Chapter 3

"Now that is a sight I haven't seen in a long time, dear brother. The last time that happened, you were going through your rebellious teens." Megan, Blake's sister spoke as he stepped into the building, "Or are you trying to recapture your youth, now that you are almost reaching forty." Watching as her brother walked towards her, carrying a clearly disgruntled dog in his arms.

Blake knew it was a bad idea to pitch up at Megan's workplace in a cop car, but he didn't have any other choice, it was the only way to safely bring Rex. Sure he could have gotten a taxi to drive him over, but Rex was having none of that, forcing Blake to put him into the back of a squad car, where he couldn't get to anyone.

And Rex's reaction to that was priceless, by howling the whole journey, almost deafening him and the officer. Taking a bite out of the car seat and marking the back of the squad car. Mind you...the officer didn't think it was funny at the time and only relented after Blake had apologized profusely and offered to pay for the damages caused by Rex.

"So...I'm curious to know, why did you pitch up in a police vehicle and why are you carrying a grumpy Rex." Megan asked, "Though the latter part, I can understand, Rex never liked his trips to my practice..."

Blake huffed out breathlessly, after taking a happy Rex out of the vehicle, it took a moment for Rex too realize where they were. Where the stupid mutt had sat down and steadfastly refused to budge, forcing Blake to pick him up, "I need you to check him out...Sis."

Even though his dog seemed to be alert and acting like a petulant child, Blake still worried that his dog might have gotten hurt in the accident and that there might be unseen injuries. Therefore he was here at his sister's veterinary practice, rather than going home directly, needing his sister to do a full check-up.

Concerned, Megan went into doctor mode, "Take him to Room A...can you tell me what happened?" She asked, as she followed her brother towards the room, watching as he attempted to place a grumpy Rex on the table.

"We were in a slight accident..." Blake responded.

"You what...?" Megan exclaimed, shocked, "Are you alright...What happened?"

"Relax Sis! It was only a fender-bender." Blake calmly stated, "I'm fine...just a bruised ego." He mumbled out that last part, hoping his sister didn't catch on, "I just need to make sure that Rex is fine, I had a seatbelt, he didn't..."

"You are going to explain in detail on that comment, after I have checked Rex out..." Megan spoke, giving her brother a no-nonsense look, satisfied when he only nodded, moving forward and doing her job, while Blake stood quietly nearby watching.

Removing her gloves, Megan was satisfied that Rex had no underlying injuries after a full check, patting the dog's head, giving him a treat, "Good boy..." Turning towards her brother, "He is fine...why don't you help him down and take him out back, while I clean up and then you and I are going to talk."

Blake knew there was no way of getting out of his predicament, his sister was like a dog with a bone, she won't let go. Taking Rex to the backyard, "If it wasn't for you...I would be safely at home and nobody would be the wiser on what happened today..." He mumbled out, glaring at his dog, who happily pranced away , ignoring his master.

Taking a deep breath, preparing himself mentally too face the firing squad inside, taking a moment or two to he was going to explain what had happened that day.

"Stop procrastinating..." His sister shouted out, "Get in here and start talking."

"Coming..." He replied back, giving Rex a last glare, before following in his sister's wake grudgingly.