Chapter 2: A Normal Day in My Boring Life, Or So I Thought

After I got back, I had to rush around the house with my stomach grumbling in an angry protest asking for food. I got ready for school in this rush while making the family breakfast and being yelled at. Once I was finished getting ready, I was pushed out of the home with my foster brothers who were just as kind as their parents.

We walked as they pushed me from side to side chuckling every time I tripped over a curb, one time I almost added another bruise to my face but one of them caught me so they could inflect the punishment onto my already hurting stomach. They were the kind of brothers who were popular but for all of the wrong reasons. They were bullies to not just me but the entire school, every teacher knew them because they were late to every class that they had and flunked just as much as they bullied. They would bully everyone in the school, even the quarterback learned to fear them; these guys almost stole his girlfriend if it wasn't for me, even if it did get me a few more bruises.

I was sort of the guardian angel of the school every time I came to help the kids who were bullied or stop them from getting hurt. Abuse is something I wouldn't wish on anyone, including these two. I'm pretty sure they have their reasons for abusing and bullying but the one time I asked I was punched in the face so hard it almost broke my nose. Their pushing stopped once we started hearing the footsteps running towards us.

"What do you think you're doing to her," the voice of Renée asked as I saw her run up to us with two other men running behind her

"It's none of your business," the oldest, Michael, spat as he slapped me across the face. "This is her punishment for using all of the milk without telling us," he added just as George kicked me in the stomach.

I yelped in pain, falling to the ground as the kicking progressed, I almost blacked out but what Renée said kept me in the present.

"No one should be punished like that," she began, "now go away and stop bothering her."

The brothers just kept on kicking me, ignoring Renée completely; that is until the sound of footsteps came and yanked them off of me. With some disgruntled works and empty threats, the brothers left and so did the abuse.

"Hey," a voice began as I learned how to breathe again, still curled up in my little ball. "Could you please sit up, we're here to help, we won't hurt you," the voice that I now recognize as Renée's said. Slowly, yet painfully, I uncurled myself from the ball as my breathing slowed down. "Were those your real brothers," she asked me once my breathing slowed

"No," I answered in a croak since they kicked me so many times that I could barely speak. I just sat there watching Renée look over the bruises that I had especially since my jeans rolled up on my legs

"So those were your foster brothers," she asked poking one of my bruises

"Yes," I answered wincing at the pain that came with it, "why did you help me," I asked just as footsteps approached us

"I heard from some people that those boys were bullies and it looked like they found a new target. One thing's for sure you aren't going to be at that school today," a familiar voice said coming with the steps. "Lin Manuel Miranda, at your service," he said once I looked up. I chuckled at the mock bow that he did

"I may not do that fancy of an introduction but," another familiar voice began, "Daveed Diggs, it's a pleasure to meet you, miss."

"How are you guys going to excuse me from school, none of you are my guardians," I asked once I got the strength to speak, as they all smiled

"We can call you in sick," Renée began, "even if I have to go over there and sing for them you will not be going to that school."

"Come on guys," Lin began, "I'm pretty sure this girl has been on the floor longer than she wants to be," he finished as I smiled a little and Renée nodded

Soon I found myself on the back of Lin, mentally freaking out

Here I was with the three main leads of Hamilton, I would be physically freaking out if it wasn't for the pain in my body. My freaking out didn't stop because soon I found myself in Richard Rogers theater as Lin carried me to an empty dressing room.

The room had bean bags, a bed, and a TV; this room seemed more like a bedroom than anything, "Some people rather sleep in a bed rather than sleep on the couch in their dressing rooms," Lin explained quickly as he set me on the bed. "Are you good," he asked me and I nodded, "all right, Renée will probably be here with some of the girls to check out any more bruising but I want to tell you this; we don't intend to hurt you, if someone hurts you mentally or physically you can talk to me and if it's someone outside of here you are welcome. Now, can I put my number in your phone for emergencies," he asked

I shook my head, "It doesn't have service," I began, "the first family that I had here turned off the service once I was put in their house."

Lin pouted, then smiled, "Well I guess that I'm going to need to change that," he said triumphantly before leaving the room he added. "Get comfortable, the girls will be here shortly," then the door closed behind him

I sighed as I threw myself on the bed. This day just keeps better and better, I painfully readjusted so I could look at the room better. It had a bathroom and a kitchen along with a dresser for clothes that had a mirror on top. Never thought I'd be in a bedroom that's in a theater

Just then a knock sounded and the door opened, "Hey, Rose right," Renée asked, stepping in a little. "Can I come in with a few other girls," she asked once I nodded

"Yeah," I answered remembering what Lin said minutes ago

Soon enough, girls filed through the room and took seats on the bean bags, the floor, and the edge of the bed. Once the door closed behind the last girl Renée asked a question, "Could you please take off your shirt, we would like to see if you have any serious injuries?"

Hesitantly, I nodded and began taking it off, it hurt to move but once I had my shirt off the room filled with gasps. There were bruises all over my torso and some underneath my bra

One of the girls one the bed leaned over, she looked a little like Renée but a little younger, "How long has this been happening," she asked. "My name is Jasmine by the way," she added as I scooted closer to the soft pillows

I looked over at Renée, "No one is here to hurt you, do you want your space," she asked and I nodded as Jasmine leaned back

"I'm sorry," she said sheepishly

"It's fine," I began, "This has been happening for about two years with one house doing things that I don't want to go into detail with. This is the second family to physically abuse me," I answered as they all nodded

Every girl in the room came up to take a look at the bruises littering my body, each of them had their questions. I didn't remember many of the questions; that is until the last lady came up looking kind and was a little thin as silky black hair lay softly on her back

"Hello," she began, "my name is Phillipa Soo, is there any way that we can help you," she finished as I sat up from the pillows and crossed my legs. I looked around the room at the women who had looked at me before with almost pleading looks on their faces.

"I mean," I began scratching the back of my head, "unless you can be sure that I don't end up in another abusive foster home. In order to do that someone here would have to foster me or adopt me," I finished stopping my sarcastic rambling

I mentally cursed as all of the girls looked at each other and started talking amongst themselves

Renée turned to me and sighed as they all agreed on something, "We'll have to talk about it," she began. "But you are staying here until you are out of that house."

"You don't have to do that," I began shaking my head, "I've been through worse, I deserve this."

"No one deserves this," Jasmine said as everyone in the room either nodded or sounded their agreement

Renée looked back at me, I could see the sadness in her eyes, "How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen, I turn seventeen at the end of the year," I answered as the whole room gasped

"You had your first physically abusive home at fifteen," Phillipa asked in both shock and disbelief

I nodded and soon enough every woman in that room was giving me a hug which made me a little uncomfortable, not only because of the boundaries I had set up but because of the fact that I still had my shirt off.

There was silence after the hug until Phillipa broke it by saying, "You'll be safe with us, okay Rose?"

I nodded but then a thought struck me, "Has anyone called my school to say that I won't be there," I asked as Renée cursed

"Sorry I haven't gotten to it dear, I forgot," she began, "what school do you go to?"

"Manhattan Bridges High," I replied as Phillips laughed in my ear

"Classic Renée," she began, "she always forgets these kinds of things," she finished as Renée glared at her causing her to laugh even more.

"Well, I've never heard of a responsible teenager before so give me a break Pippa," Renée shot back. "Let's give Rose some space and some time to think about all of this and also some time to get her shirt on."

Once she said this every girl in the room nodded in agreement as I shrugged my shirt back on, "Thank you all," I said as Renée smiled

"There's food in the cupboards, get yourself some food while we're gone," she said to me before leaving.

After she closed the door, I rushed to the kitchen to get the biggest breakfast that I've had in a long time. While cooking, I glimpsed at my phone that had no service, if only I could tell my friends what's going on. Once I finished cooking, I started eating while doing a little happy dance

I just couldn't believe all of the luck that I had today, this seems like a dream but I don't ever want it to end.