The Dao of Letting Go

The morning had come, signaling the end of the five-hour-long nightmare.

Akira, Ai, and the [Scrawny Monk] were among the handful of trial-takers, out of the thirty or so that had entered, to make it out with their lives. Kanna had survived as well, to be quickly carted away for it to be seen if anything could be done about her arms.

These four were taken out to the mouth of the Hidden Dragon cave, where a crowd of friends and loved ones of the trial-takers were waiting when the few surviving acolytes and the elders had emerged. Kiki was among those present, her heart sinking when Akira emerged with a blankly staring face covered in scratch marks and dried blood splatter. Her gi hanging lazily off her, untied. A look of one who has been through Hell and back.

As Kiki approached, she saw Akira was grasping a scuffed black Mage's hat in front of their chest.

"You tried to fight them," she said.