Chapter 2

Elias remained behind on the island after his former crew had left, and took to sticking to me not unlike a flea on a rooster's arse. Through which, I learned he was actually only a year older than I—despite his toughened older appearance and seeming superior wealth of worldly experience; that he hailed from a faraway continent called The Dukedom of Fralia.

"It rings a bell," I said to him just after he had first made mention of his homeland; on a morning when we were standing side-by-side on the bluffs, gazing out across the limitless horizon.

At once Elias instantly reared at me, as though offended. 

"Heard of us?" he said in a sneering manner, smirking with what I would later come to recognize as pride. "I should think so! Fralia is only the most powerful naval force in all of Metus! Why, there was a time in history—not so long ago—when the Fralian fleet had all but conquered the entire world!"