The Tall Man Makes His Move


JODY walks up and down the CEMETERY, looking on as entire lots of GRAVES were dug up and missing coffins and corpses. 

JODY looks about before he looks at the MORTUARY, JODY sneering as he begins lightly jogging towards it. 

JODY catches his breath after reaching the MORTUARY and going around the back where MIKE told him too, JODY finds the BROKEN WINDOW, JODY looking around before he drops down and scoots himself down feet first. 

JODY turns the flashlight back on and scans around, stopping as he notices the body of a LURKER laying on the ground in a pool of yellow blood. 

JODY looks it up and down as he notices it's monstrous features and it's small stature. 


What the hell are you? 

JODY studies it only for a few more seconds before he heads towards the back where the DOOR is. 

JODY comes over and notices that there were scattered pockets of blood on the steps leading up into the DOOR, JODY noticing some of the marks where digit imprints but that no fingers were present. 

JODY steps around the blood and opens the door, aiming about as he steps inside the MORTUARY. 


JODY heads inside as he looks about and notices the marble hallways and tiles lead him through a series of hallways that lead towards the middle of the MORTUARY. 

JODY hurries through but stops dead as he notices streaks of blood and yellow pus all about the floor near a DOOR that was HUMMING a LOUD METALLIC NOISE. 

JODY covers his head for a second before he tip toes around the blood and pus and heads past the DOOR till he reaches a LARGE open area that was visible all around with four different hallways. 


The hell...?

JODY stops cold as he hears loud footsteps coming down the hall behind him, JODY tightening the grip of his .45 as THE TALL MAN appears down the hallway behind him, JODY not moving as the TALL MAN doesn't budge as he comes to a complete stop behind JODY a few yards away. 

JODY turns, un sure of what to say or do as the TALL MAN just watches him. 



JODY begins walking towards him as the HALLWAY he need to go back to was a few feet away from the TALL MAN. But as he does the TALL MAN takes a few steps forward as well, mimicking JODY'S PACE as JODY swallows hard as he and the TALL MAN began to walk closer and closer towards each other. 

JODY stops as he was directly near the hallway, the TALL MAN an arm's length away from him. 


So I guess you're the guy whose to blame for all this craziness? 

The TALL MAN say's nothing, just stares at JODY. 


Right...My mom and dad are here...I know you didn't take them...I know it. 


You'll be next...boy. 


Try and catch me...

JODY bolts down the HALLWAY as THE TALL MAN goes after him, JODY running into the back area as he slams the DOOR SHUT, THE TALL MAN stopping as JODY goes down the stairs and turns, .45 raised as he watches the DOOR INTENTLY. 

There's a LOUD BOOM and the DOOR blows off it's hinges, JODY dropping down as the DOOR flies out a few feet before toppling over as THE TALL MAN stands with his arms behind his back, a smile on his face. 

JODY turns and runs as he hops and quickly pulls himself through the window, not daring to turn back as he runs as fast as he can away from THE MORTUARY, but as he does the TALL MAN stands at the front of the MORTUARY'S STEPS, just as TWO BRIGHT HEADLIGHTS appear from the garage, speeding down the gravel dirt road after JODY. 

JODY jumps the GATE and quickly hops over, falling over as he winces from the drop, JODY quickly standing as he aims at the BLARING HEADLIGHTS coming towards him. 

JODY takes aim at the WINDSHIELD and fires three times, the HEARST SWERVES before JODY quickly jumps out of the way as the HEARST slams through the GATE, breaking it off it's hinge as JODY covers up as the HEARST continues driving, JODY standing as he watches the HEARST brake and turn around, JODY aiming upwards but stops as THE CUDA roars into sight, stopping in front of him as the HEARST turns around , JODY hopping into the passenger side as MIKE watches the HEADLIGHTS  bare down on him, MIKE gunning it as he shifts as JAYSON hands JODY his PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN, as REGGIE watches the the HEARST barrel down the road after them. 


It's after us!


What's driving that thing?!


Something with a HOOD...

MIKE swerves the CUDA and the HEARST mimics the move to stay with them, MIKE watching the road as JAYSON and REGGIE watch from behind as JODY was loading the SHOTGUN. 


That damn TALL MAN...It's bad MIKE...It's really bad...


I know. 


He's about to hit us!

MIKE steps on the gas but the HEARST slams into the back of THE CUDA as the CAR rocks forward and swerves, MIKE gripping the STEERING WHEEL as he keeps the CAR level as JODY opens the sun roof as he looks at MIKE. 


Keep it steady, I'm going to pump some rounds into the hood.

JODY stands up as he takes aim and fires as the HEARST speeds up for another ram, JODY pumping as he fires again, peppering the hood of the HEARST'S ENGINE before he fires again, watching as the ENGINE begins smoking. 

JODY smiles as he gets back down as the HEARST begins swerving before it veers off and slams into a nearby telephone pole. 


Wooohoo! That's how us PEARSON'S do!


Jesus Christ, JODY...


MIKE, slow it down and turn around...






Just do it!

MIKE seems UN-sure but braking he turns the car around and drives slowly towards the WRECKAGE, MIKE turning the HIGH BEAMS on as JODY opens his door. 


Stay in the CAR, MIKE, REGGIE come on. 


Oh come on man...



REGGIE moves in-between the seats and gets out on JODY'S SIDE as JODY hands him the .45, REGGIE taking it as the two begin towards the HEARST. 


JODY aims upwards at the DOOR as REGGIE stays close by, JODY nodding to him as he reaches forward and pulls the ajar-ed door open, JODY aiming up as he waits a few seconds before he walks towards the door, but as he does he stops as a BRIGHT LIGHT appears, JODY and REGGIE turning as MIKE comes up with a FLASHLIGHT, JAYSON standing by the CUDA as JODY shakes his head and lets MIKE get beside him as he raises the FLASHLIGHT up and inside the CAR. 

REGGIE and JODY both give strange looks as MIKE just looks steadfast. 


The hell...

MIKE steadies the FLASHLIGHT as LURKER DWARF laid against the STEERING WHEEL, twitching as YELLOW BLOOD was splattered all over the DASH. 

JODY fires inside, hitting the twitching body of the LURKER in it's CHEST, a large splattering hole BURSTING OUTWARDS as it's chest starting squirting YELLOW BLOOD, REGGIE turning as he vomits as JODY and MIKE move in closer, JODY reaching forward as he goes for the hood. 


JODY, don't...


I wanna see what this...

JODY moves it back and steps back aghast, MIKE looking on in horror as REGGIE notices it from his knelt position. 



A slightly disfigured face of one of REGGIE and JODY'S band member's had pools of yellow blood pouring out of his dead mouth as JODY looks on confused. 


Son of a bitch...TOMMY wasn't dead...


Where are the cops? 



REGGIE looks about at the stillness around them as it was offly quiet. 


We could hear your gunshots JODY from TOWN, why haven't we heard from the COPS from the shotgun blasts? 


He's right...


Everyone get in the car. 

The THREE hurry to the CUDA as JODY gets in the driver's side as MIKE hops in the back with JAYSON as REGGIE gets in the passenger side. 


JODY drives slowly down MAIN STREET, as REGGIE watches in horror, MIKE and JAYSON watching on from the back as the TOWN was DESERTED, CARS that were driving were now empty and littered through out the streets, SHOPS and HOUSES once occupied were now seemingly voided of all life as PERIGORD was now virtually a ghost town. 


No way...we were just here a few hours ago...this...this isn't real...



MIKE...we need to talk...

MIKE grabs his head as JAYSON looks at him. 


You alright. 


JODY, take us to LIZBETH'S...


What? Why? 


Just do it!


MIKE we have bigger things going on right now then some girl...


She's been trying to warn me!


Who, MIKE? 


I...just take me there. I'll explain better when we get there. 




JODY! Trust me...please. 

JODY grips the steering wheel and shakes his head but carefully turning the CUDA around he drives off towards the CRANE RESIDENCE. 


JODY and REGGIE shut the door to the CUDA as MIKE and JAYSON got out and hurried up towards the HOUSE, REGGIE putting the .45 in the front of his pants as JODY held onto the SHOTGUN. 

MIKE reaches the door and before he could knock it swings open and LIZBETH appears hugging him, JAYSON looking confused as MIKE hugs her back though his face wore the same surprised expression as JODY and REGGIE come up. 


You heard me...




Okay, what the hell is going on? 


Thank goodness, you're all alright. JAYSON...I'm sorry about your parents and your siblings.

JAYSON doesn't say anything as LIZBETH steps aside. 


I think GRANDMA needs a word with you all, so please. Come on, it's safe here. 


How do you know? 


He won't come here. 

MIKE goes inside as JAYSON follows, JODY and REGGIE following as LIZBETH looks around and then shuts the door.