Move on

Yo, kinda abrupt, but the Dionysus arc has finally come to a finish. While he was the main character, he was probably one of the better people I knew in my story. Character development turned out kinda trash in my opinion, but I still enjoy what he became. I disliked how he developed rather than what he developed into.

Can anyone take a guess at who will be the next main character? I bet only a few people will be able to guess who it'll be, if anyone at all. This novel is so unpopular that it is kinda sad.

This specific segment of the novel is coming to an end, and the story will continue in a whole 'nother novel dedicated to the new main character. Don't worry though, it's not as if Dionysus is just getting dropped, he's just being demoted to side character.

Who knows, he might even return as the main character one day. It just ain't in the next novel.


Bro, this novel isn't doing bad, but it isn't exactly what you call good. I put my goal at 50k, but maybe that was too high? I don't know, maybe the audience on this site isn't the best for it. Maybe it'd be better appreciated someplace else, who knows.

For the people who have actually read this novel all the way to the end, which is, out of the 22,000 people who have even clicked on it, I'd expect to not even be 2000, and at max, 1000 people, thank you. Excuse my greed, this is just my shameful wish for my novel to strike gold. I'm still a beginner writer, please continue putting up with me.

Honestly, when the new novel comes out, I wonder just how much of the fans of this novel will move on. Was it good enough to warrant even one person thinking its worth reading the next one, or maybe its so bad that I'll lose hope and stop writing? I'm only human, I can't reach the expectations that I set for myself in such a little amount of time.

I intend to make it so that, no matter which one you read first, it won't be unreadable. Of course, it is preferable if someone were to read this novel first and then go onto the next one, but if some newbie to the series decided to just drop into the second one, I intend to write it in a way that would make it seem as if this entire novel was optional, so that they won't feel like they're missing out on too much.