Chapter 36: The Past Catches up with Everyone


Instead of the alarm, I set the night before I woke up to Renée yelling from downstairs, "Why are several books stacked on the table?"

I smiled as I rolled onto my other side burying myself into Zoë, "I'm guessing you were the cause of that yelling is that true?"

Her chuckle was all the answer I needed but she explained anyway as I clung to her, even though I didn't have any nightmares last night I still missed her comfort. "I promised Annabeth I'd do as much reading as I could on End and him being in a different form along with controlling people's minds so I took as many books as I could carry while Neeks shadow traveled me here."

"So, there should be a scream or another yell coming from downstairs again?"

Once I finished asking that Renée yelled from downstairs once more, "As soon as you two are done being love birds Zoë better get down here."

"There's your answer," she said with a chuckle as I clung to her waist in a little ball. "You missed me haven't you?"

"Too much," I said into her chest savoring the feeling of her chuckles, "no one can match your cuddles."

She chuckled once more as I felt her hand smooth my hair, "I will keep that in mind," she said as I hugged her tighter, "I've been thinking."

"You are so much like your mother," I muttered, "what have you been thinking about?"

"If End wants to hurt us why did he return my limbs if he wanted to destroy the world why did he bring me back to life?"

As she said that I felt my heartbreak as I thought of the possibilities, "Maybe he was playing towards us not knowing who he was," I began. "Maybe he wants to build your trust so he could use you as an aid or something else. We don't know everything," I paused, "for all, we know the books may be outdated and that could be another version of Chaos."

I felt Zoë's chest rise and fall with a sigh, "I don't know," she said, "but we should keep an eye on him as much as possible because we don't know who the real trouble is."

I nodded as I continued to cling to her, "I wish I could stay here all day," I mumbled into her chest that only had a sports bra keeping my face from her breasts.

Zoë sighed once more as I felt her fingers go through my hair, "Sadly you can't," she said as I groaned once more. Before I could move to check my phone I felt her body head up and flesh against my face

"This is a little intimate," I muttered my face in between her breasts, "are you sure about this?"

Zoë chuckled once more, "Yep," she began, "even though it ruined a good sports bra it was worth the laugh especially since this isn't the first time I've been naked in a bed with you."

My eyes widened as I felt her legs entwined with mine, despite the surprise I kept my face there to hide the red cheeks as I spoke, "What the Hades are you doing?"

"A thing," she began, "to make it so you're warm and comfortable for the next few minutes."

As she was saying this I felt her body heat up once more, it was more around where I was wearing an old tattered up t-shirt and underwear. "Normal people take clothes off instead of burning them off," I said as I felt the shirt and underwear burn off

"This is also my way of saying that I have fireproof clothing for both of us," Zoë said as I worked on wrapping my legs around hers and pushing myself up on the bed so I could look into her eyes

"Is that so," I asked with a smirk on my face, "or are you setting up for us two to make out?"

Zoë grinned before shrugging, "A little of column a and a little of column b," she said as I laughed

I'll take that," I said before kissing her, she bit my lip right as I kissed her and the make-out started. It soon ended with my alarm going off, "Sadly these things must come to an end."

Zoë pouted as I parted from her to turn off my alarm, "Unfortunately," she said as I looked around the room

"Where's the fireproof clothing," I asked

"On the bean bag but I'd suggest that you don't wear everything fireproof today in case an accident happens at school," she said and I arched an eyebrow, "what?"

"Two things," I began as I slid out of the bed, "one, my whole body is fireproof and two what do you think would happen?"

Zoë shrugged as I dug in the bag and saw a dress with a bra and underwear, "I mean anything could happen and I'd rather not you step into a fire and come out with clothes unburned."

I looked at her as Calypso informed me of the flammable material, "If a fire happens at the school and I get caught in the flames I'm letting myself be burned. Cal's telling me that the flammable clothing works just like out flame immunity so chill," I finished before walking into the bathroom which was across the hall so I didn't have any embarrassing moments

As I stepped into the shower I heard Zoë go downstairs, "I'm here Renée, Annabeth allowed me to come as long as I did more research on my proposal."

I sighed as I turned on the water and started to think about what I had to do today. As I was lost in thought I didn't notice that my hair was still dry until I went to put shampoo in it. "Zoë," I yelled from the bathroom and soon I heard the door open, "I think your grandfather blessed me could you help me figure this out?"

A chuckle came from the other side of the curtain, "It's the same as letting yourself get burned," she began. "Let yourself get wet," she finished as I rolled my eyes

"Great," I said with sarcasm, "why didn't I think of that?"

Another chuckle came from Zoë, "Maybe because you're still waking up silly," she said as I felt the water wet my skin. "Need to wake up soon because I think there's a test in one of your classes," she added as I sighed once more

"All right Smart Guppy go talk to Renée," I muttered as I lathered myself in soap

"You love me, Valdez," she said before I heard the door close

"That I do Jackson," I muttered as I started rinsing myself off, "that I do."

Soon I was out of the shower getting dressed in the fireproof clothing, it was just as soft as cotton. I walked out of the bathroom, heading downstairs to eat, "About time you got here Samantha I was starting to wonder if you drowned," Renée said once I appeared in the kitchen

I chuckled, "I'm pretty sure that would be impossible with Poseidon's blessing," I said as she arched an eyebrow. "The reason I called Zoë up there is that the water wasn't getting me wet," I explained as I took a seat.

"Why is he giving more leniency to you than he did with Annabeth," Renée asked as she gave me a plate of waffles

I shrugged, "I don't know but I do know that I'm not ready for that test today."

Renée chuckled before leaning on the counter across from me, "Did you know that Zoë was going to ask her mother to come home?"

I swallowed my waffle as I looked into her eyes, "Maybe," I said with a smirk

` "Can I have a straight answer please," she said and something made me go stiff

"Yes, I did but I didn't know that she'd come," I automatically said then blinked, "did you just charm speak me to get an answer?"

Renée chuckled as she turned to the coffee maker that just finished, "Yes I did."

"I would've given you a straight answer if you asked normally," I said as I picked up my fork that I had dropped on the plate

"I wanted to show you that Piper and Drew aren't the only ones with charm speak," she said with a smirk as I stuffed another forkful of waffle in my mouth. "Why did Zoë want to come back, she told me to ask you since it wasn't her place to tell."

I sighed as I downed some orange juice, "I was having nightmares," I began, "they only happened when she wasn't sleeping with me. That's why I was out back the night she came back because I woke up from one and needed fresh air. I was going to ask Annabeth about them but that's when I realized that she wasn't there. I was telling Zoë about them because I blurted out that I was she could come home with me and sleep in the same bed as me."

At this point, Renée had turned around with her back to the coffee maker and looked at me with a face full of concern. "What kind of dreams," she asked as I looked at her, "were the like visions of the future, could you interact with them? Demigods usually have nightmares when a war's coming and sometimes those nightmares can show possible futures if the oracle isn't helping."

As I finished eating I told Renée about my nightmares just as someone walked in, "Morning Di Angelo."

"Morning Valdez," Nico said as he threw himself in a seat next to me, "Where's Zoë, I could've sworn I heard her down here."

I shrugged, "As far as I know she went downstairs after she helped me with Poseidon's blessing."

Nico looked at me in shock, "He what," he asked, "how does he have the power to do that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know," I began, "I believe she's trying to figure that out right now but when she was looking into it before she said she couldn't find anything on deities losing power over their domains."

"I'm guessing your grandfather talked to you and Leo about this," he asked and I nodded. "Please don't tell anyone at camp Renée, either of them we don't want a freak out on our hands."

Renée nodded, "I won't," she began, "from what I'm getting from this only the most powerful of demigods are being told like you, Percy, Leo, and probably Annabeth."

"That's when Athena talks to her since the goddess just found out that her daughter wasn't in my mind when she and Poseidon wanted to talk to me," Zoë's voice said

"Do you think it's the work of this primordial," Nico asked as she shrugged

"I'm not sure," she began as she took her seat next to me, "if you have control over water be careful in using it. I don't want to find out the hard way that it wasn't Poseidon who blessed you."

I nodded as Renée took my plate, "That is something you're going to work on next weekend," she began as I finished my refill of orange juice. "As of now you have to go to school," she finished with a smirk as I sagged my shoulders

"I guess we'll talk about this when you get back," Zo�� said and I nodded sliding out of my seat. "Have a good day and don't murder Brittany or James," she said hugging me before giving me a kiss

"It won't be the same without you," I said ignoring what she said about killing Brittany and James

"It's only two months, you'll be fine," she said with a smile as I grinned, "good luck on that test."

"Thanks, Zo," I said with the grin as I kissed her once more before looking at the time and hurrying out of the door and into the care that Alexis was driving. Soon enough I was in the auditorium getting ready for the dance class that Zoë and I have together. I didn't make it to see Zoë's introduction to the dance class because my biological parents took too long to leave the house so I ended up coming in right as the concert started that day.

"Hey Sammy," John said as I walked onto the stage, "how's Rose doing?"

"Will she live," Marcia asked from the house as I smiled, "okay that grin says she'll live."

"Do you guys honestly think I'd be here if she didn't," I asked, "I think I'd be busy mourning with the cast."

John chuckled, "Wouldn't blame you there, you two are like two peas in a pod," he began. "Everyone was just anticipating when you two would get together," he finished as I shot a glare at him, "what?"

"Everyone was hoping we got together," I asked and he nodded then I looked at Marcia who just walked onto the stage

"Before you ask Sam yes everyone assumed you were both bisexual," she said as I sighed throwing my bag on the ground and dug for leggings and the tank top that I grabbed before leaving

"All of you are terrible," I said as I walked to the changing room, "Hey Steph," I said to the girl walking out

"Sammy," she grumbled, she isn't exactly the morning person halfway through the year. I sighed as I slid off my dress and started putting on the leggings. As I went to put on a tank top I stopped and looked at my reflection, the scar over my heart showed between my breasts as the scar on my stomach started matching the same color of my skin. I sighed as I realized that this is the first time I would be wearing a tank top since Zoë's first PTSD attack. Remembering that I took out my phone and opened the camera turning myself so I could see the two horizontal scars on my back. They were still pretty red but not as much as they were when she first healed them.

I smiled as I took a mirror selfie putting it on Snapchat before grabbing everything and heading to the auditorium. As soon as I opened the door however I was pushed back in by a force that landed me on my butt. "What the hell," I said as I stood up to see a stick setting the door on fire. "Can't catch a break can I," I muttered as I took the stick over to the sink making sure to let the fire burn the dress that I was holding the stick with. Once I made it to the sink I put the stick in and turned the water on. As the fire went out I looked at the burning door that was burning like a bonfire. "I do not want to do this," I groaned as I opened the cabinets and looked inside. Luckily there were still costumes from Saturday's festival in there. I sighed once more as I took a red dress and wrapped it around my hand after I slid on the already burned dress. "I hate the coincidental foreshadowing that we have," I muttered as I ran through the door willing the flames to burn me. The wall of flame covered me as I ran through it, what I didn't expect was for the whole hallway to be on fire. "Where's the fire alarm," I asked myself through the pain. I then coughed as the smoke-filled my lungs. I willed the flames to part once I heard banging on the door to the auditorium. "Step back," I yelled through the roar of the flames before I kicked the metal door down. Just as the door fell off its hinges a pain in between my shoulder blades caused me to lose consciousness and fall into the students who were escaping.