The Barkeep's Massive, Throbbing Tips!

The detective trio was coming ever closer to finding their culprit.

Akira, seeking more details about this "upper crust" of Mithil, returned to the Amrita with Kanna and Ai in tow to consult with the locals.

As the two approached the bar, the Barkeep winked at Kanna—causing her to bristle.

"Welcome back, Pinkie." She teased. "So, how's that hangover treating you?"

Kanna made a face, pointing her finger. "SCREW. You."

Smiling, Akira gently rested a hand on her contentious companion, moving her aside.

"I've received a tip that Madame Lakshmi is something of an...aristocrat." Akira fumbled, to find the right choice of words. "A...noble. Someone of higher...status."

The Barkeep leaned in closer, prompting Akira, Ai, and Kanna to do the same.

Her voice had fallen to a whisper—barely audible above the din of the club patrons.

"I wouldn't go sniffing around in the business of the Ivories, if I were you."