Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven





These were the sounds originating from Dionysus constantly attacking the humongous knight, who hadn't even flinched.

'This . . . is no good.'

Although he was constantly attacking it with all of his current force, he couldn't even scratch it. Above all, he was just attacking its armor, when his true goal was the organism inside the armor.

'And the roof's coming down as well . . .'

Dionysus glanced up at the roof that was constantly rumbling due to the knight's attacks. At this point, if it continued to attack like it currently was, he had around ten minutes left before the roof would come crashing down onto him, trapping him like a mouse on a mousetrap.

'I've gotta think it through, what the hell do I do in this situation?'

Dionysus remembered the words of Asclepius, who was the one who forced him into the dungeon in the first place. According to his words, each time someone entered the dungeon, it was modified to make it a perfect fit for the challenger.

'If that's the case, then it's not impossible. I'm just not seeing it!'


Dionysus stopped attacking the knight and began to look around. He analyzed the broken floor, the cracked pillars, and even the rumbling roof. Yet, nothing of use could be found no matter how much he analyzed everything.

'What do I do . . . !'

At the very end of that line of thought, Dionysus came up with an idea. It was an absolutely insane one, but it was the only one he had at this point.

He looked straight at the knight. Specifically, he looked at its axes.

'They're a pair of axes that're about to bring the whole room down on itself with some swings. If that's the case, getting past the knights armor should be no big issue!'

With the belief that this was the only plan he had left, Dionysus made a mad dash towards the knight. He was on a time limit, and Asclepius had very clearly told him that certain death awaited if he didn't complete these trials.

The knight began to wind up its attack with the two axes. It was extremely slow, but Dionysus couldn't be deceived anymore. He knew that they could go as slow as a caterpillar and they'd still cause an insane amount of damage.

"Give me one of them!"

Dionysus realized that there wasn't enough negativity to jump and reach the axes that were about to slam down from above the knight's head because of the wind up.

'No way around it, I'll have to catch one of them when they're swinging down.'

Worst case scenario, he would mess up and get swatted away like a fly, most likely dead. If successful, he'd now have an axe around ten times his size in his hands.

'I just need to somehow wield it if I do take it away.'

The axes began to slam down, and Dionysus squatted down. The second they were in his range, he would jump up and grab one. They continued to descend, and at some point, veins were popping up on Dionysus in plentiful amounts.



Dionysus would have been able to jump over a capital's humongous walls with the jump he just took. The only thing left behind was a miniature crater.

'The axe, the axe . . .'

Dionysus stared right at the axe in the giant knight's left hand as it swung down. He noted that it had an intricate design, with a small hole in the side of the axe itself. Finally, as it was around only a foot away from cutting Dionysus in half . . .


Dionysus had his right hand reach for the hole at the side of the axe, and then took a grip of it. Using that, he maneuvered out of the way of the swing, and had successfully mounted the axe.

'Ok, now how do I actually get it out of its hand . . .?'

The axes were most definitely powerful, but the being who could exert enough strength to carry both of them was even more impressive. He had no idea as to how he would challenge him strength wise.

'Wait, I don't need to!'

Dionysus realized he had to just get his fingers off the axe, no matter what. If that was the case, he could probably cut them all off and get the axe. Fortunately, Dionysus already had a way to do such a thing.

'I don't know why, but the negativity has strengthened. With this . . .'

By biting at his nails in a similar fashion to a woodchuck chucking dirt, he transformed them into very miniature blades.

'Just his fingers are larger than me, but that won't be enough to stop me!'

Dionysus began to slash at the knight's supposed pinkie, which was still at least twice his size. Although one would think that it would usually be impossible to use fingernails in such a manner, Dionysus made perfect use of them.



Dionysus looked to his right, which would be in the direction of the knight's left hand. It was currently swinging towards Dionysus to slap him off, or at least that's what it looked like.


Dionysus jumped into the air right before the left hand slapped the right one, and then Dionysus landed on the left hand.

'I'll just continuously switch hands when he slaps, slashing at the fingers with the time in-between. At some point, the fingers will drop!'

Just like that, This same routine kept going for around three minutes. Finally, on the knight's right hand . . .


. . . Blood sprayed out. The pinkie dropped onto the ground, and a humongous rumble emerged from down below. However, the only thing that Dionysus could see was a chance.

The reason for that would be because the axe had dropped from the knight's right hand. The shock of losing a pinkie to an existence that wasn't even a quarter of its size shocked the knight.

Meanwhile, Dionysus had already kicked off from the right hand and grabbed the axe while nearly going right past it.


It was most definitely a heavy thing to carry. When Dionysus attempted to grab it out of the air, it instead took Dionysus down with it. After falling for a few seconds, both Dionysus and the axe . . .


. . . made contact with the ground.


Dionysus coughed the dust out of his lungs, and then proceeded to stand up and dust himself off.

'It was a bit of a struggle, but I've won this battle.'

Dionysus' arrogance was revealed through his thoughts. Within his mind, the battle already belonged to him. He looked over at the axe that lied on the ground next to him before walking over to it and putting his hand on it.


'W-What the fuck!?'

The knight had just slammed its axe that was on its left hand onto the one that lay on the ground, splitting it in half.

"Y-You piece of shit! I struggled for that, stupid asshat!"

Dionysus looked to his right, where the knight still stood proudly. It was almost as if it was mocking him, looking down on him, and so on.

'Wait, no, it's still good.'

Dionysus analyzed the axe quickly. He realized that it had been split at the throat of the axe.

He understood what he had to do.

"Your armor isn't perfect . . ."

Dionysus knew that even if it understood what he meant, there was no way it would ever hear him from where he was.

He picked up the throat of the axe and got into a stance at which he would throw it. At the same time, the knight began winding up a blow with the axe it still had in its left hand.

'It's too late to recover from what's coming, dipshit.'

Dionysus readied his left hand, which was holding the throat of the axe. Finally, he also began to move. In an instant, the throat of the axe that Dionysus was holding shot up towards the knight's helmet.

To be more specific, it was going straight towards the opening at the neck. However, it wasn't aiming to pierce the neck. No, Dionysus had a different plan in mind.


It was to knock off the knight's helmet, and the plan did work. The throat of the axe took the helmet right off the head of the knight and then pinned it to the wall behind the knight. Finally, its face was exposed.

'What a disgusting fuck.'

It had a dreadful face. If there was anything that Dionysus could compare it to, it would be a zombie. The rotten flesh and so on really did give it a hideous look.


Dionysus took off with a frantic dash at the knight, which was standing still. Dionysus concluded that, as a zombie-like being, it was too stupid to understand just what was going on.

Once he reached the foot of the knight, one would think that Dionysus' would have to start climbing up with his hands. However, with the speed and force he had pushing him forward, he quite literally ran up the knight's body.

'I can feel it, the negativity in the area has strengthened!'

It was the only reason he could accomplish such a feat.

Eventually, Dionysus reached the exposed head of the creature before him. He stood on top of its nose, which was thankfully large enough. Dionysus noted that both its eyes were close to its nose, both of them within reach of his arms.

"You know, there's only one thing to do in a situation like this . . ."



Dionysus punched it in both eyes, and then took a grip from within.

"And that's to make you regret messing with me, asshole!"

Dionysus gave both the eyes a great tug, which resulted in both of them getting ripped out from the sockets. Dionysus then proceeded to drop them onto the ground below.

"If that's not enough, I've got more you big-bellied bi-!"

Before he could even conclude the sentence, the giant dropped onto its knees. A humongous rumble was sent throughout the whole room, and then, right after that, its head also began to fall towards the ground.


Dionysus quickly got off the giant so as to not get crushed beneath it. Eventually, the head also hit the ground, and the giant stopped moving. Dionysus walked up to it and kicked it once and then twice, yet it still didn't even flinch.

'Huh, I guess it's dead.'

Dionysus was a bit disappointed with the results, but he cheered himself up with the fact that there were more trials after this to play with his opponents. He backed up and then began to look around the room.

"What a mess this became . . ."

Dionysus looked around the room. It looked as if an earthquake had decided to come to this specific location and mess it up terribly. However, none of it was of Dionysus' concern, who was currently sitting on the ground and breathing with some difficulty.

--- SEQUENCE 2 ---

'. . . Why?'

Asclepius looked at Dionysus through the one-way glass. He analyzed Dionysus for his emotions, which were all the same. No matter how much he looked at him, nothing was different from when he entered the dungeon.

'The whole purpose of my dungeon is to make anyone a wiser person. It removes all the bad parts of a person to make them into a being that can easily adapt to any situation and take control, yet . . .'

Asclepius' ability was to gauge a person's emotions. He could look at a person and tell what emotions they usually consisted of. When he first looked at Dionysus, an overwhelming majority were absolutely terrible traits.

'The Chained King said he gave birth to the being who would become the absolute worst in history, but then came to me one day and asked me to make the being that he spoke of wiser.'

The only issue with what he was looking at was that Dionysus' arrogance remained. None of it had disappeared, and it had actually become even deeper than it was before he entered.

'Is it because my dungeon is flawed? No, that can't be. Everyone who has entered has come out a changed person. It's specifically Dionysus.'

Asclepius rubbed the bottom of his beard with one of his hands while looking at Dionysus through the glass.

"How interesting."