A Real Graveyard Smash!

Akira squinted at the Squell that had just landed in her arms.

"Have we met before?" She asked.

Vash froze, gawking at her careless blunder.

'I called him Akira-sama!'

'Even though his name is displayed as SexLover69!'

'Still, there's no way he can tell it's me...'

Kanna walked up while he was thinking this, clapping him on the back.

"Sup, Vash." She said casually.

"What?! No way! How did you know it's me?"

She shrugged. "It was a lucky guess. You're a Fire Mage with your name hidden, so I just assumed you'd been turned into a Squell somehow and wanted to keep it a secret.

"Oh, yeah?! Well, thanks for ruining the whole secret part!"

Ai gasped at her in awe, rocking excitedly.

"You're so beautiful, Vash!"

Vash growled, glancing away with her arms

crossed and a bashful glare.

"Shuddup--you vapid, annoying little slut!"