The Sterile Halls of Shiroichi

A throng of [Level -5] [Student Council Members] commenced out of the school's row of entrance doors, like a swarm of ants summoned by a piece of dropped food, oblivious to the unfolding scene between Akira and the [Student Council President]. Then, began unloading the delivered pizzas out of the back of the wagon cart with soldierly efficiency, passing each box along a line to the door in an unbroken rhythm.

Akira and Kiki stood by, transfixed, watching them work as the pummeled President slowly righted himself, groaning in pain, with the aid of a nearby ledge, underneath the shade of a large tree on top of it.

"Oh, cheese and crackers!" he cursed.

Kiki turned to him, blinking innocently. "Will you need to see the school nurse?"