Soul Beast?

I am in the abyss full of the dead bodies and darkness was in front of me, it filled blood in the entire place.

I am facing bolt again who was in his same shape, the same a lion-like creature, it has the same body blueprint, except size x100, black cute eyes when you look straight at them you will lose yourself.

He still has his bolt size scars and truth to be told they are scary, and his height itself is scary. Not to forget I was on the ground because I stumbled and fall on a dead body that is killed a few minutes ago.

my mind had various thoughts such as why did this happen, who is such a harsh ruler to do such a thing, the vampire left me alone with bolt with his so-called words tame him, but will someone tell me how.

Did he forget I am a powerless fairy, how will a tame such a big monster with basically no magic with me? I am lost in thoughts again.....sigh, why is life so rash to me?

It lost me in thought when a roar awakens me from thought world and his roar was powerful enough to send a vibration to anyone cores. I also faced it and my heart beats peaked.

'Selena don't focus on him, relax and win him using minor hits'

the inner sensible me said while trying to calm me down, but another fearful part of me shouted

'Selena pray for help you can't win'

My being was in a mess when my sensible part said one sentence and it filled me again and I stood on my feet. Those words were.

'Selena fight it for your brother whose life depends on you, save the life of your brother who protected you since birth'

I stood in front of the bolt and faced him, his height intimidated me but this time I shut my eyes and imagine the most beautiful scene of my life.

The face of my father and brother appeared in my mind. And this is from my 16th birthday. We are in the royal garden, playing with water and splashing water on each other.

I know it's hard to imagine a king playing with kids and getting soaked by them using water, well our aim was to water plants that day but we ended up watering ourselves.

As I saw my loved one's face I felt an extra power, fresh energy in my body, my heart no longer had fear or pain of any sort. I opened my eyes and the same scary bolt looked like a broken puppy.

Suddenly bolt roared again but this time two unexpected things happened, one I didn't flinch and second, I heard what he said. My thoughts were in haze again and many thoughts at once ran in my head such as.

'huh, how can I fear nothing?'

' how can hear what bolt said'

blot moved towards me as a tiger moves towards his prey, then suddenly it filled another roar in the room which said

"you little fairy with no magic is trying to tame, haha it's hard to tame me,"

Bolt said in a majestic tone as if he was trying to prove his royal lineage. His boldness empowered me to speak, and I said

"even if I can't tame you, I can try doing it when my love ones are at stake"

I implied with my arrogant tone and then moved to look in bolts' eyes which showed mixed emotion too hard to comprehend. Another roar was resonated, and it said

"you can talk to me well, the last fairy can talk too, humph how long is it since they send someone to tame me"

he said arrogantly, and that pissed me and I said with disgusted me a lot but I contained my disgust and spoke with my usual blank tone

"what if I can tame you? What will get?"

I said with a smirk, trying to earn some time to closely inspect and find out a weak spot to attack and make him submissive to me and save my brother. I was in thoughts again

'they better keep my brother safe and keep their promise'

bolt has a habit to disturb my thoughts now again he did it, for the normal line everyone says

"what can a chicken winged and powerless fairy can do? Looks like they get no one to face me and send me a powerless fairy to be killed"

He said like a fairy who can talk. A typical arrogant royal born, he somewhat behaves like a character in a mortal's book, something male ... ah yes, typical alpha arrogant male.

I looked at the bolt with an admiration look mixed with a challenging look, I cracked my knuckles of my hand and rotated my head to the side and said

"bolt, how about you clench your pretty little teeth and no hard feeling if I win ok?"

Bolt has no face to be exact, his face changes every moment. Bolt was confused, and I used that as an advantage and run on the wall, reached his height, and punched him on what looks like his neck.

she luckily hit the solid surface and didn't fall down on the ground but I the top of bolt who's triggered as if a heavyweight is on him.

'hah bolt ill make sure I win '

I thought and then I punched bolt gain which was harder than last time making blot fall on one side by dis balancing him. I blew my fist as if to show and tell bolt I am the boss here.

I was lucky that dad made me learn the basic techniques to fight using fist in times of danger. According to the book I read, if he is a soul beast then I need to tame him using my power.

The books stated that soul beast is strongest yet easiest to tame, but how? Anyway, I'll think I am stronger than this blot. He is up on foot again, it's time to hit him using the same spot with the same force.

I punched him again, but this time he went flying and hit a wall with a force that it can break through the wall.

'what happened, how did the sudden power came from? Or is he a soul beast?'

I thought and reviewed what happened,

'yes I got it, I think it's time to use my knowledge, I Love You dad for making me learn every book in the royal library '

apparently, bolt is soul spirit and me thinking I am stronger than him, gave me the power to overthrow him, yes I finally got the answer, willpower is the power needed to tame the soul beast and yes bolt is the soul beast.

"hey!" the bolt complained when he got up from the floor "you punched me so hard, ouch that hurts you little chicken winged fairy,"

"huh, what did you say?" I said while showing him my fist which showed a bit of fear in his eyes which was replaced later on. He was roaring like a wounded tiger, ready to hurt everyone who comes his way.

"you dare threaten me, you useless fairy,"

I ran on the wall and hit his head and jumped on his back and for a hold of his neck, making him shout and complain

"This is not fair get off me,"

He said in a gruff voice but he complained like a child aww my heart melts but this time I won't listen to anyone; I have a brother to save.

"submit to me and ill leave your back"

I mentioned the condition stated by the vampire and trust me it hurts to tell bolt that but I have no option.


bolt said and jumped upwards making me fall from his back, ah nice try, I punched his tail, oh did I mention he had a long tail and I beat the pull out of and then once again I jumped on his back and punched his neck like shape making bolt shout

"fine," he shouted in agony and despair, " I give up, I acknowledge you as my master, Selena knight,"

then I jumped off him, patted his head and thought

'yes I did it '

I sighed in relief when vampire appeared; he did something and bolt vanished; I feel a heaviness in my heart then my eyes felt heavy and everything was getting blurred, my mind had many things to ask but before I can ask vampire what happened but he made me fall on my knees while screaming in agony. But before my eyes were closed, I heard the vampire say

"Selena you are not powerless from now where you go power follows you, you did well better than her, she must be proud,"

his words left me one thought before blacking out

'who is she? How does he know me through her? sigh too much question and no answers'