The only person

They were at school, Kunimi was in his classroom and has trouble with deciding for himself again.

So he gets up and searches for Kindaichi.

Finally he sees him talking to some of his classmates, something Kunimi never does. Not that he cared, they thought of him as strange so why bother talking to them?

For Kindaichi Kunimi had a special presence not like the others his was weak almost invisible. Many people get scared when Kunimi appears out of nowhere, at least for them. He had tried to scare Kindaichi it never worked, he always felt his presence.

He was on the other side of the hallway, but still Kindaichi turns around searching for someone in the crowd.

Kunimi didn't want to go through there, too many people he will also scare almost all of them.

Then they will yell at him again, asking him what he was thinking he was doing. He never wanted that he never had any other intention then getting Kindaichi.

So he just stood there hoping that Kindaichi will spot him. A minute later his eyes finally found the person they were searching for. He locked eyes with him, said something to his friends and then walked towards him, never breaking the eye contact.

"What's wrong Kunimi?"

"I can't decide again. My teacher wants me to decide between two themes… I can't decide"

"Well what are the themes?"

"Nature or technology"

"Well what would be more fun for you to do?"

"Dunno. Both sounds lame"

"What is more interesting for you?"

"Both is shit. But I kinda like technology. Sounds better than nature"

"Then you have one. You will do technology. Also can you get me and yourself something to drink? I'm thirsty and you haven't drank today."

"Sure" Kunimi took the money that Kindaichi gave him.

"Thanks I will be over there again just wait here again"

Kindaichi ruffled Kunimi's hair and both left in different directions.

He went back to his friends whilst Kunimi got them something to drink.

"So send him off again to get you something. Man Kindaichi you can't do that the poor boy can't decide for himself. Be more human and let him be like all the others"

"I sent him off to get both of us something to drink. He hasn't drank today"

"Stop playing like you are taking care of him. Just let him be"

"I take care of him okay? He tells me when he doesn't want something"

"Yeah sure. Why are you even talking to him? He's like the strangest person here. Stop talking to him people will think he's your friend"

"Well that's what they are supposed to think and I will not stop talking to him. Now if you'd excuse me I need to go"

He felt Kunimi's presence again which meant that he was back.

"I got your favorite"

"Thanks. You know me to well"


"Have you eaten yet?"

"No" Kunimi looks away.

"Come on let's go I still have some lunch my grandma made too much again you can have it"

Kindaichi went inside his classroom and came back with his lunchbox.

"Here" he handed it to Kunimi.


"Omg stoppp thanking mee. Just eat"

They sat down somewhere and Kunimi ate and Kindaichi just talked about the things that happened when his grandma visited. Kunimi just listened to his rants and ate the food smiled then and there.

"Soo are we still going to watch that movie?"


"Nice I will come and get you around 4pm"

"Sounds good. Can we go to McDonald's after that?"

"Good idea. Now finish break is almost over"

Kunimi finished the food and gave Kindaichi his lunchbox back.

"Tasted good"

"I know. It would have been a shame if I needed to throw it away"

"You gonna get me from my classroom again?"


They both got up and Kindaichi walked Kunimi to his class, said by and then left.

Of course they were given strange looks.

They always got strange looks when they were together.

Both of their classes were spent looking out the window and scribbling down notes.

It was always like that as soon as they got separated again their moods dropped. Kindaichi was just more quiet and Kunimi got moody as hell, he'd snap at people without a reason other than them talking to him. Well that explains why people stayed away from him after lunch, it was something everyone knew still there was this one girl that was annoying Kunimi to death.

Always talking to him asking for his number or other personal things, she never left him alone when they switched rooms always pestering him. She even tried to touch him once. She didn't get to since he moved out of the way, he had snapped at her many times still she seemed to never stop.

Today was no different.

He was outside his classroom waiting for Kindaichi who's class was on the other end of the school.

He knew he'd be there soon, but that girl annoyed him.

Some hair had fallen onto his face he didn't mind it and just ignored it. The girl seemed to mind it and tried to move it out of his face. He moved away again.

The girl suddenly reached for his face something only Kindaichi is allowed to do.

He told her to not touch him, he saw Kindaichi who seemed to get his situation and fastened his pace up to a jog. The girl was still reaching for his face, he couldn't remember how many times he told her not to touch him. Her finger brushed his face and that was when he lost all kind of self-control. He slapped her hand away. He knew that he used to much strength, he knew it he knew that he had trouble with controlling his strength so he only told her to stop.

The girl looked at him in disbelief tears bricking at her eyes and she held her hand that was now red.

He quickly backed away from her and stumbling over his own feet and falling against a chest, a chest he knew all to well, a chest that was always there for comfort when he needed it. The chest he had cried on so many times, the chest he had fallen asleep on so many times, the chest where he had laid his head on many times, the chest with the heartbeat of a person he loved. The only person he loved.