Is it Conspiracy?! A Furr-ious Ambush!

Akira faced the horde of angry Rakshasa with her back to the wall, feeling like a clueless tourist who had just unwittingly wandered into the wrong part of town; as for a while, no words were exchanged between the two sides, standing with their claws drawn and weapons ready--each anticipating the other to make the first move.

"I had a feeling we might bump into each other again." Akira eventually said, to the Suckretary. "Neither am I surprised that you furry freaks were involved in this, somehow."

The Suckretary—in her true cheetah-like Rakshasa form—paced back and forth in front of her.

"You're the savior of the Macaque Village..."

She said, looking Akira up and down.

"A low-level who's already earned her first million [Rupees], and survived the Madame's test, as well as an encounter with the demon king himself."

"Yep! That's me." Akira answered proudly. "Would you care for an autograph?"

The Suckretary was having none of it.