Trying Out New Things

That night, Akira and Kanna arranged to practice their new chi powers in the dojo, under Kiki-senpai's tutelage, with the two standing apart in front of her as she gave a lecture:

"Controlling chi is similar to how mages control magic," she explained, while expertly manipulating a liquidus stream of pure chi in front of her, through a series of soft hand and arm motions. "Only, it's accessible to all classes. Fluid enough in its uses, that it can both amplify and complement your existing combat strengths.

"The three types of chi manipulation are enhancement, volatile, and radiation.

"Enhancement is when chi is used to increase your physical capabilities beyond the normal threshold. So, that's strength, speed, jumping height, and perception, for example.

"Volatile is when you fire projectiles made out of chi.

"Radiation is mainly for healing."

Kiki then smiled at her two pupils. "Any questions so far?" she asked chipperly.