Distorted Visions of Truth (Part 3)

In the beginning, it was all just a game to Akira:

Killing monsters, and collecting their loot. Leveling up, and growing stronger. Constantly venturing forth into ever more bizarre, exotic locales, with a growing cabinet of sexually robust young women to keep him company.

But since then, the rules of the game had completely changed.

No longer was he playing out of simple amusement or reasons of petty ego, but for the sake of ensuring his survival; as well as that of his treasured companions.

To be separated from them, time and time again…

To lose so much and so often, at every perilous turn, with so little progress to show for it; his efforts, thus far, being pathetically small, insignificant, in the grand schemes. Amid countless losses, back-stabbings and betrayals...which left him feeling breathless. Tired. Incapable of moving forward with the same passion he had once carried.