part 5

* due date is between now and next week*

"Are you sure are you hurt!" Asahi says panicking

"No no I'm fine" Nishinoy says taking him to their room


Just as that happens they here something outside

"You stupid f*cking dog give me back my keys"

"Did you guys here that? It's sounds like kageyama" Hinata says walking over to the window to look out of the curtains

"No I didn't hear anything" Daichi says following hinata making sure that nothing would happen to him

Then suddenly he bursts out laughing falling to the floor

"Is he serious?" Daichi says in a disappointed tone

They saw kageyama chasing a dog up and down the street

Hinata continues laughing like it's the funniest thing he's ever seen

"I'll go help him" Daichi says sighing as he walks out of the front door



"Kageyama we can always get you some more keys!" Daichi yells out to him

"No my wallet and car keys are on it too!" Kageyama finnaly stops falling to the ground out of breath

"Why would you connect everything together! " Daichi says becoming a little irritated that kageyama couldn't catch a little dog

"I don't know!" Kageyama says getting up again to chase the dog who looks like he was waiting for him

Suddenly tsukishima pulls up into the drive way trying not to hit anyone he gets out of the car

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO GET HIT! " Tsukishima yells at kageyama who ignores him

"Daichi what's going on" Tsukishima says walking up to him

"Umm it's kinda weird...that dog that he's chasing has his wallet,house keys, and car keys" Daichi says scratching the back of his head

"Are you serious" Tsukishima says raising an eyebrow

"Yeah..." Daichi says sighing

"I'll help him he's short so there no way he can catch that dog" Tsukishima says with a smirk setting his stuff down and going to help kageyama

"You can't catch a dog your like 6x the size of" Tsukishima says running with kageyama

Daichi sighs and decides to just let them get his keys


1 hour later

*kageyama got his keys back now tsukishima and him are inside taking a shower*

"Daichiiii~" Nishinoya says Slouchily troughting into the living room

"Yea" Daichi says turning around

"Can you cook now" Nishinoya says plopping onto the couch

"Hey noya maybe say it a little nicer" Asahi says sitting next to him

"No it's fine I should have already been cooking" Daichi says getting up

"Wait where's suga doesn't he usually help you cook" Asahi says grabbing the tv remote

At the word of his mate being mentioned he runs upstairs he hasn't checked on him in an hour


"Suga are you ok" Daichi says bursting into the room

Suga immediately shoots up from daichi strong pheromones

"What happened daichi!" Suga says becoming worried

"Are you ok" Daichi says immediately grabbing him and scenting him

"Yeah I'm fine daichi I just don't feel good" Suga says trying to get daichi off of him

Daichi holds his grasp

"Daichi! I said I'm fine" Suga says pushing him away

Daichi looks at him dead in the eyes with the most scariest look on his face

"D-daichi I said I'm ok I promise I just don't feel all that well ok it's fine the pup and me are ok" Suga says trying to calm him

Daichi finnaly calms down and places his hand on sugas forehead

"Suga your burning up" Daichi says his whole face changing into a worried one

"I'm ok daichi I just need some r-" Suga says before he let's out some held back coughs

"I'm sorry for bothering you" Daichi says laying suga back down

"No it's ok I know you can't help it that's a good thing what if something had happened to me you would have been here" Suga says with a small smile

Daichis face becomes a little flushed but proud

He smiles and calms his pheromones

"Ok I let you sleep dinner will be ready in about  30 minutes" Daichi says walking to leave the room

"Ok" Suga says closing his eyes to go back to sleep he had a very bad headache that made him a little dizzy and his nose was all clogged up but he couldn't tell daichi that

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