Trouble in school

It was pretty late and Kindaichi and Kunimi had fallen asleep at Kindaichi's little table where they were doing homework.

Heads on their arms, shoulders against each other's and a blanket over their shoulders, Mattsun had put it on them since he was too lazy to lay them into the bed.

Mattsun closed the windows, ruffled Kindaichi's hair and quietly closed the door after turning of the lights, of course he took a picture of them.

Kunimi woke up to the sun shining through the curtains, he realized where he had slept and looked to his right and was met by Kindaichi's sleeping face.

Eyes closed and all features looking soft.

He blushed and quickly looked away, he hadn't seen Kindaichi's sleeping face in ages.

He couldn't resist taking a picture tho.

He carefully tried to get up but crashed down as soon as he was standing, his leg gave out, he had had that a few times already, nothing new to him.

He didn't know why it happened neither did the doctors it just happened sometimes, sometimes he'd also lose any kind of focus for a few seconds.

Kindaichi woke up when he heard the crash, he slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them.

He looked at Kunimi concern written all over his face.


Kunimi could only nod, knowing his voice wouldn't work.

"Here lemme help you"

Kindaichi stood up and grabbed him under his shoulders pulling him up.

He held him for a bit and then slowly took away his hands.

"Thanks" Kunimi whispered.

"No problem. We need to get ready for school tho"


They both changed into their uniforms, more like the hoodies and did all the other stuff.

Their school was pretty cool about the whole uniform stuff, it was okay if they only wore something the school sold unless it was some important day.

They quickly packed their bags and went down grabbing something to eat and saying bye to Mattsun.

They grabbed their skateboards and ran out jumping onto their boards as soon as they left the yard. (I just love the idea of skaterboys. I love seeing videos of them so bear with me making them skaterboys)

They were pacing down the hill to school laughing over somethings they saw like a boy almost falling over a cat.

Sadly they arrived at school really quick so they needed to split up again.

Like always Kunimi had a hard time, he knew as soon as he left Kindaichi's side he'd lose all of his self-confidence and would get scared or many things.

"It's okay Kunimi. I will get you for lunch again? Just dodge the people again I believe in you and you should too. Your always doing good okay?"


"That's more like it. See you later"


Kindaichi ruffled Kunimi's hair a last time before they parted ways.

Kunimi pulled up his hood and walked to his classroom.

He just sat down and waited for the teacher to arrive.

Finally their teacher stepped in.

"Good morning class today we will get a new student to join our class. Please introduce yourself"

A boy walked in, his whole body language screamed trouble.

He introduced himself as Sora Hona.

He was allowed to sit next to Kunimi who was panicking on the inside he wasn't used to having someone sitting at the same table.

His teachers knew about his troubles but this was just some supply teacher that didn't know about it.

He put his hand up the teacher called him up.

"Ma'am. Co-Could he sit somewhere else?"

"No. He chose this place and is allowed to stay there"


"No buts sit down and be quiet"

He sat down again obviously nervous and stressed.

The boy next to him saw it and decided to make some trouble.

He had tried out some reactions of Kunimi like when he suddenly yelled out an answer or when he came closer to him.

He watched Kunimi's reactions and decided to finally strike at their 5 minute break.

The teacher had left to get something, the boy knew what he would do.

"What's your name?" he asked raising his voice on purpose.

Kunimi flinched but answered.

"Kunimi. Kunimi Akira..."

"What's wrong why are you flinching so bad?" Hona asked touching Kunimi's shoulder.

Kunimi leaned away from his touch, Hona grabbed his shoulder harder so it almost hurt.

"What do you think your doing?"

"I-Don't touch me please"

"Huh? Why tho?"

"It just makes me uncomfortable"

"Why tho?"

"I-it just does"

"Is it me?"



"N-no" Kunimi was shaking by now the grip really hurt.


"I-it's not your a-appearance"


Kunimi couldn't focus much anymore he just felt like he couldn't breath anymore.

Suddenly the door was opened with a loud bang and a pretty pissed off Iwaizumi entered the classroom.


"Now now Iwa-chan no need to be so aggressive"

Oikawa's eyes scanned the classroom filled with concern he knew that this was Kunimi's class.

He spotted him and slapped Iwaizumi's arm, he looked where he was looking and immediately went towards the boy.

By now Kunimi had lost all focus and didn't react to the people around him.

Oikawa ran out of the room towards the principal's office.

Iwaizumi pulled the boy away from Kunimi and kicked him out of the classroom.

Oikawa had finally arrived at the principal's office, knocked and just walked in.

"Could you send Kindaichi Yuutarou into Kunimi Akira's class? It's an emergency"


The principal was pretty chill, something seemed to bing inside his head since he sped up his actions.

Kindaichi was taking a test when suddenly the speakers made some signal and suddenly there was the principal's voice.

"Kindaichi Yuutarou please go to room xxx. I repeat Kindaichi Yuutarou please go to room xxx"

Kindaichi got up clearly confused, then he remembered that that was Kunimi's classroom so he also grabbed his skateboard knowing he'd be there faster if he skated.

He ran out the door and jumped onto his board skating as fast as possible he was at the other end of the school in less than a minute.


He dropped his board and ran to him.

"Hey. Calm down" Iwaizumi and Oikawa kicked out the class and left too leaving them alone.

The first thing Kindaichi did was trying to get Kunimi back into the world.

"Oi. Kunimi"

He rubbed his leg or stroke his cheeks.

"Kunimi. Kunimi. Akira. Akira hey"

Kunimi shook his head eyes focusing again, he looked around confused why the classroom was empty and why Kindaichi was with him.

"Hey. What happened Akira?"

"I-I can't remember. Just that boy yelling and touching me and everything after that is a blur..."

"Okay. You know what I've had enough I want that we go to the same class"

Kunimi only grabbed his arm feeling like crying.

"Hey Aki. It's okay. It's okay but please don't cry now. It's nothing too bad okay? I'm here. But really please don't cry now"

Kunimi only nodded knowing that it really wouldn't be good to cry now because he wouldn't be able to stop.

"Better?" Kindaichi asked still stroking his cheek.


"Let's get you home"

"But we have school"

"You can't continue school like this so no problem. I'm pretty sure I will be allowed to go too. Since I have good grades and all"

Kunimi nodded, got up and locked their pinkys.

Kindaichi only smiled and helped him to pack his stuff.

He then grabbed Kunimi's bag and Kunimi grabbed his skateboard and went out with Kindaichi.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa only smiled at them and Iwaizumi gave Kindaichi his skateboard again.

"The principal said your allowed to leave"

"Thanks Iwaizumi"

"No problem"

Kindaichi and Kunimi left towards Kindaichi's classroom to get his stuff.

"Sorry for the disturbance" Kindaichi said as he grabbed his bag.

He said bye to his class and left walking to Kunimi and then locking their pinkys again.

They left the school grounds and got onto their boards slowly skating home.

A/N when I said skateboard I meant longboard just too lazy to change it