Escape from Helgum (Part 1)

Truly, nothing is more sacred than the love between two women imparted with youthful bodies, forced to fight each other.

A tidal wave of emotion had washed over the pair, during their brief reprieve from the heated back-and-forth battle. A sudden spark of uninhibited romantic lust, between the two battered, beautiful maidens: each in pursuit of comfort and a fleeting escape from their woeful reality; each finding it in the arms of the other, while the men were wrapped in their discussions about sportsmanship, and the ethical considerations involved in sharing potions with your fellow [Pocket Maid Trainer].

Normally, a proud Norn bride would never think to mate with a Forbidden savage. But then again, Lorica's mind wasn't working straight; jumping from one extreme emotional state to the next was simply the tumultuous type of existence she'd been conditioned to. From the quiet, soul-crushing void that is the abstract reality within a [Maidé Ball], to the battlefield.