Chapter 23: Family Matters

"What the hell are you talking about Rose," Sammy asked as I put my head in my hands. I looked at the time and realized that it was midnight

"I don't know how to describe it," I began as I played with one of the bracelets that her father made. "It was one of those flashback dream things, it was about my first foster home here."

"The third one," she said as I nodded, "you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," she added as she put her hand on my shoulder. I was at the theater since she hasn't been a fan of sleeping in an empty building that's usually open to the public

"I'd rather get this off my chest now rather than have it boil up inside of me," I said with a sigh as Annabeth soothed me inside my head. I explained everything to her from the rape right down to when I woke up. I had told her anything about who her real parents were because I hadn't talked to the whole cast about it considering I didn't know who was going to adopt her. I had only told Renée who nodded as if she was picturing it.

"What are you waiting for," Sammy began after digesting everything I told her, "call Lin and tell him."

She had sat up, reached over me to grab my phone and hand it to me, I chuckled, "At midnight," I said with the chuckle. "I think not, let's get back to sleep, I'll talk to him and Daveed about it tomorrow. Besides, I need to talk to them about a few things anyways," I finished as Sammy sighed

"You're willing to tell me about your experiences in your third foster home but you're not able to talk to me about the new jewelry that you got. It is a little similar to the necklace my father gave me," she muttered indicating the pens, ring, and bracelets.

"I told you already," I began, "Renée wanted to spoil me," I finished as she sighed and turned on her side

"Yeah right," she said as I sighed

"Get some more sleep, I gotta get some fresh air," I said sliding out of the bed, "there are some things I'd rather not fall asleep to."

Sammy muttered an okay as I stepped out of the room and headed for the roof with my coat on. As soon as I stepped outside, I breathed in the cold February air, today's supposed to be Valentine's day so I figured there was going to be some sort of surprise for Sammy and I but nothing beats getting some fresh air. Suddenly I felt someone behind me as I almost drifted off into my thoughts. I flicked my wrist and held the dagger underneath the sleeve of my coat. The creak of metal had me get rid of it as I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding

"Is everything all right Zoë," Leo asked behind me

I nodded, "I just had a flashback dream," I said as I spun around to see my father with him. "Hey Dad," I said with a smile, "what brings you two here?"

"Well," Percy began, "we were asked to check around the theater when you and Sammy are staying the night. None of you are usually up at this time," he said with a shrug

"Nothing suspicious in the theater," I said then glanced back at Leo, "what's wrong Valdez?"

"You haven't told her yet have you," he asked as I shook my head, "why?"

I sighed, "Renée asked me not to, she wanted me to wait until I talked with the demigods in the cast to see who'd adopt her. After that, I can tell her," I answered as he nodded

"I can't wait to see her," he said, "I keep watching the two dots waiting for them to be with me."

I arched an eyebrow, "Two dots," I asked turning to him

"Yeah," he began, "I put a tracker in your jewelry, my son's isn't working anymore but I only have trackers for you and Sammy."

"What," Annabeth yelled through me at the same time Percy yelled that

Leo stepped back stunned, "You're okay with me putting a tracker on my children but not on Zoë?"

"Well yeah," Percy said as Annabeth stormed up to Leo

"Why," Leo asked as he backed closer to Festus

"If Zoë can defeat two of the top fighters at camp why would she need a tracker," Annabeth asked him with a glare. Sorry about that, anger took over, she said to me

Oh, you're fine, I would've done the same thing, I replied which made her chuckled

"What if she disappears again," Leo suggested, "we don't know who's doing this what if they take her away again?"

Percy and Annabeth looked at each other, "He's got a point," he said as she nodded

"Yeah," she agreed, "next time you bring that up with us Valdez," she said then put me in control

"You got it," he said shaking, "would your reaction be the same Zoë?"

"Yep," I said popping the p, "what's going on at camp?"

"Both Clarisse and Will disappeared yesterday," Percy began as we took seats at the make-shift table that I once sat at with Cass and Sammy. "Nico, Leo, and I have been all over the world looking for the missing demigods. I found Annabeth's body but once we reported it to Chiron our head medical specialist disappeared the next day."

I thought for a minute but my thinking was interrupted by a sound at the door, I looked up to see it close. "Schist," I said, "you two stay here, apparently your daughter didn't go back to sleep like I asked her to."

"We'll be here," Percy said as Leo nodded, I smiled before I opened the door and rushed down the stairs

I found Sammy at the edge of the stage, crying, "Hey," I began gently, she jumped up and backed up towards stage left.

"Don't come near me," she said as I looked at her fear-stricken face

"Okay," I began and stopped, "just let me explain," I said as I sat down and crossed my legs. Soon she did the same as I took off the bracelets, the rings and brought out the pens. "You were right," I began, "I was lying to you about these, but it wasn't to hurt you or anyone in the cast. Many of the cast know about these and what my name is," I sighed. "The thing is that I was waiting to know who'd adopt you and to figure out how to tell you," I broke off and looked at her

"Tell me what," she asked, "what's your name?"

I smiled, "My real name is Zoë Nightshade Jackson," I began, "the people on that roof are my father and your father. Please hear me out on this before you deny it," I said as she opened her mouth. "That necklace," I began pointing at the leather string, "is from your father; he put it on you when you were a baby and it's been with you ever since. Since you saw those two and that metal dragon there may be a voice in your head, that is Calypso your mother."

"How do you know that and how do I know that you're not lying and going to kill us," she asked me as my heart broke

"Two reasons," I began as I grabbed a pen, "the first is that my mother is in my head as well. I'll show you that once I show you the second reason," I paused as I uncapped the pens. "Would your killer," I began as I put the bracelets back on rotating both wrists and placing the resulting daggers on the floor next to the swords. "Place each of their weapons in front of them for you to inspect," I finished as I spun the ring around my finger to bring up the bow

"But you lied to me about this," she said as she took the dagger and examined it

"Renée wanted me to talk to the cast of demigods before I talked to you about this," I explained as she arched an eyebrow. "Half-human, half god children," I answered her unasked question as she nodded. "I wouldn't be able to kill the whole cast anyway because these are all made out of a metal that won't hurt mortals."

She nodded as she put down the sword and then looked at the bow and jumped when the swords and daggers disappeared. She looked at me as I lifted my wrists and brought the pens back out, "Your mother," she asked, "you said you have proof?"

I nodded, "Please do not jump with what is going to happen," I said as she nodded

Are you ready?

Yes, I am, Annabeth answered as I let her take control of my body, "Hello Samantha," she began as Sammy's eyes widened. "My name is Annabeth, I am Zoë's mother, I thank you for being so helpful and caring around her. She has been through a lot but you have been by her side for all of it and I thank you. You may be thinking if all of this is true then I will tell you that it is. Someone or something took you and all of the legacies along with one of their parents. Calypso can do the same thing like this but Zoë and I have cleared that this control is a permission only thing," Annabeth finished as Sammy relaxed. "I promise that Zoë has not and will not ever change from Rose, I will make sure of it."

Sammy nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you Annabeth," she said then her eyes changed to a dark brown

"Hello Calypso," Annabeth said, "I see that you've figured this out?"

She nodded, "This is weird," she said as Annabeth had me smile, "She's still in my head?"

Annabeth nodded, "Yes, they can hear whatever we say and see whatever we do," she explained. "I do have to remember that myself sometimes and I think Perce has to as well. He says that when I have the control that I look more like I'm in my own body rather than being in Zoë's, now I see why because you do look like yourself," she finished as Calypso chuckled

"Thanks, Annabeth," she said with a smile, "I woke up a while ago just as she was thinking about her feelings of a crush who happens to be a girl."

"Let's not discuss this with them sitting in the back of their head," Annabeth began, "Zoë has been thinking about her crush as well but I mostly woke up when she ran into Percy at the Labyrinth while he was looking for me. The fool dropped Riptide and she found it before it appeared in his pocket."

Calypso chuckled as I grumbled about the two talking mothers, "You most certainly gave him the right nickname," she said. "Why don't we give our children control back before we say too much, Sammy's currently yelling up a storm."

Annabeth nodded, "Good idea, Zoë is getting antsy herself, talk to you later Cal," she said before I was back

"Well hello to you to mom," Sammy muttered as I saw a faint blush appear

"Do you trust me now," I asked as she looked up, "I mean I do have a promise to keep with you, Sams."

"Yes, but no more secrets," she asked as I nodded shaking the hand that she stretched out

"Other than crushes no more secrets," I said with a smile as she nodded, "now let's go up to the roof, our fathers are still up there. Do you want to meet yours," I asked

"Saying that I already met my mother it seems fair, he did put a tracker on me anyway so I do have to give him a piece of my mind about that," she said as I chuckled

"That you do," I said as we made our way to the roof, "why were you crying?"


"When I found you on the stage, you were crying why," I asked her as I looked at her

"Well," she began and thought for a minute, "I thought you were going to leave and break your promise."

I sighed then looked at her again, "Nine times out of ten I don't break promises and even then, I feel terrible about breaking them and that nine doesn't usually come."

She blushed a little as we neared the door, "I will keep that in mind from now on," she said as I opened the door

Percy and Leo were now clinging to Festus to keep warm, "Oh come on you two since you're both so dramatic. Leo, you could warm yourself up so don't give me that look and you both know that they wouldn't mind you two coming in to keep warm."

Sammy giggled as the two fathers approached the door as Festus shrunk into a suitcase. Leo carried him along, "You do know that there are a lot of stairs here right Valdez," Percy as Leo rolled his eyes and put suitcase Festus next to a crate I sat on a while ago

Soon we were in the break room when a sound came from one of Leo's tool belt pockets. "What the," he said as he dug inside and grabbed a device out one of its many pockets

"Does she know," Percy asked me and I nodded

"She's also been properly introduced to Cal and introduced to her mother taking control of her body," I answered as he chuckled. "Sammy," I said as she looked at me, "meet Leo Valdez, your father."

She stared at me for a minute before looking back at her father who was tinkering with the device, oblivious to what I just said. She stepped towards Leo while taking off her necklace, the beeping increased as she got closer to him with the necklace in hand. Once she stood in front of him, she looked at the device then put the gem of the necklace on it silencing the beeping.

"Hi dad," she said once Leo looked up at her

"Did I look that ridiculous when I realized that you were my daughter," Percy asked

I snorted, "What after you tried to murder me for saying that Annabeth was in my head or during that?"

"After," Percy answered as Leo cheered throwing the device in our direction

I caught it as I answered him, "Considering you were trying to make up from almost killing me I'd say yes."

"Hey," he said as I shrugged

"Even Annabeth agrees," I said as he huffed

"No, she doesn't," he grumbled

Help me out with this one, will you?

"Yes, I do," she said which made Percy storm off

I approached the two embracing family members, "Next time Valdez," I began, and both of them looked at me. "Please don't throw your devices in the air out of excitement," I said, setting the tracking device on the table behind Leo. "I will leave you to your reunion but remember Sammy and I have school tomorrow so we need our sleep and I need to talk to Lin and Daveed as well."

Leo nodded, "Thank you Zoë," he said as I walked away holding up the peace sign

I found my father on the stage fighting the air, "I don't think the air is a worthy opponent father," I said as I walked up to meet him

"I usually have someone to practice with here but not at this time," he muttered

"I mean you do have someone to practice with if you want to go one on one again," I said as he smiled

"One weapon this time, I won't have my shield, then you go back to bed," he said as I chuckled. "You both need your sleep for school," he said as I nodded grabbing one of the pens and uncapping it

"You got it, Dad," I said, "oh, and by the way," I began, "you have a granddaughter," I added as his eyes widened. "And I think Hades will have a few rapists to play within the Underworld once they die," I added as his vision darkened

"Is this why you have to talk to Lin and Daveed isn't it," he asked and I nodded as I charged him. "Well I got the information from Poseidon about your siblings," he said as our blades clashed

"Who are they," I asked as we traded another blow

"Cassidy Simmons and Maria Rachels," Percy began and grunted as my sword met his. "They are your sisters while the person who was your brother had already died," he said as he went to strike

I rolled from his strike and landed behind him, I twisted his arm behind his back and placed the tip of my blade where his Achilles spot used to be. "What was his name," I asked, "and do you yield?"

"Yes, I yield," he said with a groan, "his name was Richard Ashley, and how did you know where my Achilles spot was?"

I sighed, "First of all, I know Cassidy and Maria," I began, "and I knew Richard I was in the crash that killed him. I knew where your Achilles spot was because there are these books that describe your adventures and they described it very well."

Percy smiled, "Okay, I will not push about Richard or those books but how do you know Cassidy and Maria?"

I started to explain everything to him about our friendship, I finished with the car crash and living with Maria for a while. "I didn't have the easiest life leading up to when I met Renée but I saw Cass and Maria for the first time since I left Toledo when they surprised me with the choir at the new school."

Percy nodded, "So you two are already close to being sisters," he asked and I nodded. "That's good to know," he said hugging me, "go get some sleep before your Hamilton family comes back, we'll make sure to lock this place uptight."

I nodded as I panted, "Okay," I said, "thanks dad," I said, "I'll tell everyone that Sammy knows and see whether or not he changed her name."

Percy nodded before hugging me, "I'll see you later," he began, "just stay safe and have a Happy Valentine's day."

I smiled while hugging him back, "I will be sure to stay safe with a Valdez," I began, "I will see what Renée thinks of the two of us paying you two a visit over the weekend."

Once I finished, he nodded with a smile, "I will look forward to it," he began then looked at me. "You have your mother's athletic figure," he said as I looked down and blushed. "Why are you blushing," he asked

"You're my father," I exclaimed, "I completely spaced when I was getting ready to spar with you that I forgot I was in this."

I had my usual sports bra and leggings on with my hair up in a hasty high ponytail, "It's okay," Percy began. "Many of the female campers train in that only so you're fine it's not like you're wearing a thin bra or lingerie or else I'd be having a talk with you."

I chuckled, "You don't need to worry about that dad, I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon," I said as he nodded

"Good, now get some sleep," he said as I nodded hugging him once time before heading upstairs to the shared room that Sammy and I have

"Thank you," Sammy exclaimed once I closed the door

"What," I asked right as she attacked me with a hug

"Thank you for introducing me to my real father," she said as I smirked, "he explained that someone from Hamilton will adopt me so I can still go to school with you."

I smiled as I returned the hug, "That's great," I began, "does your name change between camp and mortal life as mine does?"

Sammy shook her head, "No," she began, "he says that he likes that name that I was given; says something about it being in respect to his great-grandfather and Hazel's friend."

I smiled, "Okay so at camp you're Samantha Valdez and I'm Zoë Jackson while here and at school, you're Samantha Edwards and I'm Rose Stevens-Goldsberry."

Sammy nodded with a smile stretching from ear to ear, "Exactly," she said hugging me once more. "Let's get some sleep so you can talk to Lin and Daveed," she added throwing herself onto the bed

"I will second that," I said as I felt the adrenaline from the spar wears off, "see you in the morning."

"You'd better wake me up to talk to those two Jackson," Sammy murmured, "I would like to see what would happen to this girl."

"I'll be sure to wake you up Valdez," I said as I got under the covers

Once I layed down, Sammy clung to my side, "Thank you for telling me the truth instead of trying to hide that from me," she said. "Also, you're warm," she added as I kept myself from shivering from her cold fingers

"Glad to be your radiator Valdez," I said through gritted teeth, "and after you saw that there would be no point in lying to you about that."

Sammy nodded as one of her hand moved to rest on the covers, "Thank you once again, Rosy," she said as he breathing slowed

"Anytime, Sams," I said as I felt my eyes get heavy, soon sleep took over. The sleep didn't last long as I heard a door open, a click of a camera, and then a door closing. I turned my head to see Sammy still sleeping on my side right before I drifted off to sleep that was once again short-lived but this time it was with my phone going off. "Hello," I said as I picked it up

"Hey Rose," Lin said from the other end, "it's time to get up for school, please open the boxes put on your respective sides of the bed to see your outfit.��

I smiled, "Thanks Lin," I began, "we'll see you when we get downstairs by the way," I paused remembering what happened. "I need to talk to you about something that Sammy has requested to listen in on."

"Okay, well I'm looking forward to it," he said, "see you two when you're ready."

I smiled, "See ya," I said before hanging up, "hey Sams," I began softly, "It's time to wake up, we got presents," I finished as she started stirring

"Presents," she muttered into my side as I felt my cheeks warm-up

"Yes," I said as I looked around the room, there were two pink-wrapped boxes on either side of the bed. "We do have school too," I added as she groaned, "my sentiments exactly."

Soon enough she was up and looking in her box as I looked in mine that had a note on top of it that read,

You are beautiful

Keep that in mind

Open this box to see what's inside

I figured that Sammy and I both had the same notes on our boxes considering both of us chuckled at the same time Annabeth groaned saying she hates cheesy Valentine's Day rhymes

After reminding her that she had to endure Valentine's Day at school with me she kept silent as I opened the box. Inside was a light pink dress that had a bow around the waist paired with light pink character shoes and a pink clutch.

"We are too spoiled for this family," Sammy chuckled as she got out of bed

I laughed, "You got that right," I said as I set the box on my bedside table before getting out of the bed myself. We got ready for the day; she used the shower in Renée's dressing room like the first time she spent the night here while I used the one in the room. Once out of the shower I put on the dress before doing a little makeup and curling my hair. Once I was done in the bathroom, I walked out to see Sammy in a similar dress but it was red instead of the light pink that mine did. She had the same plan that I did with hair and makeup as I looked at her while she fastened the strap on the character shoes. Only then did I notice she was cursing it out. "Let me help," I said after putting mine on

"Thanks," she said as I knelt to fasten the shoes. The blue had washed out of her hair pretty quickly so it was back to being blonde and tickled my shoulders as she watched me fasten the shoes.

"There you go," I said as I stood up, "let's go downstairs, I'm pretty sure Lin is getting restless trying to figure out what I want to talk to him about."

Sammy nodded, "Are you going to talk to him about both the child and the fact that I know now or just the child."

"I'm going to mention what happened last night and ask him to get any demigods in the cast together so we can talk about it but it's mostly going to be about the child," I answered as I put my phone in the clutch before grabbing my bag. "Let's get going," I said as I opened the door and began heading to the stage door

"Good morning you two," Lin said with a smile

Sammy smiled back, "Good morning, Lin," she said as I nodded sharing the smile

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about with Sammy present," he said as we walked over to the town car

"Two things dear uncle," I began as he looked at me in shock, "one of them is that and another is a certain little one that you found in the alley."

"Okay, get in the car," he said and we did as we were told, "what do you need for the demigod side Zoë and how do you know about the little girl."

I sighed, "Well let's start with the little girl," I began, "I had one of those flashback dreams about being raped three times with my third family. I gave birth to a baby girl who I then ran with because I had either the option to leave her there or have an abortion and I wasn't doing either. I left her in the alley where you found her, I kicked over the can that you heard fall over."

As I was explaining this, Sammy was rubbing circles on my back as I started getting choked up. "She is fine and healthy; her name is Rachel Dare Miranda and she is beautiful. You did what you had to do," Lin said from the steering wheel, "what does this have to do with the demigod side of the family?"

I sighed, "Percy and Leo paid a visit to the theater as I was getting some fresh air after explaining the dream to Sammy. Before I went up, I lied to Sammy about the bracelets, pens, and rings. Well, she followed me up to the roof and heard me talking to Leo and Percy as Leo mentioned that he also put a tracker in my jewelry. I only noticed that she was there when the sound of the door closed reached our ears. I ended up explaining everything to her and introducing her to Percy and her father Leo. I suggest that we get all of the demigods in the cast together to talk about this since Leo suggested that she still gets adopted by one of you so she can still go to school," I explained as we neared the school

"Okay that's a good thing to know," he began, "and that is a good idea so you don't have to figure out who's a demigod and who isn't," I nodded as we slowed to a stop. "Once the holiday settles down you can visit Rachel and we'll help you raise her," he said as he turned around. "Sammy will find out who's adopting her soon," he added with a wink

"Thank you," I began, "I'm going to tell Daveed about the child through text, probably in French to surprise him even more."

Lin chuckled, "Why," he asked before I told him how he helped me buy the tests. "Okay, that's going to surprise him," he said, "you two have a good day and expect a surprise when you come back."

I smiled, "Thanks Lin," I said as I got out of the car, "now where's Daveed's contact," I muttered to myself as Sammy chuckled

Soon I found it and started texting him

Me: Bonjour mon ami, j'ai quelque chose dont je dois te parler (Good morning my friend, I have something I need to talk to you about)

Daveed: Bonjour, Deux choses, la première étant comment savez-vous Autant de français? Et c'est quoi? (Good morning, two things, the first being how do you know this much French? And what is it?)

Me: J'en ai appris quelques-uns de ma mère alors que la majeure partie a été apprise de mes premières classes de lycée. Ce dont j'ai besoin de vous parler, c'est de la fille de 13 ans pour laquelle vous avez aidé par des tests de grossesse. (I learned some from my mother while most of it was learned from my early high school classes. What I need to talk to you about is the thirteen-year-old girl that you helped by pregnancy tests for.)

Daveed: Et cette fille, je ne pense pas vous avoir jamais parlé d'elle. (What about this girl, I don't think I've ever told you about her.)

Me: Je suis cette fille que vous avez aidé, les tests étaient pour moi parce que mon frère adoptif m'a violée avec un sans-abri. J'ai donné naissance à une petite fille avec qui j'ai dû fuir et placer dans une ruelle où Lin l'a trouvée. (I am that girl that you helped, the tests were for me because my foster brother raped me along with a homeless man. I gave birth to a baby girl who I had to run away with and place in an alley where Lin found her.)

Daveed: Tu plaisante, n'Est-ce pas? (You're kidding, right?)

Me: Non, je tiens à vous en remercier car j'ai pu planifier mon évasion avant de lui donner naissance, alors merci beaucoup. (No, I would like to thank you for that since I was able to plan my escape before I gave birth to her so thank you very much.)

Daveed: Vous êtes les bienvenus, gamin. (You're welcome, kid.)

I smiled as I put my phone away, "How was his surprise," Sammy asked as we made our way to the auditorium

My smile widened, "Priceless," I answered as the bell rang and we started our day.