{Somewhere between Berlin and the Koldz Castle. Approximately three hours before arrival at the destination. 10:32}
Humans are surrounded by nature everywhere. Sometimes people get so accustomed to the world around them that they stop noticing the most beautiful things, created by nature. The native environment helps to forget all the difficulties of the day, distracting from unpleasant thoughts. But the closest thing you can get to nature is in the countryside. For example, to visit a forest, a meadow, a village, to visit the coast of the sea, lake or river. The surrounding world is beautiful regardless of the seasons. It is always possible to find something that will please and surprise, which will cause pride that in YOUR homeland such beauty.
So if a person manages to leave the countryside, and moreover, in wonderful weather, he must at least a little, just a bit enjoy the wild nature. However, some people were not destined to enjoy the journey. And all the blame was on the voice coming from the marble coffin.
We will, however, start from the beginning. As it turned out, the woman was supposed to bring the man from the coffin to Berlin for trial. And so she came to the castle. She was angry because she had been harassed by some "pathetic bureaucrat who thought that such a worthless shit like him would be interesting to any woman". And even if she calmed down later, the first impression was not good.
Then she ordered the guys to bring the coffin outside into the truck. A reasonable question as to why it wouldn't just be teleported, the man from the coffin explained that the coffin itself blocks all magic. So even the undead could not carry it, immediately fell apart. What the guys had to endure while carrying a heavy coffin with a man in it up to 350 metres up in words. Even the woman took pity on them and started to help, but there was little use for her. And all this accompanied by the constant mocking from the man in the coffin.
Finally, they took the coffin to the car and loaded it into it, and drove to Berlin. This car was a cargo truck with an open trunk, in which they sat, so nothing blocked the beautiful view of nature. Moreover, It was under a convoy, which was slowly moving, either from bad roads or because of the desire to carefully transport and protect an important cargo. Boys and the woman were already feeling relaxed, but their torment was not over.
- Hey, Mrs. Brigadeführer, have you ever heard of crocodiles? - Asked the voice, clearly enjoying the situation.
- Yes, I have. - The woman answered with no enthusiasm.
- Have you seen them? - The voice kept asking.
- Yes, I saw them. - The woman answered with a blank look.
- It's even better. Then answer me one simple question. Do crocodiles crawl or do they walk lying down? It's just that in some species the belly touches the ground and it's hard to tell exactly how they move. Especially since I'm just a guy from the village, how would I know such details? - The voice added with sarcasm. - But you, Mrs. Brigadeführer, are definitely a very clever woman, I think the answer is clear for you.
- Haaah, I'm calm, I'm calm. I'm not mad at that fucking prick. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. - It was clear that the woman was trying to calm down as much as she could.
- Mistress Brigadeführer, it's a serious question this time. May I ask it? - The voice suddenly asked in an unexpectedly serious tone.
- Is it sure it's a serious question? - The woman asked with suspicion, looking at the coffin.
- Absolutely, I swear.
- Okay, then ask. If you swear on your honor, then the question is really serious.
- Thank you. Now, pay attention to the question. I was wondering, can mosquitoes walk? - As soon as the voice asked that question, the woman's face darkened and a bloodlust began to spread around her. - I mean, are their legs used as, well, legs or just as a kind of support?
The woman, on the other hand, was quiet.
{Ten seconds later.}
- Let go of me, you suckers, and let me open this damn coffin! I just have to beat that motherfucker in the face! - The woman was screaming while two men, short and tall hold her. Or rather they tried to hold her, they had a little success.
- Mrs. Brigadeführer, we can't! Please try to calm down, there's no way you can open the coffin! - The tall guy begged her, blocking the way to her target. - The man from the coffin, please help us calm her down!
- I'm almost completely calm! I'm gonna smash this fucker up and be completely calm! - This woman wasn't calm at all. - Even more so, this fucker swore on his honor that the question would be serious! And immediately asks about the fucking mosquitoes!
- Well, first of all, I crossed my fingers from the beginning, luckily I have enough space. And secondly, it's a really serious question. Haven't you ever wondered about that? - However, the man from the coffin only made things worse. - So, please, calm down. Your screams are being heard by the entire convoy. It also gives me a headache.
{Ten minutes of screams, threats and promises to kill later.}
- I still can't understand how you're not tired of asking such stupid questions. You're not even gonna get anything out of it. -The woman said, tiredly looking at the landscape and propping up her chin with her hands.
- Your reaction is the highest award for me. -The voice responded with the same sarcasm.
- Haah, okay, you win. I give up. Let's make a pact.
- Ooh, that's interesting.
- You're likely to be judged. If you shut up and you're acquitted later, I'll buy you any clothes you want and take you to one of Berlin's finest restaurants. Do you agree? - Asked the woman with hope in her voice.
- If you want to ask me out this badly, don't veil it so much. - The man from the coffin smiled. -Well, to be serious, there's one more thing. If they ask you in court, tell them that I'm useful and they can free me.
- Huh, okay. It's a reasonable price for peace and silence. - The woman answered and smiled for the first time in a while. The smile was supposed to be kind, but it ended up looking sadistic.
{One more hour later}
After the conclusion of the contract between the woman and the man from the coffin, there was finally silence. Everyone was able to enjoy nature and peacefully discuss some of the things they had met on the way. The woman turned out to be quite a nice person when she was not angry of course. And she was angry quite often. She didn't want to tell her life story, referring to the fact that they probably wouldn't see each other anymore, so there's no point in telling it. The conversation between the man from the coffin and his guards began with a discussion of religion, then gradually moved on to economics, then to politics, and then in a strange way on each other's abilities.
- Ability, you say... Well, what can I say, everything is in my file, so there's no point in me saying anything. - A voice from the coffin answered.
- However, we don't have a file nearby and we can't find out about it yet. So it's better to listen about these things from the original source. So don't be stubborn and tell us. - A woman objected.
- Hmm, okay, okay. - Still, the man from the coffin agreed. - Maybe we should start with something a little easier.
Hmm, well, I know how to manipulate space in certain ways. For example, I can send waves of warped space, though I can turn them into needles, swords, arrows, and so on. It doesn't really make sense, because their basic ability is to ignore the strength of things. Different forms don't change much. I must add that it doesn't extend to magical things, they can already resist them a bit.
I can also, um... how do I explain it. I can force one or another piece of space to change its properties. For example, to make the air hard, the earth imperceptible, to create a warp wall that doesn't let anything through and so on. All this is accompanied by a small curvature of space. And standard spells like a teleport, a space pocket, a tracker, and so on.
I can also use some neutral spells, but they mostly just make life easier, so it's not worth mentioning them separately.
As for close combat, I'm a master at using a battle scythe. I haven't reached the grandmaster yet.
- Wait, wait, a battle scythe? Is that a useful weapon? -Yep short man, who was silent before, asked. - In fact, it's just a peasant's tool, not a weapon.
- Well, you're right, but not really. First, the scythe should be changed, and quite a lot. Second, the scythe is quite a handy weapon if you know how to use it. At the start, beginners know only the basic techniques and are inferior to other types of weapons, but over time the scythe becomes more and more dangerous. And finally in third. It's intimidating.The scythe is quite strongly associated with death, and then how do you think a person will behave if he sees magicians with scythes attack and easily destroys everything around? Such an army would be afraid, and therefore the whole country.
- Okay, got it. If you look at it this way, then it makes sense. Do you have any other abilities? - The woman asked again.
- Haah, Just the decomposition of matter and extreme aging. But that's it. - The man from the coffin answered with a sigh. - Well, stop talking about me. Can you at least tell us about your abilities? We're all very interested.
- Okay, kid. Well, then listen to me. I have the magic of wind. It's mostly used to speed me up and also to defeat the enemy without killing him. But I often use the Wind Specialisation, electricity. By passing electricity through the enemy's body, it eventually slows down first and then paralyzes. And simple lightning spells like a spear of lightning, a ball of lightning, and so on.
Just like you have a small arsenal of neutral spells, but they only aim to protect territory or people. I'm also very good at torture. It's mostly about my job. You see, I specialize in apprehending and interrogating enemies, so I need to know this kind of stuff. As for the weapon, I am the whiplash master. But like you, I haven't gotten to the grandmaster yet. But it's only a matter of time before you do.
- And why the whip? As far as I know, it's hard enough to kill someone with this weapon. Mostly it only inflicts shallow wounds. - Surprisedly asked the tall guy.
- The main task of the whip is not to kill, but to neutralize the enemy. Although, again, it depends on the type of whip. There are quite a few. The bullwhip, the snake whip, the signal whip, the stockwhip, the cow whip, and the bullock whip. Personally, I use the snake whip. The entire length, from butt knot to popper, is flexible. This unique feature gives the snake whip its compact portability and its ability to be used in smaller spaces. This way I can control it more easily and quickly. And if I add the magic of lightning, the speed becomes even faster. You're next, shorty.
- Okay, okay. As you probably know, I'm a filth magician. This type of magic takes a long time to prepare, but the result is worth it. This magic is a kind of virus-curse. The moment it enters a living organism, it immediately begins to decompose it from within. The only way to survive is to destroy the affected area, but it's almost always too late.
Also a standard set of neutral spells aimed at protecting myself.
I prefer to stay out of close combat, but if an enemy attacks me, I use daggers. With my height, it's a pretty handy weapon. Especially if I can hurt an enemy, then a small amount of filth mana will get into his body. And then it's already clear what will happen.
- Pretty dangerous magic. If it didn't take you a lot of time to prepare, I'd be afraid to attack people like you. - The man from the coffin commented with some respect. - Only the tall guy left. Come on, tell us.
However, even though it was his turn, the tall guy didn't answer anything.
- What's with him? - The man from the coffin asked.
- He just fell asleep. I guess we were too boring. - The short guy explained it. - Should we wake him up?
- No, let him sleep. Don't wake him up.. - The woman asked calmly. - I don't think anything interesting will happen anyway. By the way, shorty, do you have any cigarettes?
In the end, the group traveled the rest of the way in silence and peace.