Part 39


Izuku walked into the apartment building to visit his mother. He had asked All Might if he could, and the blonde had seen nothing wrong with it. So he let Izuku go.

But, he did tell him to make it back before late for some training. He also still needed to get prepared for the dinner that was gonna happen later today for Nara Labs is success. Apparently, there's gonna be a lot of high class people. Such as other CEO's, army men, the heads of the different departments of Nara Labs. All these people were coming. The guest list consisted of 421 people. A few celebrities were also gonna be there, along with some pro heroes. All these random people had been invited, but they couldn't invite Ben?

It still got to Izuku that the person who thought of it all, wasn't invited. It bugged him to a point where he felt like bringing Ben anyway. But, there's a guest list.

Midoriya shook his head as he walked toward their door. Apartment number 23. He was about to knock, when he noticed a letter that had red writing on it. It was on the floor in front of their door. He didn't need to bend down to read it. It's message was clear. It said 'Eviction Notice' he bent down and picked it up. He unlocked the front door and walked inside.

"Are there no shifts I can work?" He heard his mother's voice through their small apartment. "Please sir, their must be some openings today" he began to creep up toward where the voice was coming from. It didn't take him that long to find his mother in their kitchen. "I-I just need some money to pay for a few things-" she stopped talking immediately and sighed. "Please sir, I'm a single mother. I'm just trying to give my son the best life he can have. It's hard. His school fees cost a lot and, I still need to keep food on the table and-" she stopped talking once more and nodded. "Okay, I understanding sir" she said and pulled the phone away from her ear. She put the phone down on the counter and gripped a hand full of her hair. "What am I gonna do?" She asked herself.

Izuku then decided to make himself known. "Mom..." Inko whipped around and looked at Izuku. "Izuku...when did you get here?" She asked. Izuku examined his mother. Hair was moving in every which direction. Making some of her gray hairs visible. But, she was only in her thirties. Leaving Izuku to think they came from stress. She had some bags under her eyes. She had on a simple black long sleeve shirt with a normal white skirt.

"...are we being evicted?" He asked. "N-No, honey we're not being evicted" she said. "Don't lie to me mom" he said and she sighed. "Yeah, we are. But, don't worry. Mommy's gonna find a place for us to stay" she said and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around him in a hug. Izuku stood with an awestruck face. They were gonna lose their home. "Now, what did you come here for? I thought you'd be staying with All Might all week" she said and stepped back with a tired smile. Izuku looked into her eyes. "Look, don't worry too much about it" she said. "I heard what you said, about school fees..." He said as he looked away. Inko sighed at that. She knew what was coming next. Her son was a lot of things. Generous, kind, respectful, and a bunch of other things. She knew that when something like this happens, he always used to blame himself. "...I should have known, U.A is a very demanding school. If...if you want me to drop out and go to simpler school... I'll... I'll... I'll-" "No! Izuku, we'll find a way. Something will happen. I don't want you to have to give up your dream school" she then released a breath. "I'll just, try to get another job" she said.

Izuku looked at his mother with shock. He never really said anything about it, but, if there's one thing you should know about Izuku. It's that he's very observant. He's already noticed that Inko had been working 3 jobs already. He just didn't bring it up. Which now, made him angry. He saw it all, he saw his mother's suffering, he saw her come home late at night, he saw her tired face everyday. And, he didn't do anything about it. If you thought about, what could he do though. He felt utterly pissed at himself.

His breathing rate began to increase, he curled both hands into fists. Unshed tears threatened to fall. He began to shake uncontrollably. His mouth moved to form a frown. He shut his eyes tightly as he faced away. Gritting his teeth. He felt irritated by himself. He raised his fist. He was gonna punch himself with it. It moved from his side, past his waist, past his stomach, past his chest. Before, it got grabbed. Izuku eyes flew opened as he looked at his mother. Both of her smaller hands surrounded his fist. "It's okay" she said and Izuku slumped over. Hugging his mother. What could he do. If they didn't come up with some money, and soon. They'd lose their home. And even though Inko said she'd handle it. Her, and Izuku both knew, that wasn't gonna happen. And it's not like they could go to any other family members for help. They didn't have any. It was always the two of them against the world. They only ever had each other. Mother and son. Now all they could do was pray upon a miracle.


Izuku punched forward. It was a sloppy punch though. He was trying to get One For All to come out. He stood in All Mights backyard. Trying to, and failing to make the power come out. All Might sat, deflated. Both emotionally and physically. Physically because he wasn't in his buff form. Emotionally, because he was out of ideas.

He sat on the back steps, both elbows resting on both knees. His head resting on his arms as he looked at his feet that were a step down. He had lost hope of One For All ever manifesting in Izuku by will. He had tried, and tried, and tried. OFA just didn't seem to respond to Midoriya as it did to him.

He didn't know what it was, maybe it was genetics, maybe Izuku wasn't strong enough? No, Izuku is more than strong enough. So why won't it just come out!

All Might grunted in anger. He stood and kicked some dirt in anger. He stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Midoriya, I'm going inside" he said, defeated. Izuku watched his hero walk away and lose hope in him. He closed his eyes and fell backwards. Landing on the soft grass, he looked at the passing clouds. He placed both hands on his chest. "Why won't it come out. Previous users, give me a sign. What am I doing wrong. I know you can see me struggling..."

In Izuku's psyche

A figure in a black suit and white hair stood with his face shadowed. He faced away from the door behind him. " why don't you help me?" The man turned his head a little, his face was still shadowed though. He then looked back where he was looking before. "Why, won't you help, are you ignoring me. Did I do something wrong. If so, I'm sorry. Please, just, help me. There's a lot of things going wrong right now. And not a lot going right, if you could- if you could help me, then that would make my life so much more easier" a voice came from all directions. The man didn't seem to move though. Instead, staring at the darkness that was Izuku's psyche.

Back to reality

"Fine! If you don't wanna help then...then that's fine too I guess. I gotta go get ready for a party anyway" Izuku said and stood. Moving both hands into his pockets. He began to walk inside. He walked upstairs to the guest bedroom. Entering the room, he grabbed his towel to go shower.


He stood under the water of the shower feeling upset.

No, I'm gonna go to a dinner with Paige, Fuyuko, mom and all my other scientist friends. I can't be depressed like this. Things will be alright, no need to worry. I'm gonna go out and have fun.

He thought as he smiled a little. Turning the shower water off, he exited the shower. Grabbing his towel and drying himself off. He proceeded to get dressed. He wore a black suit and a black bowtie. Not bothering to put on dress shoes. He put on his normal red sneakers. He looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled as he put on his green cufflinks. He adjusted his bowtie to make it straight. He then gave himself a smile. He grabbed his phone and began to head downstairs. He called up an Uber and got ready to leave. Waving All Might goodbye before leaving. All Might had been invited, and he was planning on going. But, he ended up using up all his time that he had to be in his buff form. So, he wasn't gonna go. Instead, he'd send an email to Michiyo telling him something came up.

As Izuku rode in the backseat of the car, he pulled out his phone. Going into his contacts, he clicked on Paige's number. Her number had been pinned to the top of the list. Along with 'Green Queen👸' only those two had been pinned to the top.

His phone began to ring, then he heard the voice of a goddess. "Izu-kun, are you on your way?" He smiled at the name. "Yeah, I'm in an Uber right now" he said and looked out the window a little.

"That's great to hear" Paige said as she looked around. The venue was stunning. It had a huge fountain out front, lights everywhere. A red carpet had been set up for the guests. There were vloggers, news reporters, journalists. All here to see the people who were coming. Paige watched as pro hero Mt. Lady arrived in a stunning Red dress that complimented her figure well.

She arrived with Kamui woods who seemed to have on a custom made suit that had a design of tree wood. The inside being green. With black dress shoes. They both had their super hero masks on, because they couldn't risk their identities being known. People took pictures of them. Flashing lights coming from all directions. "Just get ready for when you come here, you'll be surprised" Paige said and smiled.

"Okay then, bye. I love you❤️" he said. "I love you too Izu-kun❤️~" was all he heard before the call cut.

He then clicked on 'Green Queen👸' he waited awhile before she answered. "Oh hey Izuku! I'm on my way to the dinner now"

Inko answered the phone immediately once she saw the contact name 'Green Prince👑🙈' pop up on screen. "That's good, I really wanted you to be there. It's all thanks to you that this is happening" Inko smiled at that. "No, it isn't Izuku, this was all you" she said back. "Not true, if you hadn't encouraged me to pursue science. I wouldn't be here today. So, thank you. For everything"

Izuku gave a small smile at what he had just said. It was all true.

"Okay Izuku" Inko said as tears threatened to fall. This was the best part of being a parent. Seeing your children grow into well respectable adults. It was at this moment that Inko knew she had done good. Her job was done. She had equiped Izuku with what he need to take on the world. And now, he was using those weapons.

"Okay, bye Mom, I love you" he said. "I love you too Izuku" that's when the call cut. Izuku smiled the rest of the car ride to the venue. Once he arrived, he was amazed by it.

That's when it happened. Flashing lights began to come from all directions. Izuku looked at the Uber driver and payed him what he owed. The Uber driver drove off and Izuku looked to the cameras.

"And now, one of the creators of the Nanotech has arrived" a news reporter said. Izuku smiled and waved. That was all he knew to do.

He walked past everyone and inside. He sighed once inside. He'd never received that kind of attention before. He shook his head before walking further inside the venue. Classical music filled his ears as he walked through from reception to the main room. Their were a bunch of people walking around and conversing. Each in elegant dresses and such. Their were waiters walking around serving drinks and such. A women walked over to him with a steel tray that had glass cups filled with red wine. She had on a white, long sleeved  button up shirt with a black vest over and a bowtie. She had on a black skirt along with black stockings and black pumps. "Wine sir" she asked Izuku shook his head with a smile. She simply nodded and walked off.

He looked around the room as he noticed a few people. Some of the people from the lab that would come in with coffee stains on their shirts. They now had on suits and ties. Making him wonder how they managed to do a complete transformation.

"Midoriya?" He heard his name and turned. He saw Momo in a black Lacy mermaid dress that had a floral design to it. Her hair had been done up into one big bun and she wore red high heels. "Yayarouzu?" He questioned.

Of course she'd be here, her father owns the company

He thought. Mentally slapping himself for seeming confused. "Wow" she said as she examined him. "I look good don't I?" He said as he tugged on his blazer collar with both hands. Momo chuckled at his actions. "Yeah, you do" she said and nodded. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" he said with a smile and a nod. "Izuku" he heard his name once more and saw Paige, Fuyuko and his mother walking over to him.

"Oh heeeeeeeyyyyy..." He dragged out the 'hey' unknowingly once he saw Paige's outfit. It was almost like Momo's except, it wasn't a mermaid dress. And, it was shorter, stopping just below her knees. It was peach in colour and went well with her black high heels. She had on a pair of peach pearl earrings, which were simple. But screamed elegance. The trio arrived by Momo and Izuku with Izuku starting at Paige the whole way as she came over. "Wow, you look good" Fuyuko said as she look at Izuku with a smile. "I'll say" Paige said, also with her own smile. "Thanks" was all he said.

"Izuku!" "Why is everyone yelling my name?" The green haired asked himself. He turned his head to see Michiyo walking over with two other people. One of them was a women with black hair and blue eyes that looked a lot like Momo. The second was an old man who was relatively short in size, but in build, he was big.

Probably a retired pro

He thought as he turned fully to face his boss. "Izuku, this is my wife Harumi. Momo's mother" Michiyo introduced the women. If Momo's mother was any indication of how beautiful she'd get in the future, then Momo will be pretty damn good looking. The women was absolutely stunning.

Izuku shook her hand with a smile. "So your the one who's captured the interest of my daughter and husband" she spoke. Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I guess" he said. "And this person right here, is the head of our branch in Taiwan. His name is Ethan Manners. You see, after our main branch here in Japan, the second best performing branch is the one in Taiwan. So I not only gave you the project of making the Nanobots, I also gave them the task as well" Michiyo explained. Ethan looked at Izuku with a bored expression.

"So this is the guy that did it before we did?" Ethan asked. "Yes, this is Izuku Midoriya. One of our best scientists. And at such a young age too" Michiyo said and winked at Izuku with smile. "Well..." Ethan began as he outstretched his arm. "Good job" he said and Izuku shook his hand. Ethan's bored expression changed to a small smile.

After the handshake, Ethan walked away. "Oh and Izuku, here" Michiyo said as he pulled a slip out from inside his blazer pocket and handed it to him. "What's this?" Izuku asked as he took the slip of paper. "It's a little bit of an early paycheck" Michiyo said with a smirk. Izuku looked at the slip and noticed that it was check. For 7,000,000 yen.

His eyes bugged out at the check. He looked at Michiyo in shock. "You earned that" he said as he wrapped an arm around Harumi's waist. "Anyways, I'm off to go converse with some of my guests" he said and walked off with Harumi at his side. Izuku stared shocked even after he left. "What's the matter Izuku?" His mother asked. He handed her the slip, still in shock. Inko's eyes bugged out herself. "You know what this means Izu-kun?" She said, trying not to cry. "Yeah" he said as he hugged her. The rest of them stared confused, but decided not to ask. "You should keep this on you and then cash it in tomorrow" Izuku said and his mother nodded. Putting the check into her purse.


The night went on with Izuku being introduced to different people by Michiyo. Izuku would greet them and speak with them a little. Before ending the conversation and walking away.

That's currently what he was doing now. He was talking to an old couple. Apparently they were the founders one of Nara Labs best competitors. Kasumioji Labs.

"So, young man. How did you come up with the idea of making these Nanobots" the old man asked. "Actually, it wasn't me who came up with the idea. It was another guy. His name is Ben Ta-" he got cut off by Michiyo covering his mouth. "Please, Izuku is very busy right now. Please go enjoy the dinner with other guests" He said and nodded. The old couple looked confused before walking off. Once they were gone, Michiyo removed his hand from Izuku's mouth. "What do I tell you about mentioning Ben?!" He whisper yelled at him. "I just don't get why Ben can't get of the credit for this. It was his idea" Izuku said.

"Listen, you don't mention Ben for the rest of the night. Got it" Michiyo said, getting a little irritated with the green haired. The man then walked off, walking over to a stage that had been set up. He grabbed the mic and spoke. "Hey folks, it's that time now. Please make your way to the next room where we may eat" Michiyo said with a smile. People began flooding into the next room, going to go eat. Izuku followed suit and went in with them. There were circular tables set up with about 9 chairs at each table. The table setting was elegant, including 3 forks, knives and spoons. For elegance purposes.

Izuku sat at a table with Michiyo, Harumi, Momo, Paige, his mother, Fuyuko, Mt. Lady and Ethan. He had Paige on his right and Momo on his left. "So, Midoriya..." Harumi began. Izuku looked at the women. "How is it working at my husband's company? Hopefully it's not bad" she said and looked at Michiyo. Michiyo shrugged in defense with a smile. "It's good ma'am, it's a good company to work at-" he stopped mid sentence when he felt Paige rubbing his leg with a smile. Above the table, she looked normal. Underneath though, she was rubbing his leg. Everyone at the table looked at Izuku confused. "A-As I was saying, it's completely fine ma'am. No problems" he said. Even though he so wanted to, Michiyo told him not to mention Ben. So he had to keep his mouth shut about it.

Their food soon came and they began eating.


After the food, everyone emptied into the room that they were once in before. Izuku was talking with Paige when Michiyo went back on stage. He walked over to the podium they had set up and grabbed the mic. He cleared his throat "Hello folks. Can I get your attention please. As you know, this dinner was to commemorate the success of Nara Labs. It was a good thirty years ago that I decided I wanted to start a company where I could help the world with my inventions. And, since then we've grown. And become number one" he said and the Nara Lab employees clapped and cheered. "And now, we've pulled in front of our competitors once more. And it's all thanks to a group of three employees that made it all happen. Now, a word from my favourite employee so far. Izuku! Come on up here!" Michiyo said and a spotlight shined on Izuku. The teen in question looked around confused as people clapped for him. Some gesturing for him to go on stage. He began walking toward the stage as people clapped for him. He got on stage and Michiyo stepped to the side.

"Hey people, my name is Izuku Midoriya. Wait, you already knew that. Oh crap, can I start over?" He said. Causing the crowd to begin laughing. He smiled at that. "Well, Michiyo-san basically explained that I helped create the Nanobots and such. It was a long process. I-Its first started with me and..." Izuku looked at Michiyo. "I-It first started with me alone making the Nanobots" he said sadly. Michiyo nodded at that. "It was h-hard, working on the nanotech alone. But, I managed. I...I created the..." This felt so wrong. How could he do this to Ben, he was lying through his teeth right now. He looked at Paige and saw her with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry, I can't lie. There were four of us that worked on the Nanobots" Izuku said, Michiyo's eyes widened in shock. "His name is Ben Taking, he's a good scientist and a better friend. It was his idea-" he got cut off as Michiyo grabbed the mic from him. "Sorry folks, seems Midoriya's a little confused" Michiyo said.

"Oh really, cause I sensed no confusion in his voice" a voice came from the crowd. Michiyo searched the crowd for where the voice came from and saw the one and only Ben Tako.

He wore a black tux and had smirk on his face. "How did you get in here?" Michiyo asked, fear coursing through his veins

Suddenly Ben's suit ripped open. Revealing him to be wearing a green body suit as mechanical tentacles came from his back. The people around him began to freak out as they ran for the exit. Ben swung a tentacle and smacked a table over the exit. "Stop this now Ben" Michiyo said. "Why, it's just getting interesting" Ben said.

Momo ran toward the exit with the people. Trying to help them escape. As a hero in training, it was her job to help. She walked over to the door and created a hammer, running toward the glass window pane, she smashed it with the hammer. "This way!" She yelled as the people ran out. Ben noticed this and scowled, swinging one of his tentacles at Momo. He hit her in the head. Sending her flying across the room with a bloody and bruised head.

"Ben, what are doing?" Izuku asked once he saw Momo get smacked across the room. "I'm simply getting revenge" "Stop right there!" Kamui woods yelled. He used his branches to raise him into the air. Ben witnessed as other heroes arrived. "Did you think I came alone?" He asked with a smirk. Suddenly, the wall behind them burst down to reveal Rhino, Electro and a new guy that looked like a vulture. Izuku examined Think and Electro. Noticing how they had armor now.

That's what the money was for!

"And if that's not enough, why don't ya see what's happening outside" Ben said with a smirk. Rhino, Electro and Vulture ran into battle against the pro heroes. Izuku looked around the room, searching for anyone who hadn't escaped yet. But, everyone had gotten out. Thanks to Momo. "Now, your coming with me" Ben said as one of his tentacles grabbed Michiyo.

Michiyo screamed for his life as Ben began to carry him away. "Ben stop!" Izuku yelled. Ben stopped and turned to face Izuku. "Don't do this" was all he said. "Poor Izuku, this isn't even the least of it" he said. "Ben! Stop!" Paige yelled as she came in his way. "Oh wow, you saved me the trouble of looking for you" Ben said as a tentacle wrapped around Paige. Paige screamed at this. "Ben! Stop this or I swear I will show you no mercy!" Izuku with a dead serious face. Ben chuckled and continued to carry Paige and Michiyo outside. "Ben!" Izuku yelled angrily. He jumped off the stage and webbed onto the roof of the room and swung at Ben. Ben turned slightly as one of his tentacles smacked the green haired away. Izuku flew and hit a table. Breaking right through the table, he grunted in pain. Ben made his way outside and away from the scene.

Izuku flipped onto his feet and rushed outside. Once outside, he saw complete chaos. People screaming and shouting. Buildings on fire. Cars flipped over. But, the worst part.

Nomu's were everywhere
