A Suspicious State of Peace

Hotaru was lost in thought, still shaken over his encounter with Ceres, as he followed Mina along the winding, dark stairwell leading to the top of the old lighthouse.

"Don't let it get to you," Mina said, sighing. "Ceres calls everyone weak."

"It's always the same! I get picked on by everyone because of my height...my voice...and I never even get a chance to prove myself!"

"Your voice?" Mina giggled. "What's so bad about your voice?"

Hotaru scratched the back of his head, looking anxious. "Umm, it's...squeaky. Noriko-san says it's 'cuz my balls haven't dropped yet; that I'm still just a kid."

"This Noriko...is she someone you have eyes for?"

Hotaru blushed. "Well, It's complicated."

"It really isn't difficult, Hotaru-san: you either have feelings for someone, or you don't. And I doubt you'd randomly mention her name, if she wasn't someone that holds a really special place in your heart."