He walked out, and the gate closed itself behind him.

All Might gave him a sad smile. "Let's get going" was All Izuku said before webbing a streetlight and pulling.


Izuku swung through the city at a good pace. Looking up, down and all around. Not seeming to see any kind of danger. He shot another web and slowly swung down to the street. Landing on the sidewalk and beginning to walk. The people on the sidewalk looked at him surprised.

"Hey, your that SpiderIzuku guy right?" A man asked. Izuku nodded. "That's so cool!" He said and became frantic. "Can you do a trick!?" He asked. Izuku had half a mind to say no, but in the end, he shrugged and flipped onto a wall. Landing crouched. "Woah!" The man yelled. A small crowd came together, taking pictures of Izuku. Izuku sat on the wall as if it were normal ground. His one leg was folded with his foot on the wall, while the other one was outstretched. He had both arms folded around knee.

"Uh! Uh! Do another trick!" The man asked. Izuku sighed. Now, he really wanted to say no and just swing away.

But, he couldn't do that to this man. This man was so excited to see him, he was a true fan. A true believer. And anyone who's famous will tell you that your nothing without your fans. If you make a new album, the fans are the ones to buy it. If you end up in a new movie. The fans are the ones that'll come and watch.

Izuku placed a hand on the wall shifted his entire body off the wall. He now did a handstand sideways on the wall. "Woah" most said. Izuku then made it even cooler by going on his fingertips. Now, he was doing a handstand sideways only using his fingertips.

He flipped off the wall and shot a web while still in the air. He webbed a building and swung away. "We love you SpiderIzuku!"


A police car behind Izuku was honking at him. He was swinging, but the car just wanted him to stop. He sighed. Izuku swung a little more before stopping. He didn't shoot another web, instead just letting go of his previous one and falling. He landed with a roll. He stood properly as he waited for the cop car. The car parked, and detective Tsukachi came out.

"Izuku Midoriya. Feelings good to fight crime within the law huh?" Tsukachi asked. "I don't know what your talking about" Izuku said.

"You know exactly what I mean" Tsukachi said as him and another officer walked over to the web head. "No, I don't. Look, if you stopped me to accuse me with no evidence. Then I'm gonna go" He said. Acting as calm as he could.

"Oh yes, we don't have any evidence. But, we can now legally take you into questioning. Since we now have a reason to believe you are Spider-Man" Tsukachi said as the other officer pulled out handcuffs.

"And what's that?" Izuku asked as he stepped back a little. "How is it that when your here, Spider-Man suddenly isn't fighting crime? Coincidence? I think not. Cuff him" Tsukachi said. The other officer came behind Izuku to handcuff him. He didn't even try to run. Because he knew if he ran, then they'd really be able to take him away for resisting arrest.

That's when it happened, when they were about to put Izuku into the car. Spider-Man swung by.

Tsukachi's eyes flew wide. "There's Spider-Man" Izuku said. "" Tsukachi asked. He looked at Izuku, then the swinging Spider-Man. The other officer with him looked at Tsukachi for answers. "There's your answer. I'm not Spider-Man. Now can you take these off, their uncomfortable" Izuku said. Tsukachi couldn't see Izuku's mouth, but he could tell the green haired was smirking.

Tsukachi nodded to the other officer to signal him to let Izuku go. The other officer removed to handcuffs. "Now, if you excuse me. I'll be going now" he said as the train came by above them. Izuku webbed the train and waved. The train swept him off his feet as he flew off.


Izuku sat in the guest bedroom and sighed.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

Izuku looked at his phone. It was on the bedside table. He picked it up and answered. "What's up Paige?" He asked. "Well Izuku, I'm calling to tell you that the Nanotech sale went well, so well that Michiyo-san wants to host a dinner two days from now because of the success of Nara Labs" he heard his girlfriends sweet voice. "A dinner, what like fancy dress and all?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, it's a black tie event. People attending are expected to dress fancy in suits and ties" Paige's voice came through the device.

"Oh, okay. Where's it gonna be?" "It's not gonna be at Nara Labs, because we have so many dangerous chemicals and such that it's dangerous if a guest decides to play scientist. So it's gonna be at another venue. We'll all first eat, then we'll have time to dance" Izuku nodded.

"Okay then, I think you should call Ben and tell him. He still hates me" The green haired looked down with a sad face. "Ooh, Izu honey, how do I say this. Ben...isn't invited" Izuku's eyes flew wide open. "Why, the Nanobots we're his idea-" "I know-" "He contributed in making them-" "I know-" "He should be invited!" Izuku said, feeling outraged. They were treating Ben as if he was never a part of Nara Labs.

"I know that Izuku!!" Izuku pulled the phone away from his ear in shock. "*Sigh* I know that Izu, it's fucked up. And, I don't like it anymore than you do. But, it's Michiyo's orders. We are to not mention Ben at all at the dinner, or give him credit for the Nanobots" Paige said.

Izuku's face curled into one of irritation. Just what was Michiyo trying to do here.

He released a breath, he knew if he didn't calm down. He'd end up flipping out and losing his shit.

"Okay, anything else?" He asked. "Actually, yes, I was thinking that we could go out tomorrow. You know, on a date" Izuku's frown quickly turned upside down. "Oh yeah?" He said. "Yeah, I was thinking the park. A picnic" Izuku's smile grew wider.

"Sure, what time?" He asked. "10:00am" "K, I'll be there" Izuku said. Already feeling excited for it. "That's all I wanted to tell you" "Oh yeah, Paige, thanks for the whole Spider-Man thing earlier" he said and folded his one arm that he wasn't using to hold the phone.

"I mean, you sent the web distress signal. It was actually fun controlling the suit" he could hear the Glee in her voice.

You see, after Paige pieced together that he was Spider-Man, really quickly might I add. They put a new function in the suit where it can be remote controlled if a situation like this ever comes.

"It was like playing a video game" Izuku chuckled a little at that.

"Ok bye Izu, I love you❤️~"

"I love you too❤️~"

🕸️ Somewhere else 🕸️

"Oh and Izuku...

The alarms rang inside the prison. Officers lay everywhere on the floor, all of them injured. Thank God that none were dead. The sound of metal clanging against the metal floors could be heard across the prison.

"Don't worry about Ben...

A metal tentacle moved toward a cell door. The door was thick with steel and had quirk nullifying walls. To stop the person inside from breaking out. The tentacle easily ripped the door open. Revealing a man who had rough grey skin. He was big and seemed rocky. It was the rock man that had been arrested after Izuku defeated him way back when. He stood in the darkest corner of the cell. Not revealing his face. (Refer to chapters 4 and 5)

"You the one they call Rhino?" A voice asked. "Depends, who's asking" Han said. "I have reason to believe you have a grudge against Izuku Midoriya" Han's ears perked at Izuku's name. He turned, revealing the deformation of his face that Izuku left him with. Making him seem as if he had a Rhino's horn. "Who are you?" Han asked.

"I'm sure Ben's doing alright"

"Ben, Ben Tako"
