the next chapter of the alien invasion story

I run like Hell after landing a knock-out blow on that fucked up CEO bastard, while those traitorous girls he brought with him were screaming, and Florian is just sweating there--looking like he is about to have a goddamn heart attack.

Man, I'm so fucked now--but it sure felt good.

I sure hope I can live lone enough to find the last woman om Earth to have grandkids with-- so I can tell then all about it!

First, I grab a quick kiss on the lips from the same bitch who betrayed me just now, and then I hurry down the stairs for dear life: to hopefully make it out before security catches a whiff of my crowning moment of glory.

The sun is just setting by the time I'm sprinting out the front entrance, into the empty street.

People don't walk around, like they used to.

I mean, it sounds weird to just flat-out say it like that, but even weirder to experience it.