Fateful Battle: Winner takes Girl! (Part 1)

Akira Maximilian was, once upon a time, invited as a guest of honor to the grand opening of a certain fine arts museum & gallery in downtown Tokyo. A grandiose, star-studded affair with champagne and hors d'oeuvres being served by waiters carrying silver trays. A smooth jazz band playing softly in the background, while celebrities schmoozed and idly discussed the recent business affairs.

Akira was standing alone, sipping on a vending machine orange soda, choosing to not partake in these ceremonial acts of shoulder-greasing. During which time, he was approached by the smartly dressed, elderly curator to be probed for his musings:

"What is the most beautiful sight you can think of?"

"Beauty," Akira mused for a moment, taking a long gulp of his drink before casting a sheepish grin. "I guess I never thought about it."

To which, the Curator smiled warmly.